Could this be the bridge too far for the EU? I bloody well hope so!

What I love about this guy Paul Craig Roberts is he doesn’t hold back, he explains everything & keeps it simple. No better formula. The subject matter may not appear to be so significant but behind the scenes plenty of posturing is going on. Today Belgium said it was seizing around a billion EU in Russian assets. You got to be kidding me? Since when did Belgium make itself busy? Then I heard France was doing something similar. Only when I watched this video did I realise, in all likelihood this ties in with the seizure of Russian assets, punishment for daring to offer the Greeks an out, that is if they’re prepared to tell the EU to take a run & jump! If I was No.1 bubble it would be a no-brainer – “Rothschild. You know all that wonga we owe you? Well you’re knocked! Stick that in your pipe!” The EU would be getting what it deserves, trying to squeeze blood out of stone. There’s more to this than meets the eye though. Well worth a listen……





Very fat Cats

Very fat Cats

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