I normally shy away from titles like this. However, if I was asked which one speech would I want everyone in the world to hear, Benjamin Freedman’s speech at the Willard Hotel in Washington in 1961 wins it hands down!
Many people believe 9/11 was the major turning point. Serious as it was I feel the advent of the Internet was more crucial. If anything, the Internet made a 9/11-type event inevitable. For the first time the Zionist stranglehold over the flow of information was breached. Before, even if you were aware the media couldn’t be trusted & that media barons were in fact pathological liars, apart from testing one’s analytical prowess or using one’s imagination, there was little or no way one could ascertain the actual truth. The Internet changed all that. This is why the Zionist power-brokers are now plotting behind closed doors to wrestle back control over the flow of information. The so-called war on terror – we’re told almost on a daily basis this is the nightmare facing us. The truth is altogether a different story. Us ordinary folk face a threat alright but it’s far, far greater than anything, any terrorist could ever do –
9/11 for me though was a turning point. The fact the entire corporate media neglected to ask the most glaringly obvious questions; the fact there existed discrepancies as wide as the grand canyon in the official account; the fact the entire phoney war on terror was based on an inside job, a diabolically evil false flag act, proved to be the catalyst. I had to do something. I didn’t know exactly how to go about it. I simply felt it my duty. We’d passed a point were I felt doing nothing was tantamount to telling these gargantuan criminals that they could do what the hell they liked. For me at least, enough was enough.
So long before I joined social media I researched 9/11 & ended up writing an elaborate piece which many years later, with the help of a good friend, was used to make 9 videos. Some time after my friend stated & continued to insist social media was made for me. I shunned the idea. Eventually he opened a FB account for me & about 6 months after that I thought why not. Well, if I hadn’t, the chances are I would never have discovered this truly amazing man Benjamin H. Freedman. Here after all was a Jew who felt compelled to reveal how Zionists under the control of the Rothschild banking dynasty were not only committing treachery of the highest order but were actually perverting history itself. Media control ensured their backs were covered while everyone else, the very people the media were supposed to keep informed, was systematically fed a pack of lies.
I don’t believe I have learned more from any other video. The fact Freedman was an extremely wealthy, successful businessman & most significantly was very much involved with the major events he talks about here, notably attending the infamous ‘peace deal’ at Versailles in 1919 which quite simply was designed to ensure that WWII would take place, made his decision to turn whistle-blower even more incredible. He knew exactly what would be in store for him. He knew he was risking his life. This man is one of my heroes. There are many shorter versions but this video is the most complete though there is no need to listen much further than an hour because it merely repeats itself. I thought I’d outline some of the major points…..
3.00 – Even JFK guaranteed protection of Israel. This more than anything shows what an evil, vindictive lot Zionists are. You have to give them EVERYTHING & THEN KEEP GIVING THEM EVERYTHING…… otherwise……
7.00 – How Zionists ruled the United States even 100 years ago!
9.00 – How by 1916 the Allies had all but lost WWI & yet Germany offered a very reasonable deal to end the war. (Small wonder mankind teeters on the edge of the precipice. To this very day Zionists are able to use WWI & II as a propaganda stick, yet it is unequivocal – one family, the Rothschilds, were responsible for extending the carnage of WWI for over two years. Moreover, their ‘reward’ for getting America into the war was Palestine.)
15.00 – Even though they were vehemently opposed to joining the war & had no interest, Americans were never told the real reason they joined WWI. To this day Americans remain unaware how the Zionists railroaded them into the war in order to steal Palestine. (In short, Americans had to be well & truly conned. The Rothschild media embarked on a campaign of bombarding the papers with fake stories of Germany committing atrocious war crimes. The usual bullshit that democracy itself was under threat. They had to intervene. It was a non-stop assault for over a year. Sure enough, in 1917 America entered WWI even though in his Presidential campaign Woodrow Wilson pledged he would not do so. Almost a century later history would repeat itself with the lies of Wolfowitz, Perle & Feith – Saddam’s non-existent WMDs; his links to Al-Qaeda – a complete falsehood & the greatest whooper of all, Saddam could attack any European city within 45 minutes. Incredible as it seems, the media’s tactic of spreading fear through blatant lies has continued unabated – Libya, Syria, North Korea, Iran & Russia. Are we ever going to learn?)
17.00 – The so-called ‘Balfour Declaration’ was simply a receipt in the form of a letter – Britain’s promise to pay the Zionists, giving them Palestine, for getting the US into the war.
19.00 – Over 100 Jews attended the Versailles peace conference. Suddenly out of nowhere they produced this ‘Balfour Declaration.’ Germany now realised Zionists had conspired against them even though Jews had always been treated well in Germany. Adding insult to injury, the Ashkenazi Zionist led massacres in Russia resulted in Jews fleeing to Germany. However, it was essential the world never discovered what the Rothschild Zionists had done & that Germany had every reason to feel aggrieved.
24.00 – The undeniable truth Germans were smart. They were industrious & better when it came to organisation. Therefore, they were perceived as an economic threat & so the UK, France & Russia ganged up against them.
30.00 – The decision was made for Jews to destroy Germany through sanctions effectively declaring war. What’s crucial here is Jews made up but 1% of the population yet here they were, once again, doing the unthinkable. Obviously the Jews were being conned & coerced into doing this by the Zionist banksters.
40.00 – Needless to say the Rothschild world media went into overdrive blaming Germany for everything while tightening the screws on sanctions. In fact anyone refusing to impose sanctions on Germany was punished.
Some very significant quotes –
42.00 – Freedman explains how Jews & Zionists are poles apart. However, largely thanks to the truth being kept firmly under wraps, 90% of those who claim they’re Jews are in fact Zionists & so void of Semitic blood. These Khazars were an East European war-like tribe that believed in a phallic demon-like religion. The Khazar King realised they were so hated they had to adopt another faith.
47.00 – So you can imagine how crazy it is when suddenly we’re pushing the idea of giving these ‘chosen’ people ‘their Promised Land!’ Could there ever be a bigger lie?
49.00 – Freedman so rightly says –
50.00 – How JFK knew more than he was letting on about the Zionists.
55.00 – Freedman talks of how even back in 1945 all the major newspapers refused to publish anything involving him & how they deliberately circumvented rumours & lies in order to discredit those who merely spoke the truth. He talks of the great CONDE McGINLEY & how the Zionists were desperate to destroy his newspaper ‘Common Sense.’
Benjamin H. Freedman was one of the most intriguing and amazing individuals of the 20th century. Mr. Freedman, born in 1890, was a successful Jewish businessman of New York City who was at one time the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company. He broke with organized Jewry after the Judeo-Communist victory of 1945, and spent the remainder of his life and the great preponderance of his considerable fortune, at least 2.5 million dollars, exposing the Jewish tyranny which has enveloped the United States. Mr. Freedman knew what he was talking about because he had been an insider at the highest levels of Jewish organizations and Jewish machinations to gain power over our nation. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, and John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times. This speech was given before a patriotic audience in 1961 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., on behalf of Conde McGinley’s patriotic newspaper of that time, Common Sense. Though in some minor ways this wide-ranging and extemporaneous speech has become dated, Mr. Freedman’s essential message to us – his warning to the West – is more urgent than ever before. – K.A.S.
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Benjamin Freedman’s historic speech at the Willard Hotel Washington DC in 1961
Hi Michael great article as always, I watched a brilliant documentary on Netflix called Unacknowledged if you get chance to see it.
Thanks Linda. I’ll check that out
Thanks for that V. Excellent analysis of the ideological meltdown that”s taken place especially in the past 30 years between Labour Conservative as well as Democrat Republican. In short the vast majority are bought off. In fact the situation is so bad even though the Zionist power-brokers were caught with their pants down as a result an ungodly aberration occurred to allow Jeremy Corbyn to snatch the Labour leadership, the Zionists have the media to make life impossible for JC just as they”re doing with Trump; they have the ability to coerce threaten a leader of one of our major political parties then to put the icing on the cake, at the drop of a hat they will commit murder, just as I”m sure they did with John Smith. Sadly over 80 Labour MP”s now belong to the heinous Labour Friends of Israel. You can be certain whatever trouble is created for JC in his own party it will come from those in the LFI under the orders of Zionist banksters. Blair, Cameron May were perfect Zionist puppets who time again committed Treason so deserve the firing squad.
Thanks for that V. Excellent analysis of the ideological meltdown that”s taken place especially in the past 30 years between Labour Conservative as well as Democrat Republican. In short the vast majority are bought off. In fact the situation is so bad even though the Zionist power-brokers were caught with their pants down as a result an ungodly aberration occurred to allow Jeremy Corbyn to snatch the Labour leadership, the Zionists have the media to make life impossible for JC just as they”re doing with Trump; they have the ability to coerce threaten a leader of one of our major political parties then to put the icing on the cake, at the drop of a hat they will commit murder, just as I”m sure they did with John Smith. Sadly over 80 Labour MP”s now belong to the heinous Labour Friends of Israel. You can be certain whatever trouble is created for JC in his own party it will come from those in the LFI under the orders of Zionist banksters. Blair, Cameron May were perfect Zionist puppets who time again committed Treason so deserve the firing squad.
I take it you liked my comment.
Are the people behind this garbage on fucking crack?