Committing cold-blooded murder is hardly defending oneself

The other day I saw a video of that awful specimen Ted Cruz. He was speaking to a group of Americans & they started heckling him as soon as he told them how great a friend Israel was. Of course this love affair by US politicians for Israel borders on obsession & treachery. Anyone with any brains knows in order to be where they are, these so-called US political representatives had to sell themselves to zionist lobbies. In America it’s bow to Israel or else. That means whatever Israel does is right. They cannot be criticised.
Warning – this is not for the faint-hearted. They’re committing Genocide yet astonishing as it surely is, a large portion of Israelis actually think Netanyahu is too soft. Not only that, after virtually stealing all of what once was their country, they make out they’re the victims. To have seen countless cold-blooded executions like this time & again yet the media emphasises how Israelis are being attacked. What possible justification do these scumbags have to murder this terrified young girl? It’s truly sickening!
How can you not criticise this? You cannot think someone has a knife & because of that you take out a gun & shoot them dead. The way I look at it is the media is totally bending the facts because if this was the other way round where Palestinians did this to an Israeli there would be such an outcry it would be deafening. Everything they do they would hate if it were happening to them! But it’s much worse than this. If one ignores what the media says & explores the true facts there is only one conclusion you can reach – most of the trouble is in fact deliberately instigated by the Israelis.
What we are seeing here is slow-motion Genocide. The reason why Israel is getting away with these unspeakable crimes is because the media specialise in fooling the uninitiated while politicians in the West are bought & paid for by the Zionist lobbies. Every so often a politician like Australian MP David Shoebridge steps up to the plate but because so many of our politicians have succumbed to Zionist bribery & coercion, often it appears like they’re a lone voice in the wilderness. The media then do their bit by rarely publicising the truth.
However, the good news is increasing numbers of Israeli writers & academics are speaking out against Netanyahu & his disastrous policies. The even better news is their articles are beginning to receive serious traction in America. I feel this is what needs to happen. The only reason America unconditionally supports Israel because for so long the media has been able to get away with continually feeding everyone one narrative.
‘Most-read’ article at Washington Post calls Israel ‘savage, unrepairable society’ –
It doesn’t help when this madman keeps getting his way. For the life of me I do not understand why hardly enough pressure is being heaped on his shoulders. He’s a menace to mankind.
Israel suspends contact with EU bodies in ‘peace’ process –
It appears that the guy in the light blue jeans shoots her from the front. But where is the blood?
I thought that myself Jill but that young girl wasn’t acting. Blood doesn’t necessarily spurt out depending on the calibre of bullet but then I’m no expert.
its not a movie.. blood does not spurt everywhere dramatically..
I’m sorry to say Eric this actually was a re-enactment of what let’s face it is happening every day. I’ve posted an apology & an explanation.
You are exactly right on the issue of the media in America having suppressed all negative info about the horrors committed by Israel Finally, some of the people are now believing and seeing the truth due to outside media. Finally, they are seeing the lies the government has Israel has been telling for decades.
Yes & I believe the reason things are speeding up is because the Zionists know they are slowly but surely losing the war of information.
Did anyone notice that a knife was thrown down right after the girl was murdered in cold blood, in the last few seconds of this video ? The IDF are notorious for doing this in order to claim self defence. Also, in the video I provided here, is this the same girl ? I’m sure it is as it is possible that she put on a warmer coat while being transferred to the place where they killed her.
You’re right Donna. I realised my mistake. It was a genuine error & I’ve posted an apology & an explanation.
damn, dirty bastards
I’m sorry Gail but apparently this was a re-enactment. I’ve just posted an explanation. However, there is no question the Israelis have been using Palestinian kids as target practice for a long time now
“Not only that, after virtually stealing all of what once was their country, they make out they’re the victims”
It was never their land. It is Palestine. They are khazar fake jews. They have no rightful claim to that land, its all theft.
Indeed Keisha. The media has us believe the land thieves & murderers are the victims.
Indeed Keisha. The media has us believe the land thieves & murderers are the victims.
War Crimes and Murders .. made by IDF – IOF soldiers Israel …
Surgeon: “Malek Was Shot In The Head With A Hollow-Point Bullet”
author Tuesday
08. December .2015 17:05
A Palestinian physician in Bethlehem said, Tuesday, that the Israeli bullet that killed the teen in the Deheishe refugee camp, in Bethlehem, is a new type of internationally banned hollow-point bullets, which expand upon impact.
Journalist Nasser Lahham, the head of the Palestine office of the al-Mayadeen Satellite News Channel, and the editor-in-chief of Maan News Agency, said one of the surgeons in Beit Jala Governmental Hospital has informed him that Malek Akram Shahin, 18, was shot in the head, with a new type of hollow-bullets.
The surgeon said that the bullet penetrated Malek’s skull, has detonated into more than 300 smaller pieces, causing numerous fractures to his skull and extensive brain damage.
He also stated the bullet seems to be advanced type of hollow rounds the army is using, even more dangerous than the Dumdum illegal rounds, which detonate upon impact.
Such bullets can cause damage to an aircraft, armored vehicles, and are designed to maximize tissue damage, bones, blood loss and shock.
Hollow bullets have been prohibited since The Hague Convention of 1899, Declaration III, that came as a continuance of the Sr. Petersburg, which banned the use of all exploding rounds.
However, the Israeli army has been frequently using those types of rounds against Palestinian civilians, including in the First Intifada of 1987.
Back in October, surgeons in the Hadassah Israeli Hospital in Jerusalem amputated the leg of child detainee, Issa Adnan Abdul-Mo’ty, 13 years of age, after various surgeries failed to save his right leg. He was also shot with a Dumdum bullet.
Earlier in November, detainee, Issa Jalal Sharawna, 17 years old, had his leg amputated, in Assaf HaRofeh Israeli hospital, as a result of severe injuries he sustained in early October, after he was shot by Israeli settlers
Thank you very much for that Alex – much appreciated.
It’s posts like this that make surfing so much plerusae
I reposted before I knew it was a re-enactment, too bad, and, it’s literally the truth.
Exactly Michael. I’m glad my mistake was about this because the same thing is happening on a daily basis in the Occupied Territories
what the heck?! this looks like a show of paliwood, come on dude, this is an antisemitic propoganda. this “soldiers” looks palestinians, 99.9% of the israeli soldiers/cops doesn’t have such a good arabic the just know how to say “wakef wakef!”(stop) “salam alekum”(hello and peace) and”gibel a bia” (show me your id card).
now, I want you to comment to this inciting article and say this is a complete bullshit and incitement. come on , you can do it. I;m waiting.
Don’t you threaten me. If you had any sense you’d have seen I’ve already admitted it was a re-enactment. In any case anyone who uses the term anti-Semitic merely shows how ignorant they are. My gripe is not against Jews but Zionists. You wouldn’t know they’re totally different. And you can wait all you like. The only people who are inciting trouble is the Zionist controlled media. They’re the ones doing everything they can to make people hate Muslims. And just in case you are completely clueless I’ll tell you now – I HATE ALL RELIGION! IT’S CAUSED NOTHING BUT TROUBLE!
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