When it comes to Saudi Arabia it’s difficult to know where to start. I feel guilty myself for perhaps not caring enough for the 700+ people who were recently crushed to death. I often wonder why the authorities have not burst blood vessels trying to ensure these tragedies are kept down to a minimum. It’s almost as if the Saudi rulers treat their citizens with utter contempt. I will however say, I believe this insatiable urge for so many to trek to this dangerous place of worship where year in and year out scores of pilgrims are crushed in stampedes of religious fervor is simply incomprehensible. And for what? To pray even more to an imaginary God who never lifts a finger to help the plight of worshippers as well as their brothers in other Arab nations? At what point does one conclude Allah doesn’t seem to give a damn about the plight of Muslims?
Whether it was Albert Einstein who said this I’m not sure, but to do the same thing over & over again expecting a different result is near as dammit insane. If you burn your hand on a red-hot stove, only a blithering idiot checks to see if the stove was really that hot with their other hand! Yet to some extent I can understand why hoards of Muslims feel compelled to make this pilgrimage. They’ve been brainwashed – period! Indoctrination ie forcing someone to believe, in my opinion, should be illegal. Surely if God exists, he, she or it gave us the ability and therefore the RIGHT TO THINK! How dare even our parents tell us ‘you must believe in our religion or else AND significantly no other one!’ Yet do not for one minute think this blind obedience is restricted to those with religious inclination. Even atheists fall foul of incessant media lies. There can be no denying – humans are programmable.
However, two weeks ago something occurred in Saudi Arabia that’s had me thinking ever since. Okay, a large crane collapsing and toppling over – it’s happened before; chances are it will happen again. Somewhat of a surprise though occurring in a country where no expenses are spared and therefore little need to cut costs. Yet so it was at the Masjid-Al-Haram Grand Mosque in Mecca – while the city was preparing for the Hajj pilgrimage a crane inexplicably keeled over as if it was held up by tooth-picks. 118 were killed and 394 injured. Well, accidents do happen…… except what bothers me is of the 365 days in a year, this disaster occurs on 9/11! What am I supposed to say – that’s a bit of a coincidence? Then we hear the construction company involved is the Bin Laden Group? Oh come on. Now, you better believe it – we’re into the realms of fantasy!
Graphic scenes of the crane disaster at Mecca Saudi arabia. Visioner discretion required.
I simply will not buy this and if you’ve got any brains, neither should you! To say something doesn’t add up here is a chronic understatement. With 80% of the world’s populace having religious beliefs one can reasonably suspect this could well have been a set up job. Motive: to somehow convince folk God was punishing those responsible for 9/11. But who would do this? What earthly reason would the Saudis have to show God was punishing them? You see even if Bin Laden & 19 Saudi Hijackers were responsible, I can’t think of one single reason why the Saudis would want to highlight this, like saying even God thinks we did it! For crying out loud!…… Of course, no Saudis were involved in 9/11, most especially not Bin Laden. The mere notion is ludicrous. It’s common knowledge the US and the Saudis are effectively partners and the CIA itself founded and funded Al Qaeda.
So what the hell is going on here? Only when one concludes what pretty much all the evidence suggests – 9/11 was planned and executed by dual national Zionists and Mossad, can one begin to make head or tail of this. Note the Zionist controlled media from the word go blamed Bin Laden and Saudi hijackers. HOW DID THEY KNOW THAT SO QUICKLY and if they are so in bed with the Saudis, why did they say that? Ten years later they’re still trying to deflect their gargantuan crime onto the Saudis. Now since all this has happened I can only conclude – either the Israelis are in cahoots with the Saudi Royal family or they have to have far more power over the Saudis than we’ve all been led to believe. I prefer to believe the latter. Now why do I say this?
Three major reasons: first – they blamed 9/11 on the Saudis; second – If I know about Oded Yinon’s 1982 plan to create Greater Israel, then so do the Saudis. Needless to say this is what 9/11 was all about. General Wesley Clark so much as spilled the beans when he revealed the plan all along was to take out seven Arab/Muslim nations. It just so happens if Israel realises this dream, a huge Northern swathe of Saudi land will be annexed by the land-gobbling Israelis. Finally and most significantly, though the Saudi ruling elite may be the only other family with a net worth of a $trillion, astonishing as it is, their wealth pales into insignificance when compared with the enormous power of the Rothschilds. They possess anywhere between $300-500 trillion, an ungodly amount that’s somewhere in the region of a third to half of the world’s entire wealth.

Therefore, I believe, even with the Saudis, the Rothschilds are the ones calling the shots. They know the Internet has thrown a massive spanner in the works. For this reason, years ago I predicted they’d do anything and everything to ensure their goal to create a one world government where their family would be despotic lords of the planet, would go ahead as planned. Therefore, we find ourselves in a race. On the one side, truthers and activists who are trying to spread the word; on the other are the Rothschilds who one must bear in mind have long since made their bed. They cannot stop because if they did it would spell doom. They passed the point of no return 100 years ago! Once people en mass are aware of their role in all the wars, assassinations, the creation of Israel and 9/11, their days are numbered. They know this so why not sabotage a crane in Mecca on the 14th anniversary of 9/11 so that all the religious freaks will think ‘this is God’s work?’
In the meantime, thanks to the Rothschilds, the Israelis through their control of the entire media apparatus and Hollywood continually portray the Arabs in this terrible light – the victims are the terrorists while the true cut-throat terrorists claim ‘they are killing our vimin and our children!’ The Israelis readily accuse others of doing what they specialise in – cold-blooded murder. Ironically, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar are by far and away the four worst Arab/Muslim countries in terms of non existent democracy and outrageous violations of human rights. Small wonder – they’re in bed with Israel! So we have the diabolical situation that in this so called Western quest to bring democracy to nations in the Middle East, the worst four offending Arab countries ARE OUR PARTNERS!
I would never dream of going to any of these countries, most especially Saudi Arabia. Not that their people are disagreeable in any way. In fact I’m sure they’re like most Arabs – kind and generous. It’s their autocratic rulers who are so despicable. For the life of me, how can Saudi Arabia indiscriminately bomb Yemen? There was no Yemeni invasion and the mere notion the poorest Arab nation poses any kind of threat to by far and away the wealthiest Arab nation is simply preposterous yet we continue to allow these gross violations of international law. Can you imagine the outcry if Gaddafi would have bombed Yemen? How can it be? No country should be allowed to attack another country unless a legitimate act of war has been committed.
I’m afraid to say the reason why what’s occurring in the Middle East makes no sense whatsoever is because the media is Zionist controlled. If it suits Israel, Saudi Arabia & Bahrain can do as they please. However, in Iraq, Iran, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt & Sudan where the people enjoyed infinitely more freedom & in some cases were harboring a desire to become Westernised perish the thought, the media made up bare-faced lies to portray their rulers as autocratic dictators. Of course no one ever mentions the incredible coincidence that in these seven Arab/Muslim nations all the leaders just happened to be highly critical of Israel’s continuous flouting of international law & their hideous persecution of the hapless Palestinians.
Sometimes I wonder if the Saudis are even Arabs. I’ve been to Lebanon and Dubai and on both occasions I’ve found the people to be so warm and hospitable. For years I played Bridge with Egyptians, Iraqis, Iranians, all wonderful folk, yet the media’s portrayal of Arabs and Muslims as cut-throat terrorists and fanatics is so misleading it doesn’t just border on illegal; IT IS CRIMINAL! However, as far as I’m concerned, the rulers of Saudi Arabia have created a rod for their own back. To have so much wealth, easily enough to go round, yet to deny one’s citizens the most basic fundamental rights makes them the pits of the earth. Royalty my butt! For me Royalty is every bit as daft as Religion – concoctions of man’s imagination. I can safely say the sooner the Saudis are rid of their Royalty, the better it’s people will be.
This post, – in my humble opinion – is one of your best, especially exposing Saudi Arabia. It “appears” everything is going according to (Zionist) plan. UNLESS “the masses awaken and see how they’ve been taken”. That’s not music to my ears.
I have lived 83 full years and it “appears” I will still be here during the big one. I know too much, and Michael; when you know too much, you have to be “protected” especially when you put it in print. i took a big chance when I wrote my controversial books that expose the system. ….that keeps coming.
Thank you Jack. I was pleased with the piece but one is always treading on thin ice when one mentions Religion. It’s usually a no-win situation. As I said before my own safety is the least of my concerns.