Getting Sexual Predators Into The Upper Echelons Of Power Proved To Be A Zionist Master-Stroke. They Couldn’t Have Extracted More From UK Politicians

For most of us the sheer scale of the Paedophile scandal only became evident when master molester Jimmy Savile croaked. Almost a thousand victims came forward. The public finally were afforded the truth – this Paedophile ring wasn’t just massive; it contained a who’s who of perverts. Yet even then I never imagined there existed an altogether sinister reason such a disproportionate number of child molesters somehow found their way into the upper echelons of UK power. Only in the past 18 months did I begin to ponder – could this actually be by design? Now, I’m 100% convinced it is. What’s more, the reason couldn’t be more shocking.
This is my take on the whole sordid affair but before you read it I ask – is it fair to say the Talmud calls for sex with children? (see link below)
& is it also fair to say Netanyahu wants Israel to be placed under Talmud law? (see link below) Thanks to John Miranda for these two links & Casey Kimble for the caption
Wow! reading through all those links took some doing. Absolutely fascinating and extremely horrific at the same time… I had never heard that about Blair and have spent a couple hours googling as much as i could. Also the interpretation of the Talmud is really sickening . Don`t think I will sleep much tonight. Thank you Michael for an eye opening bit of reporting.!
Sadly Jackie, the truth often hurts.
Okay – I’m going to try and break IT ALL DOWN. This is my attempt to raise people’s awareness to what’s going on around the World today, and those that are involved and need to be monitored/watched and expelled from the planet even preferably, so please BE AWARE. Read and take it in, please, and if possible undertake your own research into Corruption/Dark negative influences – Satanists in positions of global power etc. because these are critical days for Humanity and for our Earth …
… Stories which are being seen around the World involving pedophiles and sexual predators in positions of power around the World, are indicators of Satanist influences which exist within governments and local authorities all over the planet… Satanists/Zionists in Israel/U.S. Congress – Clintons, Bushes etc, etc…
As you will become aware, those in the upper echelons of power all around the World, are associated and allied with Zionist/Satanist agenda influences … Yes, governments, royalty, corporations, banks, media, and they’re currently laying this kind of propaganda/groundwork at our feet as a step to acquiring Humanity’s consent to the surrender of our children to obscene sexual predators …. and it’s time that Humanity told these clowns to FUCK OFF, which is what I’ll get into now …
There are child molesters and perverts throughout the upper echelons of power, and Dark influences (royalty, government etc) are intent on keeping them there, hence the current propaganda drills upon the public in an attempt to make pedophilia acceptable.
Those who are awake/aware will be seeing that Corruption are intent now on fomenting their presence and authority upon peoples all around the World, but this is Humanity’s time … we’re coming of age and it’s time now for Humanity to wipe the sleep out of our eyes and to start pulling together …
This is our time to unite against Humanity’s common threat – to claim our Sovereignty, Awareness, Freewill Power and Self-Determination – i.e. this is where our Sovereign Awareness alerts us to those dark, negative energies which are a threat to life on our planet – this is where we assess and Determine that actions/response are necessary to preserve all that we value and love on planet Earth; and this is where we utilise and put our Freewill Power to work – this is where Humanity makes a Conscious Choice to become a Sovereign and Empowered Righteous force – Resistance and Awareness – a Sovereign Collective! …
If you look around you and spend a few days researching the current state of our planet – at the exploitation and oppression being projected and imposed upon Humanity around the World by souless cunts like Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu, for example – direct from the Synagogue of Satan – you’ll see here an individual who represents beings on this planet who have NO moral compass, NO empathy, NO conscience, and NO love for their fellow man …
Do some research and look at the hatred and savagery which has been imposed by Zionist Israel (formerly Khazars/Bolsheviks), upon the People of Palestine for generations – because if you’re not awake to the brutal realities of what’s REALLY taking place in Gaza, let alone the rest of the World, then now would be a good time to open yourself up to Awareness, Truth and Knowing … you need to see the inhumanities and the cruelties which are being imposed upon people’s by those who are NOT who or what they claim to be – human …
There are manipulative forces on our planet – non-human – hybrids who generate human appearances to conceal their true nature – and others too, but we’ll focus here on those in the forefront. Corrupt individuals/entities – Satanists/Zionists for example, who have been imposing their paradigm upon the earth and her inhabitants for many, many decades …
The Synagogue of Satan – Zionists among others, are purely anti-creative forces, forms of relative darkness who feed off of the entropic breakdown which they engineer and exacerbate… Instead of the magnificent creative growing complex force of life, entropy is the breakdown of organized structures into lower, simpler forms which in turn releases energy, and we can see their handiwork taking place all over our planet – chemtrails, GMO’s etc. etc.
Ultimately those who awaken invariably come up against a very big question; why would the so-called “elite” self-appointed rulers of this planet bring the house down around their own ears? Don’t they get irradiated, chemtrailed and ultimately modified like the rest of us? Aren’t their children in peril just like ours?
Well what these manipulators are up to is not life giving, it is death dealing – for humanity and all of nature. Why would anyone/anything do such a thing? To answer that, it would help people realize and acknowledge that this IS what they’re doing, so please undertake some research and establish and imprint this upon your heart for yourself. It will help you appreciate the breadth and magnitude of the assaults taking place against the planet, Earthlife and Humanity overall… Underground bunkers or not, the rapid deterioration of our environment is leading toward a dead planet if the machinations of these Anti-life Death-dealing entities aren’t halted some time very soon.
Deliberately trashing our planet – Insanity – It’s beyond our fully grasping how these entities think and operate because of the difference in vibrational understanding. In our minds they’re insane psychopaths, and in theirs we’re dumb sheep – polar opposites. Someone said the reptilians (blue-bloods – royalty) told these Corrupt ones to trash the environment but to not worry, that their greys will restore everything. Well don’t believe or buy into anything that you’re told by these beings – they are the Synagogue of Satan and Satan is the Father of Lies …
These same entities (Zionists, Global Elitists – Satanists and filthy rich Corporates and Bankers) are transforming and engineering our planet’s destruction – they are creating influencing World governments, global, national and local, and are manipulating economies and creating hardship and suffering among Humanity and Earthlife Worldwide. Yes, what is being projected upon Humanity is also being projected upon the planet and our Earth’s ecosystems, habitats and environments …
Whatever you want to call it – Humanity need to comprehend and understand that these are evil, satanic, rogue ETs and transdimensionals or archonic entities that we’re referring to, as the Gnostics taught … Evil does indeed exist, and yes, we’re dealing with forces/entities which are unnatural to our environment – other worldly – they exist in another dimension and they are intent on transforming and taking over the world we inhabit. Again, look around! They are not only from another plane of existence, they are parasitic in nature and they seek the complete subjugation of our planet and our species…
… Entropic Psycho-Spiritual Vampirism … Similar to the chemical and biological programs, breaking down the human spirit for psychic energy harvesting is another exercise in entropy. This is the big one, their drug of choice. The entities that guide and motivate the dark rulers of this world feed off of fear, violence, pain, suffering and even death. To them we are resources – like cattle, and the more heightened the intensity, the better, which is why drugs, perverted sex, human sacrifice and energy sucking Satanic rituals are so madly pursued by these dark energy vampires … This is why we see pedophilia within the upper echelons of power, and the current attempts to make pedophilia acceptable in society via controlled media/propadanda.
The breakdown in society’s complexity and the cultural variety of the planet has always been important to them. Our natural tendency as conscious beings is to love and care for each other, unite in cause and purpose for the betterment of all. This tremendously creative force generates incredible spiritual awareness, empowerment and re-creation, like crystals spontaneously growing beautiful fractal structures as consciousness taps into infinite potential.
Forces which have always fought against this for the empowerment of some titular energy/control freaks at the top at the expense of the many has apparently been our planet’s plight for untold millennia, however with the advances in technology that we have available today, we’re now witnessing an exponential increase that is approaching critical mass.
Our connection to infinite, conscious creative awareness is diametrically opposed to the world they come from. We revel in empathy, compassion and love, and they have no affinity with any of these. It is not just foreign to them, but anathema – an abhorrence. Their cold, calculated realm runs purely on self gratification, which extends from sexual lust to the dark ecstasy of having control over the lives of others. It is two dimensional … They wish they had what we have but wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway, and this is why they fear us, manifested in the intense hate and violence they breed, hence the perpetual war which has been in manifestation since the 9/11 false flag … So, say “NO” to war and call our militaries home. Withdraw and disengage – don’t talk about it Humanity – just do it – Be Sovereign!
They know the only control they can have over a superior consciousness is fear, which shuts off our connection to Source, therefore Humanity need to disengage – simply withdraw ourselves from all participation in their paradigm.
We’re being terraformed for habitation by an alien life form, and those who’ve yielded to and carried out the programs of these parasitic entities are no longer human by the natural, spiritual definition, and they are carving out their own hell to say the least, regardless of the expense to Humanity populating the planet.
Knowing the realities outlined above will help us to find answers to our current predicament, and more profound than that will assist in motivating Humanity toward discovering and awakening to our true, infinite nature.
We are an intrinsic element of the true Authority and it’s time we took our rightful place … Humanity need to rise, and be proactive and confidently assertive in our our convictions. This is our time – to claim our Sovereign Awareness, Freewill Power and Self-Determination – we cannot waver, bend or bow to these Dark energies, negative influences, however complex, corrosive or intimidating they may be.
It is for a Sovereign and Empowered Humanity to defy the lie, denounce the liars, expose the agenda, and march in full confidence with the Sovereignty, Truth Awareness, Freewill and freedoms of Self-Determination with which we’ve been endowed, and this is why we are here … Forget national altruism and the futile law-ridden political and religious maze. We are manifest here and now as representatives of Creative Universal Source – Autonomous, Sovereign, Free Thinking/Free Willed, Creative Light and Power-filled (Powerful).
If you’ve ever seen adepts use the power of chi to literally knock people backwards, as well as wonderfully heal, you’ve seen it in action. Sure, the interdimensionals have influences at their disposal which we are becoming familiar with, but they cannot affect those living in the full light of Awakened Truth! What arouses this Truth force within us is living it – compromising, living apologetically, on the defensive or riddled with doubt about our calling or capabilities – these will leave you vulnerable and will make you a resource upon which corrupt entities will feed, so claim your Sovereignty, Awareness and Freewill Self-Determination. TAKE THEM, they’re yours for these times, and this is why we are here!
There’s much to learn for all of us but this tremendous resource awaits our activation. It has everything to do with taking and using the authority with which we’ve been endowed. A powerful example of this is the Babylon Is Fallen phenomenon that’s rapidly picking up speed as people exercise their freedom from this false system by detaching from their very name, the false construct attachment we’re given at birth. Very profound and worth looking into!
Exercising our inherent freedom and standing in authority takes some practice, but it can be strengthened in every sphere of our daily existence.
The Time to Decide is Now. Always Now! … Either you’re on board or you’re not – you’re either compromised and impotent and left languishing on the banks of the river of Truth … or you are not. Choose – To Be Or Not To Be … yes – Shakespeare knew where it was all heading …
The choice is ours. What we’re up against is being clearly spelled out – at this point we either utilize the knowledge, or we succumb. There is no standing still in this current – we either stand strong and forge ahead or we allow ourselves to be swallowed up in a polluted river of lies.
It’s ours to decide. Empower and help change the course of now, or hide in shame, doubt and pathetic self pity.
I have no pity for the liars and those who adamantly defend the lie – they are everyone’s problem. We and the Truth which we bear are the solution. We must treat those who’ve been subverted with love, but love takes many forms, and telling and living the Truth are intrinsic to it, come what may.
And take heart – the reign of the dark forces of the Kali Yuga (or age of vice) is over. What we’re witnessing is its death throes. The cycle is over and this is Humanity’s time to strike forth.
Let’s help these dark minions on their way to oblivion in style… When we disconnect, disengage and do not comply – stand confidently and boldly in the truth we know and move forward proactively – their fabrication of deceit will shred, shatter and fall at our feet.
My lightsaber’s turned on and burning furiously. How’s yours? It’s time to awaken the weapons of loving truth – and wield them with full authority.
Focus on your Awareness and where your attention is being drawn and held – no more distractions … Sovereign Humanity – we’re not compelled to tolerate these Dark influences/Elitist energies on our planet anymore, and we cannot co-exist with these beings, so it’s time for them to go!
Again – be Empowered and remember that Sovereignty, Conscious Awareness and Freewill Self Determination are ours – not theirs! We can make Freewill Self-Determined Choices, we can Act and Create however we will, if we will it to be so … and This is Power! Think about it – claim it, and start using it, and encourage others to claim and start using it as well!
GLOBAL STRIKE – disengage, withdraw your consent: Just walk away – let’s start networking/talking and determining what WE want … .
Call our militaries home and unite peoples around the planet as a Sovereign Collective.
Let’s Stop dragging ourselves to work every day, consenting to be enslaved by a corrupt system and negative beings! Let’s stop supporting and sustaining a system which is manipulated to control and dominate us all, and withdraw our consent.
Claim your Sovereignty, allow yourself to be Empowered and Withdraw your Consent to this system and those manipulating it …
Violence isn’t necessary guys – just be Sovereign, unite and walk away… we can expel/banish the Dark Negative energies when we’re ready but OUR FOCUS OUGHT TO BE EMPOWERING OURSELVES, EACH OTHER and pulling together as a Sovereign Collective, preparing to withdraw from a corrupt system. Then we can talk about positive new directions and creating something new! …
Okay – I’m going to try and break IT ALL DOWN. This is my attempt to raise people’s awareness about what’s going on, those that are involved and why they do what they’re doing, and the Humanity’s need for awareness re. monitoring and expelling negative/dark entities from the planet, so please BE AWARE. Read and take it in, please, and if possible undertake your own research into Corruption/Dark negative influences – Satanists in positions of global power etc. because these are critical days for Humanity and for our Earth …
… Stories which are being seen around the World involving pedophiles and sexual predators in positions of power around the World, are indicators of Satanic influences which exist within governments and local authorities all over the planet… Satanists/Zionists in Israel/U.S. Congress – Clintons, Bushes, Netanyahu for example etc…
As you will become aware, those in the upper echelons of power all around the World, are associated and allied with Zionist/Satanist agenda influences … Yes, governments, royalty, corporations, banks, media, and they’re currently laying this pedophile propaganda/groundwork at our feet as a step to acquiring Humanity’s consent to the surrender of our children to obscene sexual predators …. Ultimately it’s time that Humanity told these clowns to FUCK OFF, and this is what I’ll get into now …
There are child molesters and perverts throughout the upper echelons of power, and Dark influences (royalty, government etc) are intent on keeping them there, hence the current propaganda drills upon the public in an attempt to make pedophilia acceptable.
These are Dark, twisted influences with sick, evil propaganda – there is nothing natural, let alone acceptable about pedophilia and Humanity should MAKE LOUD, FIERCE STATEMENTS AGAINST THIS BULLSHIT, because it’s time that UPPER ECHELON SICKOS HAD A TASTE OF THEIR OWN MEDICINE … YES, THEY NEED TO BE FEARFUL OF A RIGHTEOUS HUMANITY, SO LET’S WORK AND MAKE ALOT OF NOISE TO KEEP OUR CHILDREN SAFE …
Those who are awake/aware will be seeing that Corruption are intent now on fomenting their presence and authority upon peoples all around the World, but this is Humanity’s time … we’re coming of age and these End Times are for Humanity to start pulling together and getting organised …
This is our time to unite against ours and our planet’s common threat – to claim our Sovereignty, our Awareness, and our Freewill Power and Self-Determination – i.e. Sovereign Awareness: this is where we’re alerted to dark, negative energies which are a threat to life on our planet; Self-Determination is where we assess and Determine that actions/response are necessary to preserve all that we value and love on planet Earth; and Freewill is where Humanity makes a Conscious Choice to become the embodiment of a Sovereign Freewill Awareness and Empowered Righteous Determination – Resistance and Awareness – a Sovereign Collective!
If you look around you and spend a few days researching the current state of our planet – if you look at the exploitation and oppression being projected and imposed upon Humanity around the World by souless cunts like Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu, for example – direct from the Synagogue of Satan – you’ll see here an individual who represents beings residing on this planet who have NO moral compass, NO empathy, NO conscience, and NO love for their fellow man …
Do some research and look at the discrimination, mindless cruelty and savagery which has been imposed upon the People of Palestine for generations by Zionist Israel (formerly Khazars/Bolsheviks), because if you’re not awake to the brutal realities of what has been taking place in Gaza, let alone the rest of the World, then now would be a good time to open yourself up to Awareness, Truth and Knowing … you need to see the inhumanities and the cruelties which are being imposed upon people’s by those who are NOT who or what they claim to be – human …
There are manipulative forces on our planet – non-human – hybrids who generate human appearances to conceal their true nature – and others too, but we’ll focus here on those in the forefront. Corrupt individuals/entities – Satanists/Zionists for example, who have been imposing their paradigm upon the earth and her inhabitants for millenia …
The Synagogue of Satan – Zionists among others, are purely anti-creative forces – forms of relative darkness who feed off of the entropic breakdown which they engineer and exacerbate… Instead of the magnificent creative growing complex force of life, entropy is the breakdown of organized structures into lower, simpler forms which in turn releases energy, and we can see their handiwork taking place all over our planet – chemtrails, GMO’s etc. etc.
Ultimately those who awaken invariably come up against a very big question; why would the so-called “elite” self-appointed rulers of this planet bring the house down around their own ears? Don’t they get irradiated, chemtrailed and ultimately modified like the rest of us? Aren’t their children in peril just like ours?
Well what these manipulators are up to is not life giving, it is death dealing – for humanity and all of nature. Why would anyone/anything do such a thing? Undertake some research and establish and imprint what you find upon your heart because it will help you appreciate the breadth and magnitude of all that has been taking place against the planet, Earthlife and Humanity overall, if you can find the answer … Underground bunkers or not, the rapid deterioration of our environment is leading toward a dead planet if the machinations of these Anti-life, Death-dealing entities aren’t halted some time very soon.
Deliberately trashing our planet – Insanity? Yes – It’s beyond our fully grasping how these entities think and operate because of the difference in vibrational understanding. In our minds they’re insane psychopaths, and in theirs we’re dumb sheep – polar opposites. Someone said the reptilians (blue-bloods – royalty) told these Corrupt ones to trash the environment but to not worry, that their greys will restore everything. Well don’t believe or buy into anything that you’re told by these beings – they are the Synagogue of Satan and Satan is the Father of Lies …
These same entities (Zionists, Global Elitists – Satanists and filthy rich Corporates and Bankers) are transforming and engineering our planet’s destruction – they are creating influencing World governments, global, national and local, and they are manipulating economies and creating hardship and suffering among Humanity and Earthlife Worldwide. Yes, what is being projected upon Humanity is also being projected upon the planet and our Earth’s ecosystems, habitats and environments …
Whatever you want to call it – Humanity need to comprehend and understand that these are evil entities – satanic, rogue ETs and transdimensionals or archonic entities, as the Gnostics taught … Yes, Evil does exist, and yes, we’re dealing with forces/entities which are unnatural to our environment and are other worldly. They exist in another dimension, another plane of existence, they are parasitic in nature and they seek the complete subjugation of our planet and our species… Again, look around and see the destruction and transformation taking place upon our planet! And where are our militaries? They’re being exploited and killed by Corruption for some bullshit which was created in the East – call them home!!
… Entropic Psycho-Spiritual Vampirism – similar to the chemical and biological programs, breaking down the human spirit for psychic energy harvesting is another exercise in entropy. This is the big one, their drug of choice. The entities that guide and motivate the dark rulers of this world feed off of fear, violence, pain, suffering and even death. To them we are resources – like cattle, and the more heightened the intensity, the better, which is why drugs, perverted sex, human sacrifice and energy sucking Satanic rituals are madly pursued by these dark energy vampires … This is why we see pedophilia within the upper echelons of power, and this is why we’re starting to see attempts within the media to make pedophilia acceptable in society. It’s bullshit.
The breakdown in society’s complexity and the cultural variety of the planet has always been important to them. Our natural tendency as conscious beings is to love and care for each other, and to unite in cause and purpose for the betterment of all. This tremendously creative force generates incredible spiritual awareness, empowerment and re-creation as consciousness taps into infinite potential.
Forces which have always fought against this for the empowerment of some titular energy/control freaks at the top at the expense of the many has apparently been our planet’s plight for untold millennia, however with the advances in technology that we have available today, we’re now witnessing an exponential increase that is approaching critical mass.
Our connection to infinite, conscious creative awareness is diametrically opposed to the world they come from. We revel in empathy, compassion and love, and they have no affinity with any of these. It is not just foreign to them, but anathema – an abhorrence. Their cold, calculated realm runs purely on self gratification, which extends from sexual lust to the dark ecstasy of having control over the lives of others. It is two dimensional … They wish they had what we have but wouldn’t know what to do with it anyway, and this is why they fear us, manifested in the intense hate and violence they breed, hence the perpetual war which has been in manifestation since the 9/11 false flag … So, call our militaries home and say “NO” to war.
Withdraw and disengage, and don’t talk about it Humanity – just do it, and Be Sovereign!
They know the only control they can have over a superior consciousness is fear, which shuts off our connection to Source, therefore Humanity need to disengage and simply withdraw ourselves from all participation in their paradigm.
We’re being terraformed for habitation by an alien life form, and those who’ve yielded to and carried out the programs of these parasitic entities are no longer human by the natural, spiritual definition – they are carving out their own hell to say the least, regardless of the expense to Humanity populating the planet.
Knowing the realities outlined above will help us to find answers to our current predicament, and more profound than that will assist in motivating Humanity toward discovering and awakening to our true, infinite nature.
We are an intrinsic element of the true Authority and it’s time we took our rightful place … Humanity need to rise, and be proactive and confidently assertive in our our convictions. This is our time – to claim our Sovereign Awareness, Freewill Power and Self-Determination – we cannot waver, bend or bow to these Dark energies, negative influences, however complex, corrosive or intimidating they may be.
It is for a Sovereign and Empowered Humanity to defy the lie, denounce the liars, expose the agenda, and march in full confidence with the Sovereignty, Truth Awareness, Freewill and freedoms of Self-Determination with which we’ve been endowed, and this is why we are here …
Forget national altruism and the futile law-ridden political and religious maze. We are manifest here and now as representatives of Creative Universal Source – Autonomous, Sovereign, Free Thinking/Free Willed, Creative Light and Power-filled (Powerful).
If you’ve ever seen adepts use the power of chi to literally knock people backwards, as well as wonderfully heal, you’ve seen it in action. Sure, the interdimensionals have influences at their disposal which we are becoming familiar with, but they cannot affect those living in the full light of Awakened Truth! What arouses this Truth force within us is living it – so don’t compromise, live apologetically, on the defensive or riddled with doubt, because these will leave you vulnerable and will make you a resource upon which corrupt entities will feed. Claim your Sovereignty, Awareness and Freewill Self-Determination. TAKE THEM, they’re yours for these times, and this is why we are here!
There’s much to learn for all of us but this tremendous resource awaits our activation. It has everything to do with taking and using the authority with which we’ve been endowed. A powerful example of this is the Babylon Is Fallen phenomenon that’s rapidly picking up speed as people exercise their freedom from this false system by detaching from their very name, the false construct attachment we’re given at birth. Very profound and worth looking into!
Exercising our inherent freedom and standing in authority takes some practice, but it can be strengthened in every sphere of our daily existence.
The Time to Decide is Now. Always Now! … Either you’re on board or you’re not. Choose, To Be Or Not To Be … yes – Shakespeare knew where it was all heading …
The choice, Freewill is ours. What we’re up against is being clearly spelled out, and at this point we either utilize the knowledge or we succumb. There is no standing still in this current – we either stand strong together and forge ahead or we allow ourselves to be swept away and swallowed up in a foul river of lies.
It’s ours to decide. Empower yourself and help change the course of now, or hide in shame, doubt and pathetic self pity.
And take heart – the reign of the dark forces of the Kali Yuga (or age of vice) is over. What we’re witnessing is its death throes. The cycle is over and this is Humanity’s time to strike forth.
Let’s help these dark minions on their way to oblivion in style… When we disconnect, disengage and do not comply – stand confidently and boldly in the truth we know and move forward proactively – their fabrication of deceit will shred, shatter and will fall at our feet.
So focus on your Awareness and where your attention is being directed, drawn and held – no more distractions … Sovereign Humanity – we’re not compelled to tolerate these Dark influences/Elitist energies on our planet, and we cannot co-exist, so it’s time for them to go!
Again – Sovereignty, Conscious Awareness and Freewill Self Determination are ours, not theirs, and we can make Self-Determined Freewill Choices, we can Act and Create however we will, if we will it to be so, and This is Power! Think about it …
GLOBAL STRIKE – disengage and withdraw your consent: Just walk away – let’s start networking/talking and determining what WE want … Call our militaries home, network and unite as a Sovereign Collective.
Violence isn’t necessary guys – just be Sovereign, unite and walk away… EMPOWER YOURSELF, ONE ANOTHER and pull together as a Collective… Let’s Stop dragging ourselves to work every day, consenting to be enslaved by a corrupt system and negative beings! Stop supporting and sustaining a system that is manipulated to control and dominate us all – let’s withdraw our consent and refuse to participate in the BS!