GOP & Dems just puppets of wealthiest US families – Justice party leader Rocky Anderson.

Republicans & Democrats are just puppets of wealthiest US families? Well tell me something I don’t know. I mean for crying out loud, take a chance. Elaborate. Explain how these families are effectively all lieutenants under the Rothschilds. I’d love to know if there are actually any billionaires that aren’t in some way or another linked to them. Look at the way Bill Gates went from computer geek to vaccination mogul. For me there’s a price to pay for being one of the richest men in the world – YOU HAVE TO JOIN A CLUB WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!
I first heard of Rocky Anderson when he announced he would run for the Presidency in 2012 as a candidate for his newly-formed Justice Party. Immediately I liked what I heard. Of course if genuine candidates for the White House were all afforded a level playing field by the media, Americans would at least have a choice. But we have the farcical situation where the people who exert by far & away the greatest influence on Capitol Hill also happen to own the media. Small wonder the 6 major news conglomerates all sing the same tune. That’s why they can freeze out whoever they feel may be a threat. It’s just ridiculous.
Lamentably, the media decides who we should listen to & what we should hear. We’re all affected one way or another. If I hadn’t seen Rocky Anderson on RT Today, I’d have never thought ‘wait a minute. Don’t I know this guy?’ You see I’d completely forgotten about him & he’s one of the good guys. Politicians rely on publicity & in a fair & just world the media’s duty is to merely show the public what’s on offer. The media was never meant to be used as a tool to manipulate General elections. The thing is, what people don’t realise is the 6 major news networks may just as well be ONE because they’re all in cahoots with each other. If the 6 were fully independent, we wouldn’t have such a deep-rooted problem.
Anderson says all the right things but sadly when he finally gets the opportunity to get some airplay, it’s what he doesn’t say that infuriates me. He never mentions the blatant election fraud which twice robbed RON PAUL of the Presidency. He should be going to town on the media explaining exactly why his very efforts are being scuppered. When he talks about the Iraq war, sure it was illegal; it was a major blunder but why didn’t he go the whole hog? Three arch Zionists Wolfowitz, Perle & Feith were given a specific job – to invent reasons for invading Iraq! Invent is the operative word because there were no reasons. The secret agenda was for Zionists to create Greater Israel. The media however seized onto these lies, never once trying to ascertain the truth & the rest is history. THERE! WAS THAT DIFFICULT? Is everyone so damn spineless?
Thanks to Debbie Lawrence for the link & the caption below –
1829 Newspaper – Rothschilds Have Purchased Jerusalem
Aaaahhh the Zionists! Are we going to tamely allow them to continue to slip under the radar so that they will eventually end up wiping us all out? Cannot people see they will not stop until they have it all? Here’s a true story –
Some years ago I met an interesting chap in Monaco. We got to know each other quite well & we still keep in contact. He’s an American Jew & boy, was this guy connected with some US politicians in the late 60’s, 70’s & 80’s! For hours on end we spoke about everything. I was amazed at what he knew & I must admit I was really chuffed when one night he said “how the hell do you know so much about what’s REALLY going on in America?” I mean it wasn’t just politics – even though I’m a Londoner, two of my favorite sports are US football & baseball. Honestly, I blew his mind! He couldn’t believe my memory! Funny thing he said “you know more about US politics than most Americans do!” I said “well, that’s hardly surprising!“
Anyway the people he knew was some sort of who’s who list! It’s not appropriate for me to name names but take it from me, no way was this guy a bullshitter! I’d have smelt that immediately. Needless to say, even though he was Jewish, we got to the thorny topic of dual national Zionists – how they controlled America & how they were raping the US treasury with so much money being siphoned off to Israel. Then he said “I’ve got to tell you this story. I was speaking to a foreign policy adviser, a DNZ in the Lyndon Johnson administration. We were talking & I mentioned the Vietnam war!” He suddenly shook his head, “MAN! DID WE JEWS HATE THAT WAR!” So my friend, naturally was rather taken aback. “Why” he said? The man looked at him – “DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY WAS SPENT ON THAT GODDAMNED WAR?” My friend shook his head & said “no idea but I’m sure it was a proper lump!” The guy said “WELL, WE’D HAVE GOT ALL THAT!”
Like I said – 100% true! This is how they think – THEY WANT IT ALL! Believe you me, if they could pay workers in McDonalds & Amazon less, THEY WOULD!
Talk about perversion. Here’s a video which shows just how biased the media is. It astonishes me no end how so many people remain clueless to the fact the Zionists are in total control of the entire mainstream media. Thanks to Hamid Fery for this –
The Rothschilds are the damn media they have controlled it to there advantage for several decades now and will remain to do so as long as we allow them to brainwash us with their outrageous propaganda of lies and deceit. There have used their vast corruption to persuade our treasonous politicians to perpurtrate the largest scam in history by high jacking the Federal Reserve in the US to steal trillions of dollars and enslave us all to debt as well as future generations of this nation and that of the world in general if we fail to eliminate them as our forefathers predicted over a 100 hundred years ago. They have been responsible for every war to date and are currently brainwashing us into another war against THEIR enemies at an enormous cost to us all but them as they are the original Warmongers who wish to control us all via the Terrorist state of Israell for their Jew World Order.
The Rothschilds are the damn media they have controlled it to there advantage for several decades now and will remain to do so as long as we allow them to brainwash us with their outrageous propaganda of lies and deceit. They’re have used their vast corruption to persuade our treasonous politicians to perpurtrate the largest scam in history by high jacking the Federal Reserve into steal trillions of dollars and enslaving us all into debt as well as the future generations of this nation and that of the world in general if we fail to eliminate them as our forefathers predicted over a 100 hundred years ago. They have been responsible for every war to date and are currently brainwashing us into another war against THEIR enemies at an enormous cost to us all. But not them as they are the original Warmongers who wish to control us all via the Terrorist state of Israell for their Jew World Order.. Go ahead and try to debate the truth. We already know the truth. What do the four presidents have in common who attempted to take back control of the Federal Reserve? They were all assassinated, the most resent being JFK. May he RIP.
Every word you said Jon is correct. The trouble is most people are oblivious to all this.