If You Own Television in Britain You Have to Pay BBC
Category: Life & Culture Published on Wednesday, 15 January 2014 03:25Hits: 2507 , Author: Michael Aydinian
If You Own Television in Britain You Have to Pay BBC
(Whatsupic) — The concept of needing a license to watch television is probably pretty bizarre to anyone outside the UK but it is, unfortunately, a cold hard fact here.
In his Spectator column last year, Charles Moore stressed “the BBC is a massive bureaucracy, compelled by its own processes and unique tax-raising power to refrain from exercising necessary editorial judgments upon itself. The licence fee is the most regressive and most ruthlessly collected of all government imposts, and the annual sum of £145.50 is a seriously painful sum for the social groups who watch television (though not, usually, the BBC) the most.”
The annual cost of a colour TV licence is £145.50 (as from 1 April 2010). A black and white TV licence is £49 as stated by BBC.
More people are these days refuse to pay for BBC. Jake Wallis Simons in an article for the Telegraph writes “Don’t like the licence fee? Simple. Don’t pay it“. Simons suggests: “Personally, I have no problem with it. You see, I’ve never paid it. For all of my adult life, I’ve never owned a television. In the past, this meant that one was limited to watching videos, which was extremely limiting. These days, however, with the advent of DVDs and the internet, there is not a huge difference between having a television and not having one.”
The activist Michael Aydinian send this via email to Whatsupic. “A few days ago the BBC sent me an E-mail. This was do with my complaints to them & the fact for two years I refused to pay my TV licence. They asked me to complete a survey which at the end said – IS THERE ANYTHING ELSE YOU’D LIKE TO ADD!!!!!!…………. Needless to say – THERE WAS!
Before I show what I posted The Nordic Pro-Democracy Union contacted me & asked for a brief interview – this is it!”
VIDDAL: Hi, Michael! Could you tell us a bit about when you stopped paying your BBC licence, and when you think it will be transferred to the courts? AYDINIAN: They’ve sent me 14 reminders over the last two years – after the 5th reminder I wrote back to them saying “Look I’m not paying! PLEASE TAKE ME TO COURT!” I haven’t paid for two years & I have no idea when or even if they will take me to court! VIDDAL: OK. Are you in any way afraid that your decision may cause difficulties with your job, family etc? AYDINIAN: NOT ONE BIT! VIDDAL: All right. You told me you were also present at Tony Rooke’s BBC licence trial in Horsham last February. Did the BBC simply give up on him half a year later, or has he now started paying his licence? And what are your thoughts on the fact that the BBC itself as a mass medium, never covered this historic court case? AYDINIAN: He’s not paying & he never will!. Though most of us are well aware the BBC lies & is biased in favor of Israel, Tony was the first to realize the BBC were in breach of their operating requirements! His refusal to pay was chiefly based on the BBC’s inexplicable report that WTC 7 had collapsed when it hadn’t, only for it to collapse 23 minutes later! Not only the BBC never explained this but in subsequent documentaries, the same old lies were being aired! Therefore the BBC knew they had no leg to stand on. This is why NONE OF US should pay! VIDDAL: So do you feel now that the BBC may start ‘chickening out’ and willfully avoiding further court battles against Beeb skeptics? AYDINIAN: ABSOLUTELY! The Zionists who control not just the BBC but the entire mainstream media are terrified of any adverse publicity! THIS IS WHY THEY’VE ALWAYS SOUGHT TO CONTROL THE FLOW OF INFORMATION! Most significantly, since 9/11 itself provides proof that the BBC lied, the last thing the Zionists want to do is open up a can of worms because if the 9/11 truth campaign gets any serious momentum, then Israel will find itself in a very serious predicament! There is mountains of evidence which more than suggests 9/11 was an inside job but what is not so clear is who controls Capitol Hill! Most of the world might believe 9/11 was an inside job but nowhere near as many people are of the opinion that nothing of any note occurs in America without the expressed wish of the dual national Zionists! Moreover the media & the justice system too would quickly come under immense scrutiny! Soon, en masse, people would know the Israelis were the terrorists of 9/11! VIDDAL: That was the last question, so thank you for answering my questions, and good luck with your important work and the future! AYDINIAN: Like it, Centurion. Like it! | ||
And with no further ado: Aydinian’s letter to the BBC!
I was sent an E-mail by the BBC. They asked me this – ‘specifically, in your own words, what was your main reason for writing to the BBC & why you refuse to pay the TV licence? Please give as much detail as possible.’ ……… Well they asked………..
Your coverage of 9/11 ever since the fateful day has been a disgrace & a travesty. There has been no investigation yet you’ve continued to perpetuate the same lies for 12 years! You reported the collapse of the Saloman Brothers building, WTC 7 while it was standing & then lo & behold 23 minutes later this building collapsed at free-fall speed, in classic control demolition style! You’ve never explained this! Hardly surprising for this act alone PROVES the BBC was at best party to information which could have led to the arrest of the real perpetrators; at worst it shows the BBC is inextricably linked to the very people that planned & executed 9/11. I’m in no doubt the latter is true for the BBC has literally become an Israeli propaganda machine.
Even when the owner of the 3 buildings that fell that day, Larry Silverstein, an arch Zionist & close friend of lunatic Benjamin Netanyahu, said while interviewed that ‘they took the decision to PULL WTC 7’ a flat out demolition term & virtually an admission of guilt, the BBC NEVER MENTIONED IT……..or for that matter the billions Silverstein conveniently received through insurance claims! How can it be possible that within a year of buying the Twin Towers for a knockdown $15 million (even though his offer was lower than others), he then proceeded to insure the buildings for $3.5 billion, stating that he must be paid double in the event of the Towers being destroyed in a terrorist attack! How can the BBC never once deem this to be news?
Of course the day to day running of programs carries on as normal which more than helps keep the public oblivious of reality. However when it comes to news not only are we told a pack of lies from squeaky clean news readers like Fiona Bruce & Ben Aligiah but what remains hidden from public gaze is something to behold! Though this has been going on for years, since 9/11 especially, the fabrication of news has now reached levels so extraordinary, I only tune in to the BBC news simply to hear what you’re lying about & more importantly, what you neglect to report. So before you think about writing back to me saying how sorry you are that I feel this way & that the BBC always tries to ensure it’s news is of the very highest quality & blah blah blah, I’m now of the belief, the BBC can actually get no worse!
Before I list a catalogue of lies & non-reporting, I remind you the BBC is in breach of their operating requirements through the ‘Royal Charter & Agreement’ with the British public. This document requires you to show information that is both accurate & impartial. On both counts, this most definitely is not the case! This is why I have refused to pay the TV licence & encouraged many others not to do so. Furthermore such is the gravity of the situation I am in no doubt that I am actually risking my own life by revealing all this because the BBC is totally under the control of Zionists. There can be no question 9/11 was planned & executed by dual national Zionists in America! This was a classic false flag event. The world must never know the truth that Israel & the Zionists are responsible for much of the pain & suffering in the world & along with Israel, the US & UK are the chief architects of state terrorism!
1). Since 9/11 anyone seriously challenging the ‘impossible’ official version of events either has had a blanket boycott imposed on them such as the 2000 experts who’ve put their names behind Richard Gage’s superb documentary Architects & Engineers for 9/11 truth or have been branded ‘dropouts’ as was the case with Dylan Avery, whose brilliant 9/11 documentary ‘Loose Change’ has been watched by countless millions on the Internet.
2). The BBC has never once mentioned how ever since 9/11, 1000’s upon 1000’s of family members of victims have campaigned tirelessly for a true & proper investigation. Instead the myth that truthers are unpatriotic is forever sprayed on mainstream media! Moreover, the lie that truthers are merely opening up old wounds for families of victims is perpetuated with unerring regularity. Nothing could be further from the truth.
3). Case in point, the BBC has never mentioned how so many family members have taken out civil actions against Bush, Cheney & Rumsfeld for murder. Why has this not made the news? There’s a good reason – none of the cases ever get to court because the entire US justice system is controlled by Zionists. Therefore the BBC have no problem in sweeping this potential nightmare under the proverbial carpet!
4). How come no one in the BBC ever pondered how convenient it was that former Israeli PM Ehud Barak was plotted up at BBC headquarters on the very day of 9/11? Sure enough Barak was among the first to accuse Muslim extremists, notably Al-Qaeda, an organisation founded & funded by none other than the CIA, for carrying out the attack! Even Sherlock Holmes couldn’t work that fast! I wonder what Jews would have thought if Osama Bin Laden was there instead accusing Zionists of this heinous treachery? The outcry would have been deafening! Fact is the day after 9/11 Osama Bin Laden actually denied any involvement in 9/11 on Aljazeera TV. Needless to say the BBC along with the entire mainstream media deemed this earth-shattering interview was unimportant & so unworthy of showing the world! Explain this please?
5). 19 Saudi hijackers were accused yet it was felt necessary to flatten Afghanistan & Iraq! Why didn’t the BBC ever mention this mysterious anomaly?
6). Why didn’t the BBC ever mention that the Talaban actually offered to hand over Bin Laden so long as America produced at least some evidence linking Bin Laden to the attacks? Since Bin Laden had already been fingered, Bush & Cheney had to have some incontrovertible evidence! Now this is plain logic! Of course there was no evidence! I’ve always wondered what would have happened if the Talaban said, “screw this! Bin Laden – get on your bike! You’re taking a trip to DC!”
7). Just about the most damning indictment of the BBC is how your lies directly led to the death of 1.5 million innocent Iraqis. The BBC was instrumental in swaying the public into believing the lies of Tony Blair that Saddam had WMD’s & of his apparent ability to attack the UK within 45 minutes! Not once has the BBC apologized to the Iraqi people. Instead you’ve virtually boycotted any talk of Bush & Blair being tried for the war crimes they obviously committed. The very fact a tribunal in Kuala Lumpar decreed Bush & Blair were guilty of war crimes NEVER MADE MAINSTREAM NEWS is testament to the level of skulduggery of the BBC!
8). Your coverage of the startling revelations of Bradley Manning & Julian Assange that the US military was indiscriminately opening fire on unarmed Iraqi civilians was a scandalous! Even though video footage proved conclusively the US military was committing the most heinous war crimes imaginable, you brushed this aside as if it was nothing. This would have been bad enough. You then proceeded to ignore the outrageous plight of Bradley Manning. He was incarcerated, held in solitary confinement for 11 months, tortured! After almost 3 years in jail he was sentenced to 35 years imprisonment, a crime befitting the most evil serial killer, MERELY FOR TELLING THE TRUTH! You never lifted one finger to help this astonishing young man – shame on you! True to form, you’ve proceeded to portray all other whistle-blowers such as Assange as common criminals. He’s a journalist for Christ sake, one of your own! As for John Kiriakou who was jailed for revealing the US military was illegally torturing detainees, once again you never lifted a finger to help this brave man!
9). You’ve never mentioned how all of Iraq’s oil is being stolen. Indeed how would the public feel if they knew that America had built a pipeline, courtesy of the US taxpayer, from Iraq’s oilfields, all the way through Jordan, into Israel where oil is purchased at a knockdown price so mind-boggling it beggars belief! Of course, a Zionist controlled media lying about the fact 9/11 was planned & executed by Zionists, is hardly going to mention how Israel is gaining so gloriously from all this mayhem in the Middle East!
10). On that note, why haven’t you ever shown the world Netanyahu’s reaction to 9/11? YOU’VE SHOWN EVERYTHING ELSE HE SAYS! In fact you’ve given him a free platform to spew his racist war-mongering bile! Why didn’t you show the world how the day after 9/11 he literally could not contain himself saying “THIS IS GOOD FOR ISRAEL!” The mother of all ironies – THIS IS THE ONE TIME NETANYAHU ACTUALLY TOLD THE TRUTH, for the undeniable truth is Israel is the only country to have gained from 9/11!
11). 9/11 paved the way for the systematic destruction of civil liberties! 30 years ago the Patriot Act alone would have brought about a media onslaught. However the very fact the BBC never once mentioned the ratification of what is without doubt the most criminal piece of legislation in history – the NDA Act, clearly indicates something is very seriously amiss! How many Brits are aware this act allows the US administration to INDEFINITELY DETAIN ANYONE, WITHOUT CHARGE, WITHOUT TRIAL, WITHOUT ANY LEGAL REPRESENTATION? It’s like the worst criminals are in control & you say nothing!
12). RON PAUL should be America’s President. To say he was cheated by the most blatant election rigging through the use of Zionist Diebold counting machines that can’t count, is a chronic understatement! In every straw poll RON PAUL was miles ahead, only for him to end up 2nd or 3rd in just about every Primary & Caucus. Yet even though he was a front runner, THE BBC NEVER MENTIONED HIS NAME ONCE!
13). Your coverage of the scandal regarding Adam Verrity was an act of Treason, plain & simple! This was far more serious than the Profumo case yet you buried it! This man was seen everywhere with Liam Fox, UK’s Defense Secretary, Cameron’s right-hand man! When the question was finally asked ‘who the hell is this guy’, it was revealed he was inextricably linked to Mossad & several Israeli arms manufacturers, Fox was forced to resign…….. AND THAT WAS IT! What damage may have been done to Britain was not questioned! Cameron was never put to task over this scandal of cataclysmic proportions!
14). In 2008/9 the Israelis invaded Gaza killing some 1500 innocent civilians. The consequent inquiry conducted by judge Goldstone, a man of impeccable credentials, concluded the Israelis had utilized White Phosphorous cluster bombs, a weapon the international community had deemed illegal & thus banned! The Israelis therefore had indeed committed war crimes! NOTHING! The report, even though conducted by a self-confessed Zionist, was well & truly buried……… by you!
15). Moreover, the BBC then refused to publicize any appeal for aid for the hapless Palestinians who once again had been subject to brutal oppression by the Israeli forces. I remind you of the Tony Benn interview where he refused to be bullied by the BBC interviewer. How can you stoop so low?
16). The Israelis have imposed a blockade of Gaza. The Palestinians are being denied basic essentials such as water, electricity & medicine. They are systematically being wiped out, it’s called Genocide by the way, just in case you’ve forgot, YET YOU SAY NOTHING! Even the fact a former US President, Jimmy Carter, has released a book ‘Peace Not Apartheid’ which blatantly condemns Israel, has never been mentioned by the BBC!
17). Your coverage of the fact Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Mali & the Central African Republic have been devastated by the West is an absolute travesty! These countries have done nothing yet your reporting is of the most disgraceful one-sided nature. When are you going to question what the hell we’re doing destroying these countries? Just in case you’re suffering from a severe case of Amnesia, here’s one – WHY IS THERE ALWAYS MORE MONEY FOR WAR?
18). You accused Syria’s President Assad of utilizing Chemical weapons on his own people at light speed. Once again the media acted as a mouthpiece for Zionist war-mongers. Yet nothing was said of how Assad had no reason to gas his people for he was winning the battle against the rebels. Moreover, he more than anyone knew this kind of incident was exactly what the US administration was waiting for! Most significantly, if Assad was going to gas anyone, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN THE REBELS, NOT HIS OWN PEOPLE! However, slowly but surely it became abundantly clear this attack was a classic false flag operation carried out by the rebels. The Russians & the UN even went as far to say so, yet the BBC who were so quick to trump up lies, suddenly clammed up big time!
19). Our PM David Cameron secretively accepted payment of £100 million from the NSA for the release of private E-mails & phone conversations of UK citizens! Since this decision can effect the life of every person in this country, the fact it was taken without any consultation or debate is an act of criminality! How could he do do such a thing without telling us? What justification can you possibly have for not taking Cameron to task over this? This after all is nothing less than an act of TREASON!
20). Finally, Iran has not attacked another country since 1798; Israel has attacked almost all its neighbors! Iran has no Nuclear weapons; Israel has over 300! Iran has had no UN resolutions tabled against it; Israel has had no less than 65! Iran has not committed any war crimes; Israel has on several occasions! Iran wants peace; ISRAEL WANTS WAR! ARE YOU EVER GOING TO TELL THE TRUTH? Sources: The Spectator, BBC, Warpedplastic, The Telegraph, The Nordic Pro-Democracy Union, Michael Aydinian