I’m Still Standing!

It never ceases to amaze me how those who still believe the bullshit ‘official’ Zionist account of 9/11 ie that Kerosene plane fuel can melt steel, never wonder how to this day cookers function & planes still fly.
Temperature required to compromise steel – 2000+ degrees
Maximum temperature of Kerosene plane fuel – 900 degrees
And you can be sure not one single moron who so readily accused people who bother to think of being ‘conspiracy theorists’, hasn’t for one minute pondered, ‘well, when is this building going to collapse?’ I’ve got news – it never will because fire CANNOT reduce steel-structured buildings to rubble. What we were told is simply impossible!
Remember, in fact, never forget – this entire war on terror is based on a complete pack of lies. 9/11 was an Israeli/Mossad/dual national Zionist operation for the purpose of creating the very climate mankind is bedevilled with today.
And while we’re on the subject…..
If anyone knows who was responsible for 9/11 – Dr Alan Sabrosky should. They did it alright.
If anyone knows who was responsible for 9/11 – Dr Alan Sabrosky should. They did it alright.