James Corbett: When False Flags Don’t Fly

Three short videos & a link – two of the videos regard the recent debacle in Paris where once again all the surveillance under the sun cannot foil an elaborate, coordinated ‘attack’ where the alleged conspirators are able to inexplicably escape, yet are stupid enough to leave a passport behind………….. again. Needless to say within a few minutes all the Zionist puppets know exactly who to blame & the Zionist media then base all their reporting on these unsubstantiated claims.
No leading questions are ever asked, like how could you let this happen or how come everyone in the vicinity of these ‘attacks’ had a camcorder ie mobile but neglected to use them? And then to put the icing on the cake in no time the authorities manage to find & kill all the alleged terrorists. Well considering how successful they were, one would think they’d want to take at least one of them alive just to find out how the hell they did it without any of the security services knowing anything.
Of course only those with the brains of a rocking horse don’t realise the Paris attacks were a complete set up job. The first video is one I’ve had for quite a few years but I like the way James Corbett explains everything but they’re all well worth watching.
This one features the lady agent who likes to set off a load of fire-crackers –
MUST SEE “FIRECRACKER” TOSS by Gov’t Operative During Paris Attack @ Cafe Nostra! BUSTED!
Here they more or less admit the whole thing was a set up job –
Finally, if you want to know all the inns & outs of the Paris false flag here’s an excellent piece by Brandon Martinez
Decoding the Paris Attacks: ISIS Blowback or French-Israeli False Flag?
Is it true that the Bataclan was sold by 2 Israelis 2 weeks prior to the attacks after owning it for 40 years?
I do believe this was the case Uzair but it’s not so important.
Corbett is giving you a quick lesson in history so please write it down and look up what he refers to so you have insight.
Just the sheer fact of the exercise drills all at the same time as catastrophe of the exact same thing in the drill just doesn’t happen folks. So, please stop believing what your television tells you. Please.
Coincidences stop being coincidences after so many coincidences. After that they become patterns
Quite right Joey
Well said indeed Jill. That’s why I chose JC’s video. Thanks for your comment.
Excellent article michael !!! If you don’t already know, here’s another ‘coincidence’ about Paris.
Yes indeed Kenny. I could well use your clip because I feel it’s more than worthy of a post in its own right. Thanks mate
Yes indeed Kenny. I could well use your clip because I feel it’s more than worthy of a post in its own right. Thanks mate
Thank you Kenny.
No probs Michael, thx also for your work. Pleased to see your readership has soared recently, quality stuff. New film out by tony rooke, it’s up there with the best about 9/11, if not at the top….
Thanks for that Kenny. I attended Tony Rooke’s court case over his refusal to pay the TV licence so I look forward to watching this – cheers.