The honour is not about holding office – it is about the opportunity to serve you in the fight to get a better government for our country.

I’m not just saying it but I love the way JC has got off to a flying start. Straight away he ripped into the media for their disgraceful coverage of the labor leadership contest. What so aggravates me is the media’s bias was so obvious yet NO ONE IS SAYING ANYTHING! They can do the same thing again – if the media barons don’t like something or someone they can throw the kitchen sink at it & vice-versa. I only hope Corbyn makes it a manifesto pledge to prise open the grip the Zionists have over the media. Anyway I was even more pleased to see this email from Corbyn HQ –
Dear Michael,
It is a deep honour to be elected as the Labour Party’s new Leader. The honour is not about holding office — it is about the opportunity to serve you in the fight to get a better government for our country.
I want to pay tribute to Andy, Yvette and Liz. As the last few weeks have shown, each of them cares passionately about the Labour party and its values and has made a fantastic contribution to it.
The Labour Party is the joint endeavour of each and every one of us that believe in fairness, equality and social justice. If you share these values then I want to use your talents to make us stronger, and I want to represent you.
So, help me be your representative. When I stand at the despatch box for Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday, I want to be your voice.
What do you want to ask David Cameron? Tell me now and I will put your questions to him in parliament. My questions will be your questions.
Let’s hold this government to account together with straight-talking, honest politics.
Thank you for your commitment to building a better future. I look forward to working with you.
Best wishes,
Jeremy Corbyn
So the question I want Corbyn to ask on Wednesday is the letter I sent to Cameron 7-8 months ago
“If a British plane was shot down over Ukraine but the Black Boxes were sent to Malaysia only to remain hidden from public gaze for a year, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY TO THE VICTIM’S FAMILIES? And since you’ve already made an enemy out of Russia as a result of you blaming Putin, WHEN IS THE DATA ON THE BLACK BOXES GOING TO RELEASED?”