The mere thought – invade a foreign land; abduct kids; incarcerate in your country without charge while denying legal representation? You wouldn’t think it possible. One country is actually allowed to do this – ISRAEL!

I’ll say it again: The mere thought – invade a foreign land; abduct kids; incarcerate in your country without charge while denying legal representation. You wouldn’t think it possible. One country is actually allowed to do this – ISRAEL! But here’s the killer – not only do these incredibly evil, totally illegal practices occur on a regular basis – WE ARE BEING LED TO BELIEVE 10 YEAR OLD’S WHO ARE BEING KIDNAPPED & THROWN IN JAIL FOR NO REASON ARE TERRORISTS, WHILE THE PERPETRATORS OF THESE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ARE SIMPLY DEFENDING THEMSELVES!
With so much going on & with so many people in so many nations having their lives torn asunder, with the world’s media focused elsewhere, unsurprisingly the Israelis have seized the opportunity to pile even more misery on the hapless Palestinians. Apparently there’s been a staggering 80% increase in the number of Palestine children abducted by the IDF & thrown into Israeli jails. While they are detained without charge these kids are denied legal representation. It’s obvious what the Israelis are doing – the physical aspect is bad enough. These kids are being tortured. These wounds though can heal. However, most children are simply unable to shake off the mental anguish. The Israelis damn well know, demoralizing these kids like so will leave them scarred for life.
Now before Zionists start unloading, it’s not me saying there’s been an 80% increase – this is according to the Israeli Prison Service. This shouldn’t be happening to any human being & that includes Jews, but I wholeheartedly believe all those responsible for these inhumane policies & all those who participate are as bad, if not worse than the Nazis. They have the gall to forever remind us how they allegedly suffered! Moreover, the Palestinians never did anything to them! Bear in mind, Nazi crimes occurred when the world was embroiled in war. Innocent people always suffer in war-time. Jews are not the exception – far from it! What we are seeing in the Occupied Territories is as bad as it gets – slow-motion Genocide but for such outrageous crimes to occur at PEACE TIME? We have no excuse to sit idly by. Quite what the bloody UN is doing! The Palestinians are guilty of no crime.
So we really must do what we can & for us in the UK the Palestine Solidarity Campaign have made it a simple task – a couple of clicks & your MP will receive the letter of complaint that’s already written. AND I KNOW……. this won’t stop the Israelis. AND I KNOW……. it will take a miracle for the Palestinians to ever have their own country & the basic rights that we take for granted. If you don’t want to sign, FINE! But please – don’t tell me it’s a waste of time. Two clicks on the mouse does not constitute a time span where wastage applies. In the meantime, at least you’re letting your MP know, you’re not happy! I grant you – the more dissatisfied folk there are writing to their MP, the more that MP will start to feel re-election’s going to be a tough nut to crack! If you don’t think that MP doesn’t want to be re-elected then you don’t think!
Can you ask your friends to contact their MPs as well? The more MP’s that know about this debate the more likely it is that the debate will influence the UK Government. The UK has taken action on this issue in the past – the Foreign Office funded a report looking at the plight of Palestinian children in the Israeli detention system and pressed the Israeli Government to accept the recommendations of the report. We want the UK Government to do more. We want our Government to make clear that it is unacceptable for the Israeli Government continue to violate children’s rights.
Step 1 – Find your MP –
Step 2 – Lobby your MP –
These are some of the issues the great PALESTINE SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN have on the Kane & Abel. There are a lot of good people out there trying to do their bit. That’s what we’ve all got to do!
Child prisoners’ debate
Palestine Action week
Help stop the destruction of a village by the Israeli State
Emergency action for East Jerusalem
Keep Netanyahu out of the UK: Sign the letter to David Cameron now
Tell the Prime Minister: Pressure Israel until it ends Gaza siege
Sign the HP Pledge
Open letter to BBC: bias over casualty figures
Suspend the EU Israel Association Agreement
Sign our letter to David Cameron
Sign our open letter to the BBC
End Israel’s bombing and killing – act to uphold international law
Help save Al Arakib – save this bedouin village from destruction!
Sign our letter against the Prawer Plan
Exclude illegal settlement goods from the UK – Labour Pledge
Ban Settlement Goods
Thanks to Charles Magus for this superb link –
Israel’s Actions In Palestine Are The Definition Of Apartheid
“Noam Chomsky — the world’s most cited living author — has stated that Israel’s actions in Palestine are ‘much worse than Apartheid’ in South Africa.”
‘There is no co-existence with cancer’: Right-wing Israelis demand gov’t give military ‘free hand’ to fight Palestinians –
What it should have said ‘free hand’ to murder Palestinians. How would you like that? Well, the way things are going, soon people in the UK may well be in for a rude awakening. For the first time you will understand what fighting Palestinians & what defending oneself REALLY MEANS!
And finally one of many ex Israeli soldiers who tells the truth –
WRITER BIO: Michael Aydinian is a political analyst, a freelance writer and a severe critic of corporate media. He is currently living in the UK.
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Thank you very much for all the researching and posting and caring for my people… One of the many things that keeps me above water is the fact that there ARE people out there who are enlightened and do care.
Please keep it up, you keep me going, even though I don’t comment much, I visit and read your page all the time.👍🏼
Thank you Khaled – I’ll do my best