Waste at the Pentagon – where the hell does it go & why doesn’t America take care our it’s citizens?

I can safely assure all readers this scandal of cataclysmic proportions has little to do with waste. Sure, the Pentagon may squander & lavish the odd million bucks here & there but attributing the trillions of US taxpayer money that’s disappeared down the Swanee at the Pentagon as mere waste is like diagnosing an inoperable malignant tumor as a stomach bug! I’m not joking either. Waste is one thing; filling your boots is another thing altogether…. & that’s precisely what’s been occurring at the Pentagon – BLATANT DAYLIGHT ROBBERY!
And let me just add, I’m not talking about the $2.3 trillion Rabbi Dov Zakheim siphoned off so that Israel ended up with the 2nd largest air-force in the world. Only God knows how many F16’s came out the factory only to be deemed ‘useless’…… but they all ended up in Israel! You may ask, how could such skulduggery take place? One reason only – the entire mass-media is in the hands of the very same people who are robbing America blind. The media’s job is to ensure Americans never realise this grand larceny is dual national Zionism hard at work. ‘Waste’ is the excuse given. It’s all down to waste!
How many times have we heard this crap? It is indeed a sad indictment of mankind, all over the world, those who are able to, take & never stop taking until, that is, the cupboard’s bare. When it’s put down to waste, the uninitiated are left to bemoan for all of two seconds flat….. ‘aaahh. S’always been like this, innit!’ As a result, attention is diverted away from what effectively is mega-fraud. I’ve said it & I’ve said it again & again. I’m no longer blue in the face; more like deep purple. These gargantuan crooks get away with it because they’re inextricably linked to those who control the entire media apparatus.
Here’s a superb article from my great friend Dinah Everett Snyder. Just to put this all into perspective, the day before 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld announced $2.3 trillion had taken a walk from the Pentagon. The timing of revealing this outrageous theft was of course deliberate. They knew the next day every American wouldn’t give a shit about how all this wonga, THEIR MONEY, went on the missing list!
Now a quote from Netanyahu in 2001 –
Should it be such a surprise this daylight robbery continues to this very day? Here’s a segment –
2015, the Pentagon commissioned an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its immense back-office bureaucracy.
“When the project documented far more wasteful spending than expected, senior defense officials moved swiftly to kill it by discrediting and suppressing the results,” because they feared Congress would see the waste as an opportunity to reduce Pentagon spending.
125 billion would house and feed every single homeless person in America right now.
125 billion would provide one years mental health treatments and supplemental job training for all of those homeless that needed these benefits.
125 billion would provide free bus tickets and assistance for haircuts and suitable clothing for Americas homeless
125 billion would provide food and medical for the pets of Americas homeless
125 billion would provide free diapers and tampons for Americas homeless
125 billion would provide interest free car loans, down payments, three months of insurance and one free oil change on personal transportation for homeless Americans
Waste at the Pentagon WHERE the HELL does it go and why doesn’t America take CARE of our Citizens?
On the ball as usual.
The truth for all to see.
But many will still choose to keep there eyes closed.
Thanks Jenny but be sure – the media want you to think people have their eyes shut & that we’re fighting a losing battle, They are on the run!