Ashton Carter – The Rothschild Agent Running the Pentagon by Christopher Bollyn.

It didn’t take two seconds – the moment this guy opened his mouth I thought ‘oh my word! Look at what we’ve got here.’ If ever America was afflicted with the worst possible case of ‘we’ve got the most useless, good-for-nothing pieces of shit making the most important decisions for us’ IT IS HERE & NOW IN THE SHAPE OF ASHTON CARTER! This is the current US Secretary of Defense. In my eyes he’s not worth a bar of soap & there’s a damn good reason why – he doesn’t know what defense means!
I’m sorry but merely saying he’s not worthy hardly cuts it. Whatever he’s told to say he’ll reel off with due aplomb, even if it’s a Mark Regev style porkie. What worries me there’s nothing this guy won’t do. It’s one thing lying your arse off but this guy is in the Hilary Clinton, Blair, Cameron – ‘I’m capable of doing anything’ league! Here’s a typically fine piece from Christopher Bollyn about this very serious lying sack of shit!
I”m looking for info in the article about how he’s related to the Rothschilds and don’t see it!
Click on the linked article right above his oicture with the saudi minister. Its not suprising either, they need a puppet in the DoD to keep their agenda going.