GMMuk – Countdown to WW III Part ii

Sorry for the delay folks. I now appreciate how important editing is. I’m learning & improving all the time. Some bullet points for my latest clip (14 mins) –
1) TRUMP/HILLARY Though they are both bad, they are worlds apart
2) The media makes up any old bullshit regarding Trump but neglects to say anything regarding Hillary’s blatant shenanigans
3) Hillary means Netanyahu is the US President
4) Albert Pike (1809-1891) – the NWO will need 3 world wars
5) Opposing Israel never goes unpunished
6) FIFA corrupt for years but then they supported the Palestinians
7) Professor Chomsky & Bernie Sanders leaned on to support Hillary
8) Professor Steven Jones, US chief expert on physics – career ruined
9) Phillip Marshall, foremost US aviation expert – him & his family were murdered
10) Behind closed doors Zionists are piling on the pressure – support Hillary or else!
And from the great James Corbett –
Hillary Clinton Is A Threat To All Of Humanity –
As well as having an adverse effect upon one’s mental state, I will warn you that listening to the incessant lies of Hillary Clinton on this video can leave one feeling physical sick!
Finally, I thought I’d include this excellent interview with my favorite journalist – John Pilger. He talks more sense than just about anyone. You tell me afterwards if he’s not right in stating that the world is moving perilously closer to WW III. He makes the point of saying –
Your English is really poor. You should pick a profession/trade that doesn’t require proper English skills, because you surely lack them.
The very fact you have not tried to answer any of the points I’ve made means you have no argument whatsoever. You’re only option therefore is to spout bile. Well approaching 18 months on this website & almost 2 million hits later, you are the first person to complain about my English. GOOD ON YOU! You must be very proud. Next time try & take me on arsehole…..
Funny someone criticising a British writer that his English is not good!
Indeed Abbas.
Why I cannot sign in with my facebook id, Michael?
Because these Zionist bastards play every trick in the book with my website & FB page. My subscribers have nothing but trouble all the time.