God is on Israel’s side, but not the United States, says Israel’s new U.N. ambassador.

The new Israeli ambassador to the United Nations believes that Israel has God on its side but not the United States. In fact, U.S. policy has cost Israel “thousands of young lives.
Here’s the egg! It seems to be we have a tumor so large in Israel, each up-&-coming politician has to be even more crazy than the one before!
Forget how America incurred the wrath of the world 66 times leaping to Israel’s defense at the UN. 66 times America saved Israel from having sanctions imposed by applying its veto. Note the level of gratitude this imbecile shows for the countless billions stolen out of the pockets of the American taxpayers & given to Israel. The undeniable fact is each year Israel receives more aid from America than the entire continent of Africa. Considering over 25,000 people a day die of starvation in Africa & no country breaks more international laws than Israel, quite how this cretin can say such a thing is beyond me.
But this is the kind of people we are dealing with here. Please, save all your brainless accusations of racism because there isn’t a racist bone in my body. All you’re doing is showing just how ignorant you are because there is no country on the planet that is anywhere near as racist as Israel. They openly gloat that they are the Chosen Ones. How can it get more racist than that – we’re superior to you…….. & what’s more – THEY ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT!
All I can say to this slimy piece of shit is – shut up you blithering idiot. If God was on your side we wouldn’t be here! You’d have already destroyed the planet! The last thing you bastards need are any help!
Fortunately there are many Jews who are beginning to see above the lies. A New Synagogue In Chicago Is Billing Itself As ‘Non-Zionist’ For Rabbi Brant Rosen, it’s about “bearing witness to oppression, particularly when it’s being done in our name as Americans and as Jews.”
Then there’s the group The Jewish Voice for Peace which I’ve been involved with for quite some time now – today they sent me this –
if god was for israel surely is not the God of salvation Christ…
Zionists don’t believe in religion!