Greater Israel courtesy of Isis!

Here’s an article by Brandon Martinez who can explain the whole ISIS fiasco a whole lot better than I can –
– but I’ll give it a go anyway –
Since this link is now unavailable & it’s a popular post, I thought I’d include an article I wrote about ISIS 6 months prior to this post –
ISIS Are Terrorists But Their Commanders Are in the Knesset and Mossad
The moment I heard the media christen the mercenary thugs used to murder Gaddafi & reduce Libya to rubble ISIS, I thought, here we go again. I knew exactly what I would be saying about this mob FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!
Frankly, quite how anyone can believe what the media & politicians have said about ISIS is a wonder of the world. Here we have an army of terrorists which the US seemingly can do nothing about. Already we are in the realms of fairy-tales & fantasy, yet since they keep reminding us how ISIS remains this terrible terrorist threat, it goes without saying they must believe people are still dumb enough to actually believe the crap they’re coming out with!
1) How sad…….. we’re told these terrorists, who incidentally sprang out of nowhere, (nothing to do with Israeli, US & UK foreign policy), just happened to stumble upon a shitload of state-of-the-art firepower. These terrorists simply picked it all up off the floor. How convenient is that….. but let’s quickly drop the notion anyone was criminally negligent because the Zionist propaganda tool known as the media could have it’s hands full when it comes to explaining how the entire US military is unable to stop these murderous maniacs? ARE YOU DUMB ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THAT?…….. Okay, just in case you need some help here –
2) How in the blazes can this band of terrorists continue to reap untold mayhem without somebody giving them a continuous supply of ammunition? With every war, armies require a constant supply of food, water & ammunition ie supply lines. If you believe the tripe you’re being fed, aren’t you ever going to ask this most obvious question? Just in case you don’t know – you can’t wave a magic wand & say ‘hello all the ammunition under the Sun!’
3) ISIS has destroyed Libya, Iraq, Syria & is now turning its attention to Lebanon. In other words, up to now, these blood-thirsty Islamic terrorists so far have only slaughtered Arabs & Muslims. Are you telling me, as well as being deaf & dumb, they’re also blind as a bat? Israel is a stone’s throw away but is yet to be threatened. Not one Israeli has died at the hands of ISIS. These terrorists sure know what they’re doing! All of Israel’s enemies are being slaughtered…… oh & by the way – the fact Israel is a stone’s throw away has proved to be an enormous shot in the arm to these lovely Islamic mass-murderers – you see Israel provides sanctuary for the ISIS wounded to be treated in Israeli hospitals …………. but don’t worry – the Israelis have assured everyone this is entirely for humanitarian reasons. Aaaaaaahhhhhhh how nice of them…….
Thanks Jack I still can’t quite get my head round your connection with the English language & numbers but if it got you to believe who the players are & what their goals are, then that’s fine by me because so long as people understand exactly what’s going on, in my book that’s all that counts.
Really? Is it your habit to comment on how people write? Sheesh :/
Lallia – I’m ever so sorry. I’ll try not to do it again!!!!
Pharaoh breed
Pharaoh breed
need more! To your first absolute; 1) ISIS does not have “all the ammunition under the sun”. They have obtained enough (from Iran, Russia, plundered Iraq’s arsenals). They have obtained an arsenal only capable of pushing back much of the local resistance in Syria and Iraq…but not all of it! Had ISIS obtained “all the ammunition under the sun” then they would be in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt and elsewhere. To your 2nd absolute; ISIS has and is attempting to destroy all remaining remnants of the Christian and other populations as well…not only the Arabs and Muslims! and finally, to the 3rd absolute; If ISIS attacked Israel, they clearly know it would be all over for them! ISIS’s best bet is to leave Israel alone!!! Israel deploys humanitarian groups around the world. Israel was the top provider of help in the recent Nepal earthquake tragedy. So, it is not out of character for Israel to provide humanitarian relief to wounded ISIS fighters. Please provide valid reasoning to support your hypothesis.
Please provide reasoning? What like the way you have – DON’T MAKE ME LAUGH! Here’s what Israel does –
First time in my life I have read ‘Israel’ and ‘humanitarian’ in the same sentence, except 1 million quotes from the entire world recording its violations of it!
And secondly, ISIS was ‘weaponized’ by Russia and Iran!!! Are you a Zionist troll??? Everyone, except the ZioNazi media knows that ISIS (non-Muslim) terrorists are the assets of the AngloZionist empire, funded by Yahudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE and trained in Turkey and Jordan. One question, as a total outsider, what do you think of the human race???
And secondly, ISIS was ‘weaponized’ by Russia and Iran!!! Are you a Zionist troll??? Everyone, except the ZioNazi media knows that ISIS (non-Muslim) terrorists are the assets of the AngloZionist empire, funded by Yahudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE and trained in Turkey and Jordan. One question, as a total outsider, what do you think of the human race???
Well said Abel
how about. the gaza children you killed and living in rubble. what a hell are yo talki about humantarian as regards israel?
Absolutely right Ismael.
I’m sure you are jewish. That clearly explaines to me your likes towards that illegal jewish state.
Absolutely George. How can anyone in their right mind support Israel?
Mad dog! Have you been dunking or are you this stupid naturally?
I THINK BOTH DRU. How can anyone be that daft?
Spot on! The world is led to believe Arabs are destroying themselves. When it is the monstrous zionists in disguise, guiding the whole fiasco. Divide and conquer!
Quite right Natasha. I’ve always believed their evil surpaases all but as each month goes by, I discover more & more shocking revelations. I’m currently finishing off a piece about Africa which explains how Zionists are not just milking the country dry but killing millions of people. Few people have any idea because the media, which as we know is their tool, never says a word about what’s going on there.
I can’t wait to read your book. Look forward to its publication.
🙂 Tomorrow it will be finished I hope………
Where do I aquire a copy at ??? Thank you 🙂
And one for me please!
I don’t think I said I was writing a book but I finished the piece about Africa a while ago. Here it is if you so wish –
Israel also treats palestinian wounded in it’s hospitals. Israel are just far to strong for ISIS to get invloved with right now, why give the most powerful and internationally supported nation a reason to attack you. Seems like they have learned from Hitler when he attacked Russia.
Israel only treats Palestinians that are from west Bank. That is its obligation. its only treating isis injured to so that they keep its neighbours de-stablised.
Thank you Sam & Adalat. I can’t say I know the details of what’s going on in Israeli hospitals. All I know is that ISIS is a branch of Mossad.
So first they shoot them and then they treat them and you still view this as a noble thing?
israel wants to keep all its neighbors ad failed states. Isis is israel terror machine
Agreed though I’d go as far to say Israel doesn’t want any neighbors.
Hegelian Dialectic : ” a false flag attack
#1. Create the Problem
#2. Control the reaction … direct the blame
#3. Offer the solution …
* yet as in the case of that which Is-Real.
Force the so called solution.
As this has been the way through Their
Holy Trinity : Military-Finance-Religion…!
I will add this – the only people who can hope to get away with a false flag operation are those who possess media control. This is a prerequisite because the whole purpose of a false flag event is to blame your enemy for something you did! That why most false flag events are down to Mossad & Zionists!
Guys – while it’s true that Zionists have profited from Humanity, people need to be aware that even the Zionists, as abhorrant as they are, are pawns – Jewish Zionists have been created and are being controlled by Jesuits!!
Yes, the Jesuits control the Masonic Jewish Zionists who control Zionist Israel, and they HATE the Jewish race … people need to be aware of who/what is at play here because the Jewish people are being played by Zionists and they in turn by their masters The Jesuit Order …
The terms Jew, Israelite, and Hebrew are all synonymous terms; they are the physical, racial descendants of Jacob and therefore, the Abraham covenant and promises apply to them, tho’ they have not been fulfilled to this day … and Satan, not wanting them to inherit these promises, has set-out to destroy the Jewish race any way he possibly can, with his greatest tool in the destruction of the Jewish race being the Jesuit Order.
The Jesuit Order is NOT a religious order, it is a MILITARY ORDER, and the difference between the Jews and the Jesuits is that one is a people, and one is an Order determined to subvert all nations to the jurisdiction of the Pope/The Black Pope.
There are two books which cover the history of the Order – Vatican Assassins and The Black Pope by Cusack, which are outstanding sources of factual data and documentation. The facts in these works have been proven by other men besides Cusack who has unveiled and exposed the same details which document The Jesuit Order and their Domination Agenda …
Cusack was a nun – a nun converted to Christ in 1896 who was intimately involved with priests, and especially Jesuits, prior to her conversion to Christ. She was on the inside ….
Her book is crucial and so important because it has been suppressed and stolen out of every library in the world! There is only one in existence that I know of, that’s publicly accessible, and that is in the British Museum, but it is also accessible on the CD-ROM included with the book VATICAN ASSASSINS for readers who may be interested. Other than that, it’s a suppressed document. Griesinger, Thompson, Cusack, Nicolini—those are the four major histories of the Jesuit Order.
The time-lines which are put forth, and the conclusions which are drawn, are based on information obtained from historical experts over the last two centuries – brilliant and Godly sources. Nicolini, an Italian Roman Catholic, converted to Christ, involved in the Italian Revolution of 1848, had to flee for his life, was in exile in England, and there he wrote his great History Of The Jesuits, warning England that if the Jesuits sought to destroy England under Elizabeth, they would surely do the same thing under Victoria – and they have.
… The great Theodor Griesinger, was the great German who wrote The Jesuits as a history told by the German people—823 pages of meticulous documentation of all their doings in all the countries. He was the one, I learned, who said the Jesuits could very well be planning a second Thirty-Years War … and the second bloody and diabolical “Thirty-Years War” did indeed happen, between 1914 and 1945, as Eric mentioned earlier in this interview in conjunction with financing it through the setting up of the Federal Reserve Bank fraud.
These learned people have made quite clear and evident the purpose and power of the Jesuit Order…
… To create world-wide anti-Jewish fury in every nation of the world, so as to drive all the Jews back to Israel for their final annihilation when the Jesuits bring in the armies of the Earth and when the anti-Christ, the risen Pope, brings in the armies of the Earth in his last, mad attempt to destroy all of the Jews, so that they cannot inherent the promises given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The Jesuits, who control the intelligence community are behind an agenda to foment hate and agitation against the Jewish race. Especially the American Jews, because there are more American Jews in the U.S. than there are in Israel, and one of their agendas in the next 10-20 years is to create anti-Jewish fury, and to drive the American Jews back to Israel, killing millions of them in the U.S. as well, because they’re planning to bring their Roman Catholic Fascist dictator to power—just like they did with Hitler in Germany; just like they did with Stalin in Russia; just like they did with Franco in Spain; just like they did with Mussolini in Italy. They have the same exact agenda here, and they’re going to do it through the Republican, “New Right” party, of which George Bush is now the head.
The Jesuits in control of Clinton fomented the Oklahoma City bombing to justify going after these Right-Wing, conservatives, many of them Bible-believing, people in this movement, for their round-up and extermination, but it didn’t quite work.
So, they imploded the building. They got rid of Timothy McVeigh. That whole execution could have been stayed with one phone call from the Archbishop of New York to the Bishop of Oklahoma City, and he wouldn’t do it.
That was the purpose of the Oklahoma City bombing, the creation of anti-Right-Wing feeling. And the people at the top, controlling the Right-Wing organizations, will betray their own people, just exactly as the White Russians were betrayed during the Communist Revolution from 1917-1922.
Their own leadership will betray them—just as Hitler betrayed his armies to the East, cut-off supplies, would not allow them to take Moscow, froze them in the snows of Russia; just as Napoleon betrayed his armies in the East and abandoned 250,000 men. The same will be done to America’s Right-Wing patriotic people – those who are the only bulwark against tyranny in the U.S. today.
The Jesuits have used the 14th Amendment American Empire to restore the temporal power of the Pope over all nations around the world for the last 100 years. And that’s why they have garrisoned American troops throughout the world, and have laid an iniquitous federal income tax upon the people, with which they finance their crusades around the world.
American has served its purpose in the restoration of the temporal power of the Pope around the world (especially over Orthodox Russia, Buddhist China, Buddhist Japan, South and Central America through the CIA). This is the purpose for the British and America Empires. They used the British Empire in the 19th Century to do this, and United States of America in 20th Century – they take the most powerful, wealthiest Protestant empires, and harness their governments, for their own purposes.
Now that America has fulfilled its purpose, it is time to destroy it. And remember, America is the haven for the Jews of the world, which the Jesuits have accursed; it is the haven for Bible-believing Protestants, called “heretics”, who the Jesuits have accursed; and it is the haven for peoples of many, many different races who simply want to have some liberty in life, which are called “liberals”, which the Jesuits have accursed.
The United States is a refugee nation, made up of many, many nationalities – no longer a White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant nation. Now it’s composed of a host of different nationalities with a host of religious beliefs, and is nation which has been fragmented, agitated and is a disconcerted mess, with no real national purpose anymore.
The Jesuits have fired-up the Negro agitation of the Civil Rights Movement… They don’t tell the whole story of Malcolm X. He was an agitator to begin with. When he came back from Mecca, he changed his story and denounced the Nation of Islam, along with the Ku Klux Klan, stating that “they both had the same paymasters”. And he was absolutely right. They have agitated and broken apart this country, so we have no more national purpose.
The next thing that Jesuits have done, is disarmed the U.S.. They’ve closed-down over 100 military bases – no domestic defense. The foreigners, the Mexicans come across the borders by the thousands, and the major corporations hire them, and they do their work for them, which is all illegal. It should be punished by law.
The Jesuits have determined to destroy America which they have used for the last 100 years, and are creating deliberate agitation with nations like China and Russia …. who work together and are controlled by the same Jesuit Order. The Jesuits run Peking; they also run Moscow. They run the dictator of China and they run the dictator of Russia. It doesn’t matter who he is. It doesn’t matter what their names are. The Jesuits control them, and if they resist them, they’re out! Just like in the United States.
If there were a military escalation in Africa, which I believe is what the Jesuits want, then there could be a surgical strike into Jerusalem for the blowing-up of the Dome of the Rock. The Moslems, the Muftis, have known that was the intent of the Zionists for years – the blowing of the Dome of the Rock, so that Solomon’s Temple can be rebuilt. And you can find this information in Pierre van Paassen’s great work, written in 1939, called Days Of Our Years.
Now, what would happen as a result of the destruction of the Dome of the Rock? Well, the Moslems regard the Dome of the Rock as the third most important holy place in their religion. They would call for a Jihad against “The Great Satan”, the United States. And with a Jihad, a Holy War, against the United States, they would then go across Africa to West Africa. There will probably be a coalition of ships ready at that time, to be ferried across the Atlantic Ocean into Cuba. And Cuba will be the landing base, the staging base for the invasion of the Protestant American South, the last real Protestant bastion of liberty in the world.
Remember: according to the Koran, it is no murder to kill a Christian; in fact, it is a virtuous act.
So, here you would have millions of Moslem troopers landing in Miami, landing in New Orleans, landing in the South of the United States, coupled with a Cuban military force, coupled with, probably, also a Chinese military force coming from the West Coast, and coming up through the Panama Canal to unite with them in the attack of the American South. With the blood bath that will ensue, this whole coalition of nations: China, Russia, Cuba, the Arabs, they will carry out the destruction and annihilation of the North American population, including Canada.
It is for this reason, because the government is controlled by the Jesuits, the government of the United States is seeking our total disarmament and the abolition of all gun ownership, and this is why the Jesuit Conference, for years, has been anti-gun-ownership, meaning handguns, rifles, and shotguns.
We haven’t had anybody in the 20th Century write an extensive history of what the Jesuit Order have accomplished from 1900-2000, but I would hope that somebody who knows these histories, would be able to do this, and write a real modern history of it all. Ridpath came close to it, but he ended his work in the mid-1850s, with his Ridpath’s Universal History [Of The World]. We have not had a significant historian do this modern work for us unfortunately, because the Jesuits have all these colleges and universities bought and paid for.
Now, with all these “hate crime” laws, anything truthfully said about the Jesuit Order will generate attempts to contort it into some kind of a hate crime, which of course is NOT what is taking place … it’s about exposing Truth.
So, Rome controls the Israeli government. It controls the Israeli government through the Mossad.
Who trained the Mossad? Reinhard Gehlen. We find that fact in Loftus’ work The Secret War Against The Jews in most telling, telling detail…
So what do we have? We have high-level treason and betrayal of the Jewish race that is there in Israel today, by their own leaders who are loyal to Rome and the Jesuit Order. And to show this, we have a great big Rockefeller edifice in Jerusalem; we have an ophthalmology center in Jerusalem run by the Knights of Malta. There’s nothing but Knights of Malta, high-level Freemasonry, and the Jesuit Order running all of Israel.
The only race who successfully resisted the Jesuit Order is the White, Anglo-Celtic, Saxon race, with a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other – so they need to take the Bible away, take the guns away, and destroy the race of White, Anglo-Saxons. So, bear in mind what kind of individuals are being dealt with here – these are not insane, psychopathic Zionists, but The Jesuit Order: The Great Zionists/The Elders of Zion, and I assume that they are far worse than Zionists …
In my opinion clearing/removing Anglo-Celtics are the motivation behind Jade Helm/Martial Law and anti-gun laws … so there’s alot to think about and consider here and now.
…. putting this Jesuit info out there for people to take in. Yes Zionists are foul, but be aware those who created them – The Elders of Zion and The Jesuit Order, and please share….
A solution to the Jesuit problem in America would be the same as what happened in England in the 16th Century, when several Jesuits left the Order. They were intelligent, powerful Jesuits, involved in the conspiracy to overthrow England.
They told the powers-that-be about what they were supposed to do and as a result, the government of England expelled the Jesuits from their dominions because they were regarded as traitors and conspirators in the overthrow of legitimate government—of self-rule, of nationalism; a country should be ruled by its own people.
The solution here would be the expulsion of the Jesuit Order, that they would be outlawed and banned. There would be period of grace where certain Jesuits could come forward, tell what they know. But why would the Jesuits want to do that when this government is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations, which is controlled by the Jesuits through the mob and high-level Freemasonry.
Proposing the expulsion of the Jesuits, the difference between that and racial persecution, such as with the Jews, is based on treason – a lawful conclusion based upon research concerning their true aims and objectives —namely, the overthrow of the U.S. government.
The mere thought these Jesuits could say boo to Mr. Rothschild is something I’ve never been able to get my head around. Moreover, Zionists have no friends. if they’re partners with anyone it’s only for as long as it suits them. .
Very well written and explained – Thanx for sharing
Thanks Michael – appreciate it.
pls be careful how u translate and narrate from the Holy Quran.
Or what, is god gonna be mad ? Where was god when the fucking maniac burned the black people inside their church ? Keep your religious nonsense to yourself, it is made for hatred, not love and peace.
Stop with your Atheist RELIGIOUS bullying!
Muhammed – that kind of talk will only alienate you. EVERYTHING SHOULD BE QUESTIONED, including the Holocaust & the Quran. This is a fundamental right of every human being!
during the last gulf war where were the WMDS hidden? My guess they were in ISREAL
If Bush had not fought a conventional war would ISREAL have used Nuclear!
Did they hold George over a barrel?
Golda Meyer once sain in the UN that ISREAL has a secret weapon- it’s called NO ALTERNATIVE!
So George you do it before we do.
Whatever weapons Saddam had were destroyed after Desert Storm. Everything else was a pack of Zionist lies in order to create Greater Israel! What occurred in America was the fact dual national Zionists decided THEY would decide what US foreign policy would be. That was around the time Bush senior had to give way to arch criminal Clinton. He deregulated laws that outlawed the amalgamation of media companies by other media companies which resulted in 50 odd companies becoming just 6 major media Corporations. Clinton did the same with the Glass/Steagel act which allowed the Zionist Bankers to commit the fraud of the Century. Then when the y rigged the elections for GW, they seized control of US foreign policy. From that moment on, America worked against it’s best interests while Israel gained lavishly!
Perfectly said!
Cheers Druid. Much appreciate it!
Thanks Druid. Much appreciated.
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israeil’s are playing the whole game in the arab word and also against musliems in the other nations .but who is responsible for that ,we the musliems are responsible for plight of our countries .the rulers of the our nations are only looking for the chair and are agents of israel. the want to cling the chair as long as they can.we the humans have one of most important responsibilty to stand against the israel and get rid from them or get ready for the worst .
That question can be answered to a great extent by listening to the two radio broadcasts I’ve posted here on my website Shahnawaz. They are both Jews but they explain perfectly who is behind this & why this is all happening.
1) Benjamin Freedman’s speech in 1961
2) Myron Fagan’s speech in 1967
Wow, you are officially my favorite new linatic!
Wow, you are officially my favorite lunatic!
Is that good or even gooder…….
Hey brother, do you know that nazis are shit but their blood is tastier.
Actually how about you learn to read a crap languegegegege like i type yours.
Isn’t it nice seeing that arabs kill each other, yet Israel who helps the wounded is still to blame?
Quite why you’re bringing Nazis into the equation is a moot point to say the least. If any country or people were doing all they could to emulate the very cruelty associated with Nazis , Israel & Zionists stand alone for they & only they have done so with distinction. The Nazis though fought against armies. The IDF merely annihilates the defenseless. Moreover, Arabs aren’t killing Arabs. The Zionist controlled governments of the West are killing Arabs as are ISIS. Shame on you.
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