HOW SICK IS THIS? Tony Blair wins million dollar Israeli leadership prize.

In a way I’m glad because it shows up the Israelis exactly for what they are – WAR-MONGERS! The bad news is, I went to a concert tonight. It was great but after the gig, in my drunken stupor, I couldn’t walk past the Kebab shop. Now I see this article & I think I’m about to do some serious heaving…….. Thanks to Jeff Dahlgren for the link.
I vomited at his face, send him to burning Hell-fire this minute!
I don’t understand you saying they war that area you have to fight to survive
What, you mean in the Middle East?? Yeah you do, thanks to these fuckers!!
Israel do nothing but make wars! They are literally WAR MONGERS!!
I think what he means by war monger, with Blair, is when he lied to parliament and the nation(the world even) to get us into a war that he really really wanted and had previously promised the U.S. Pres he would go along with regardless, how when subsequently given the job of Middle East peace envoy (!)he used the opportunity to travel the world to whip up support for another war, this time against Iran and how he STILL maintains that all his wars were a great idea and is now making millions advising murderous regimes around the world – yeah I think that’s a fair description!
You don’t understand? Well, listen to Sam because he is 100% right – ALL ISRAEL DOES IS MAKE WAR!
Well done Zarina
But to say they’re going hell is a bit much.. They could repent, seek guidance and change their ways and be guided in sha Allah ta’ala
And pigs can fly……
RE Israehell;
David Bengurian (1948)
“We have taken their country,
We must do everything to ensure they never return
We must use terror, assassination, intimidation,
land confiscation & the cutting of all social services & rid Galilee-
of it`s Arab population.`