Lies Are Part And Parcel Of Politics. However, A Point One Can Never Cross Is When A Lie Becomes An Act Of Treason. There Are No Ifs And Buts About This – Cameron Has Committed Treason. He’s Got To Go!

I keep thinking the good fortune Cameron’s been blessed with cannot continue. Every time I feel the conniving rat has finally been found out, he emerges unscathed – like a man who falls into a steaming cesspit but comes out smelling of roses! But how’s he got away with this latest debacle? Parliament & the people made it clear – his call for direct military intervention in Syria was out of the question. So what does he do? He sticks two fingers up & goes ahead with it anyway! So I spend two days putting together a piece & when I finally post it, my website crashes. So the next day I repost it only for the site to crash 3 more times! Talk about a jinx. So I’ll give it one more shot………
The truth is, they cheated to make this stuck up war-mongering twat, leader of the Tory Party. He then becomes PM with 36% of a 65% turnout which means less than 1 in 4 eligible voters voted for him. He then proceeded to do everything his Zionist overlords could have asked of him; they naturally returned the compliment by making sure he’d be re-elected for another term. Even though the media cushioned him throughout his tenure, never highlighting any of his blatant lies, massive election fraud was required to get him in again.
So, why should we even be surprised. Cameron proved he’s an out-and-out cheat who makes his living out of lying. He’s been involved in several frauds but if the media impose a blackout on all the shenanigans, the vast majority of the public will remain oblivious. I can give a whole list of contentious issues but here’s two obvious ones – Cameron has buried the Pedophile & Chilcott inquiries. You’d think people could work this much out themselves. No siree. THEY NEED THE MEDIA TO TELL THEM WHEN & WHAT THEY SHOULD GET ANGRY ABOUT!
And so it seems with this recent case of skulduggery. To think Cameron had the nerve to bomb Syria on the sly, defying parliament & the people of this country. This is an act of Treason for Christ sake & yet……… apart from RT giving the story some milage, the contemptuous Zionist controlled media once again has virtually turned a blind eye to this scandal of outrageous proportions.