RT: Newspaper poll shows 71% support for Russia’s anti-terror campaign

Since Zionists, bankers & the terrorist mercenaries they utilise do not make up 1% of the world’s population, frankly, quite how almost 30% do not support Russia’s battle against terrorism astonishes me no end. It’s safe to say there are a lot of people out there who have the brains of a rocking horse. Most significantly, Putin was asked to intervene by the elected President of Syria. We had no such invite!
The truth is, this conflict is against the best interests of the US & the UK. In fact, while our bent, bought off politicians in the West are currently eroding our fundamental rights under the guise of fighting terrorism, they’re actually helping the terrorists! Why? Because our politicians answer to Zionist bankers who want Israel to eventually control the entire Middle East. Assad is the stumbling block. The Russians are the ones fighting terrorism. We are not!
What I found most interesting about this link is I’m in no doubt the RT poll is fairly accurate. There are that many dumbos! However, quite why it then includes a load of polls from Sky TV on the surface may seem rather baffling. For me it merely confirms even RT has to toe the Zionist line. There are certain no-no’s. Unlike the entire mainstream media, RT has to give both sides of the story. Thus we have an RT poll that reflects the truth & a bunch of Sky polls that are pure, unadulterated tripe.
One such poll states a paltry 51% of Brits reject any idea of military intervention if it meant clashing with Russia. Are you kidding me? I mean this is an absolute joke! I’ll bet my life that figure should be in excess of 80%. I’d bet good money it’s actually over 90%. Dumbos aside, only a complete blithering, blabbering idiot would say ‘yeah! Let’s get it on with the Ruskies!’
Every Sky poll is fabricated out of thin air to make it seem the people of the UK aren’t so unhappy with our politicians wanting to tangle with Russia. I’m sure most Brits are livid. We shouldn’t even be in Syria. It’s none of our business. We didn’t want it when that Zionist wretch Cameron wanted to intervene & we don’t want it now. I wholeheartedly believe Cameron, May, Fallon, Boris Johnson & every MP who supports upping the ante in Syria is committing Treason. They should all be arrested & put behind bars.
Today I sent this e-mail to the above but originally I sent it to a very serious toe-rag in the name of Andrew Mitchell. This vermin actually said –
“Tory MP calls for shooting down of Russian jets over Syria”
It sure takes some believing. We all need to flood these bastards with e-mails. This is one of the few ways we can let them know how we feel. Please feel free to use whatever you want –
YOU ARE A TRAITORRussia has done nothing & you bloody well know it! It is NATO that is constantly threatening Russia. Only idiots don’t realise you’re telling Zionist lies, just like the media. You’re just another scumbag who’s sold out to the murderous Zionist bankster crooks. I cannot describe how you sicken me. I hope you go to hell!
However, when I saw this –
“Johnson: West considering new military options for Syria”
– I thought this would be more appropriate –
Now it seems you’ve sold out to the criminal Zionist lobby. I used to think you were half decent. Now you’re trying to destroy our country by mixing it with the Russians. They are fighting terrorism. WE ARE NOT! WE ARE SIDING WITH THE TERRORISTS ON BEHALF OF ISRAEL.
I hope all you mass-murdering war-mongers rot in hell!”
Excellent article Michael
Thank you Mari x
Well said Michael. Shared .
Cheers P
Absolutely correct AGAIN Michael, but I know better than announce it too loud, then I am the next one missing. We are up against an evil ZIONIST giant.
EVERYBODY needs to announce it loud! If we all hide behind mummy’s apron how the hell are we ever going to get rid of them. Thanks Michael for standing up for the truth. Your voice comes across loud and clear.
Thank you Linda x. Now we really do have to step up to the plate. They’re playing with our lives now but what the bastards won’t say is when the war starts with Russia, those that started it will be safely underground!
Thanks Jack but if we say nothing, they’re going to kill us anyway! Who in the West can survive a nuclear war? You’re right though – we’re up against an evil Zionist giant – it’s called Rothschild!