Tear Drop “A Gift From the People of Russia to the USA”. Why were we not told about Tear Drop?

I got to admit – I didn’t even know this memorial existed. However, it took me two seconds to realise why – it received zero publicity. Now why do you suppose that? Why hasn’t the media expressed their gratitude? Name me another country that’s done more? This is a stunning memorial which pales into insignificance whatever the real terrorist gangsters are trying to do at ground zero. The very thought of Larry Silverstein & Frank Lowy having anything to do with the memorial for 9/11 victims is positively gut-wrenching!
About 50 million people visit New York every year & more than 8 million live there but no one seems to have heard of The Tear-drop memorial…. yet it’s a 100 foot tall, 175-ton memorial to those who died on the city’s blackest day.
Whichever way you look at it, this was a damn smart move by the Russians. And what a beautiful memorial – a huge tear-drop coupled with the names of all those who perished. The West seemingly hell bent on pushing Russia into a corner in Ukraine & with the Zionist controlled media trying to hide their own complicity in the downing of flight MH17 & so continuing to blame Russia for something they had nothing to do with, it hardly looks good on the Zionists if they highlight the Tear-Drop when they’re desperately trying to make Russia look bad.
The greatest trick an enemy can play is to make everyone believe everyone else is their enemy!
This is well worth reading. Thanks to Ted Duggan for sending me the link –
The Zionist controlled US media imposed a total blackout on this beautiful memorial dedicated by Putin. The monument is barely known, even among local residents of Bayonne!
WRITER BIO: Michael Aydinian is a political analyst, a freelance writer and a severe critic of corporate media. He is currently living in the UK.
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I live in Brooklyn, New York City and I never even knew about this thoughtful, emotional gesture presented to us by Russia honoring all the victims of 9/11. It is a beautiful Teardrop shining through a crack in the wall evoking the sadness that the Russian people felt for us because
of the Terrorist Attack! Why were we New Yorkers never even told or shown this monument?
Because it came from Vladimir Putin and the Russian people?
I am going to share it on Facebook, where many people will see it and realize just how extensively our media is controlled and directed by the Zionists!!
Indeed Tresstine – It’s gone crazy on my website – 2000 shares in less than 3 hours!
This not a memorial, in my view.
I see it as a carefully crafted accusation. Kudos Mr. Putin.
Those who understand the story of the collapse can see this, not as a tear drop but instead, as iron slag running down the towers from the controlled demolition.
but he is Right
No he’s not. Drop the Arab propaganda and get back into reality.
Thanks DW!
What have you been smoking? You need to throw it out.
Stephen IS right.
NO ! Smoke MORE so that it can remove you from the gene pool quicker !
Hmmmm….. All this “smoking” talk… See US PATENT 6630507. “Owner”- The USA.
It’s Beautiful and Nice! “Thank You” I don’t Mr. Putin but I appreciate the Offer💞 WE need to be United! Didn’t know of this as well! Very Heart Felt❤️
Thank you Ginger
Exactly mate…there are still some really dumb people out there that think a steel and concrete building can demolish itself…right down to ground level..amazing isn’t it!
Yea it is when every beam was supposed to be fire rated. And like you said it came down on itself to fast to be made of mostly concrete and steel. How about the money deal to show you most of the horror events that took place 9/11 to many signs and facts that we America knew about 9/11 before it took place. It’s one of the most populated place’s here in America..
Exactly right Chris.
Into powder too!
Its funny how you became an explosives expert and can determine how buildings must fall. If you knew the logistics into making that happen with explosives you would change your mind. The residue left over from the explosives would be used as evidence. Bottom line, take your tin foil hat off for 5 minutes, take a knee and drink water.
If I was to change my mind over a damn fool comment like that I’d deserve to be force fed gravel for breakfast!
My husband is a Structural engineer and he knew those towers were coming down immediately. He couldn’t understand why they sent people back to work in the tower next door when the first one was hit. He told me that steel turned to spaghetti at the temperature the plane fuel would make it. The buildings can only handle the heat of a regular fire for a certain amount of time. That heat was so much hotter than that.
Are any of his buildings still standing then because if any structural engineer believes Kerosene plane fuel can turn Steel into spaghetti! I mean this is ridiculous. Do you ever stop & think how planes fly if Kerosene fuel can turn Grade A steel into spaghetti?
joe schmo.. what are you smoking.. anyone i mean anyone in demolition knows these things… stop trolling in behalf of the treasonous gov..
Thank you Kel B.
At the last few seconds before impact each of the planes went into a steep maneuver so they did not hit the building in a level flight attitude; they turned sideways so the wings were about 40 degrees from level to spread the damage over three to four floors.
The fuel tanks in the wings were breeched and fuel was everywhere, igniting immediately. The presence of aluminum, iron oxide (rust) and magnesium with the heat of the jet fuel on fire turned into self made thermite, which caused the cantilever style structural beams to warp and collapse.
When you sever a 100+ story building at the 85th floor and the nearly 20 floors above come down like a sledge hammer it will begin to crush the floors below. The engineer who designed the towers said they were designed to collapse in their own footprint to avoid widespread damage to the city. If a 1200 foot building topples it will clean out a lot of real estate under it.
There was no controlled demolition of the twin towers. Only tower 7 had that happen. The explosions seen on the twin towers were fuel tanks for the standby power generators every 10 floors that were ruptured and caught fire as the building came down. Controlled demolition explosions normally are from the ground up.
A portion of tower 1 sliced through the lower floors of tower 7 and made the building unsafe to be near. So, to protect rescue workers in the vicinity, it was demolished.
Much of the reason for a lot of non-published information about the attack is not Zionist or socialist, rather, it is producers and directors of the news programs who aren’t interested in accuracy; just what garners viewers. And, those who have already made up their mind on what happened and won’t let anything be spewed out that changes their theory. They are aided by dumb commentators who didn’t know anything about the incident and only saw one or two sides of the whole scenario and made assumptions from that view, yet they were billed as experts by the even more ignorant talking heads reading from a teleprompter run by less informed script writers.
My information came from lectures by the Incident Commanders of that day, videos from cameras in NYPD and NYFD helicopters in the sky when the towers collapsed, comments by engineers that designed the towers, and my own knowledge of how fire works as a level 3 arson investigator for 10 years.
What a load of rubbish. Anyone who believes this pathetic pancake theory is either an idiot or a misinformation expert whose work is designed to split the Truther movement. BORDERDUDE is not an idiot. His writing has all the hallmarks of a pro to tell lies & spread bullshit. SELF MADE THERMITE MY ARSE! In fact I’m going to block you. My word. I’d much rather have dumb people than the likes of you paid trolls. You sicken me.
Michael Aydinian buddy, I’m not here to make an argument on either side, but seriously friend, from a carreer aviatior with an engineering background, your remark regarding kerosene and how planes fly might possibly be the dumbest thing I’ve heard all year. If you’re going to make such a statement, at least take the time to understand how a jet engine actually works (the combustion is controlled and cooled by the expanding gases. An actual engine fire WILL cause serious structural damage). When you don’t do your homework before making such a remark. you end up looking like a complete knucklehead (which doesn’t really contibute to your credibility).
How pathetic. Anyone who believes the official account is an idiot. In my book that’s infinitely worse than being a knucklehead. But I’ll go further – not once did you bother to explain where I may have erred. You merely threw out veiled insults & suggested I don’t know how jet engines work. If you’re a career aviator then I’m a Chinaman. There are 2000 pilots who’ve put their name to Richard Gage’s ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS: EXPERTS FOR 9/11. They have all said the official was IMPOSSIBLE & you think you can impress me? The only one who’s ended up looking like a complete fool is you. I stand by everything I say & before you spout your mouth off again you should ask yourself – why haven’t they flown old planes into buildings to demolish them instead of spending weeks meticulously planting explosives in order to effect a controlled demolition. Last I heard this ‘theory’ of Jet engines & Kerosene fuel was dumped on the day of 9/11!
I love the monument. I never heard one word about it. Take it as kind gesture. It was. Quit bringing allegations. I got over hating the Russian’s along time ago.
Thank you Mike.
What i do not understand is why blow the towers up in a controlled demolition? Why not just fly two planes in to them? Which is what happend! Who ever flew the planes or paid to have the planes flowen into the towers, there is little piont in a controlled explosion! Weather bringing half the building or the whole building down the effect is the same!
Wrong. They had to destroy the buildings because debris from the planes would have shown they were military planes fitted with Raytheon’s Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicle systems ie drone capability. This would have also been a problem because there were no passengers on these planes & Larry Silverstein wouldn’t have got paid $7 billion in insurance claims.
The evidence is obvious that it was not as reported. The manner they fell was of as in Demolition’s, the third building, no black box’s, And not a single shred of jet aircraft at the Pentagon, the list goes on! We have to consider our nation has been drinking fluoride in the water which decreases comprehension and common sense. Therefore I will not insults to the trauma of the whole ordeal. It was a well staged hoax that created the effects those responsible for it sought to further their schemes. What those who were trurely responsible and aided in these action do not realize is they did not fool the one that matters most who will judge them for even the dead will bear witness in the day of judgment.
Thank you Gary
Never forget AL-CIA-DUH’s indestructible passport technology… lmfao
Yes indeed. That one worked so well they used it twice in Paris!
As a structural engineer, and an Army Combat Engineer (demolitions expert) there is no way the planes took the towers down. Don’t know if you know it or not, but jet fuel burns real fast. The maximum temp of the Burning fuel would have lasted only a. Couple minutes, and that temp is a Lil over 800 degrees c and the melting point of structural steel is apron 1510 degrees c. Here is an incident from the 70s
On February 13, 1975, the WTC North Tower was beset by a fire, which “burned at temperatures in excess of 700°C (1,292°F) for over three hours and spread over some 65 percent of the 11th floor, including the core, caused no serious structural damage to the steel structure. In particular, no trusses needed to be replaced.”
Sources: New York Times, Saturday 15th February 1975
100% correct. Anyone who believes the official account I’m afraid to say is brainless because it was not an unlikely scenario; it was an impossible one. Not even Presidents can defy the laws of physics.
You must have been an uneducated enlisted member of the Army Corps of Engineering. All of you so called truthers need to go to school and spend over $100,000 on your Ph.D. in Physics and then, maybe then, you will actually understand how full of crap you are making yourselves out to be. Heck, even a person with an associates degree in physics know what happens when you ignite JP-7 mixed with Tri-Ethyl Borane, A-50 and Cesium. Temperatures can and will exceed over 2500 degrees in that environment. But I must say, all of you so called truthers are providing me with great entertainment today.
Thankfully for the rest of the world – some of the comments posted by Americans in reply to this post indicate they’re not ALL as stupid as you appear to be !!.
Everyone has forgotten, doesn’t know, is ignorant, or something about the LOX. That is where the heat comes from.
you do realize at 600 degrees you can move solid steel with your pinky you idiots do you even know how much weight those steel beams were under weakening even at 500 degrees+ will cause the beams to collapse idiots. im a welder and heres a video showing your idiocy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzF1KySHmUA
What a blithering idiot! If this prize plum was right then every time there’s a fire in a building it will collapse. Piss off with your bullshit. Anyone who still believes the pathetic official account is not worth a bar of soap. BRAINLESS MORON!
Yeah, they are stupid to think a her fueled airplane that was like a huge bomb could do such a thing! So do you think we planted all the terrorists on those planes and told them to fly into those buildings and kill all those people on the planes, in both towers, pentagon and that field? Ignorance is not bliss it’s ignorance!
@Joe Schmo → A Danish team of scientists did the analysis of FOUR samples of dust taken from around NYC,. which were collected immediately after this false flag event, and which had then been secured in a tightly controlled access place until the researchers got these samples.
Their analysis was reported in a peer reviewed scientific journal, and it found larges numbers of “microspheres” of iron particles within the dust and at such high levels that they estimated more than TEN TONS of a high temperature explosive material (like thermate) must have been detonated within ALL THREE buildings to produce so many molten metal microspheres. Thay also found flakes of military grade thermate explosive in the dust, and this grade cannot be produced in a laundty tub in some terrorist’s garage. Inside job all the way → Israeli Mossad key players doing it.
SPOT ON SIR! Inside job. Mossad’s fingerprints all over 9/11.
I guess the two fully loaded with fuel jet airplanes had nothing to do with the buildings “demolishing themselves”. I was there, I saw the second plane hit. I am a union carpenter in the great city of NY and anyone who believes in conspiracy is a complete moron. You must be a happy guy because they say ignorance is bliss.
So carpenters don’t know controlled demolitions when they see one?
Floors that weren’t even on fire yet started crumbling before the floors that were hit actually crumbled ans started falling, Watch the video again, in slo-mo for your slow brain!
I see you’ve skipped your meds again.
No – I’m still on the Truth pills!
Hey joe schmo…little tough to examine evidence when its carted out by the dump truck load before the dust settles…
The people who are “anti-conspiracy” seem so sure and set in there ways and so quick to call the others druggos and to lay off the pipes and powders… The fact the collapse started from the top of the building (top third of the building) yet the bottom two thrids didnt even start to slow or stray the collapse in anyway… I would expect the top to have broken away unevenly and fallen off to the side of the building….
Either way looking at pics of NY skyline… those building were not fitting in to a modern style… so they demolished them and build a shiny new one
Thank you David. Personally there are so many holes in the official account quite how anyone is daft enough to believe it is beyond me
The guy who seems to think the lower floors did not slow the collapse is sadly mistaken. Apart from rubble visibly overtaking the point of collapse (showing the floors were providing resistance) the collapse times are nowhere near freefall. Do your research properly and you will start to see that the conspiracy theorists are the ones lying and twisting the truth to convince you.
Craig – I’ve done my research. Anyone who uses the phrase ‘Conspiracy theory’ simply tells me that person is a blithering idiot or a Zionist who come what may wants to protect the most evil people on the planet.
This Michael aydinian might be crazy. Lol what a troll.
Looks to me like it symbolizes the molten medal dripping in the tower, but is hidden in the building by the imprint of the impact of the plane hitting the tower.
Could well be Kevin.
Am I the only one who sees a woman’s anatomy? I think Putin got one over on us.
Interesting perspective. Thanks for the thought-provoking comment.
Gail – Stephen may well have a point & it’s a decent observation but I tend to feel Putin had little need to send a message. We all saw controlled demolitions. Anyone who refuses to believe this is hardly likely to think Putin was sending a subliminal message with this memorial so what would be the point?
This is a tear drop I would know becuase I have payed for a tear drop for my father this is very pretty
Brandy I know how angry I feel when I think of 9/11. I can scarcely imagine what it must be like for those who’ve lost loved ones. It is indeed a fitting memorial & a wonderful gesture by the Russian people.
It is highly symbolic… and telling. Look closely at the shape. This is the Eye of Horus turned on its side. In other words. Russia built a monument to the dead using the Eye of Horus thus acknowledging and fingering who benefited.
This, exactly.
P.S. The monument IS hauntingly beautiful in its simplicity. Stunning. And a well-played move, to Putin’s (probably his advisors’) credit. The U.S./Israel/Saudis/etc. would have done well to play along, at least as far as the media coverage was concerned.
I agree. Thank you TrueBliu911.
Obama sends Churchill’s bust back and we are not told of Russia’s gift . Why?
Chronic double standards maybe? Let’s face it – the media only tells lies.
I knew about it. The author of this article is making this out to be that this had zero publicity which is fiction. It was published and news articles plus TV coverage was given. It only makes the author look dumb or have an obvious hidden agenda
Keep talking fool. If it makes me look dumb how come this post has got 350,000 hits? You couldn’t get that in a million years! Then you have the gall to make out I’ve got a hidden agenda when the very fact you’re saying this means YOU HAVE A HIDDEN AGENDA & THAT IS TO STOP THE TRUTH GETTING OUT!
I agree. I remember when it was installed. Every TV station and paper in the tristate area covered it. They spoke of the significance and symbolism as well.
Well it never got a mention over here in the UK & the fact is the post has received 360,000 hits, 4 times more than any other post. You may have heard about it; a lot more people than you imagine never heard a dickie-bird!
I and my whole family and my entire circle of friends had not heard of this gift from Russia until today. Amazing … who would’ve thought that the U.S.A. would blackout media to their own people. It is always the sucker punch that you don’t see coming that’s why they call it a “sucker punch”. At least we know where to look now. Target acquired. Solution {mine for conjectures sake): Oust out of office every person in government employ who might have had knowledge about 911 prior to it’s occurrence banning them from government employ and benefits for life and rebuild, taking a more active role in our own government, abolishing the laws (and taxes for that matter) found unconstitutional. Try and execute those found guilty of sedition. (I know slippery slope but it is definitely due those guilty as a token gesture to those who passed due to the treasonous actions of others (bastards!!). Put that on Trumps’ to do list. He is good at saying “You’re fired!” at least..
My 2 cents.
Very well said Ross.
Your an idiot!!! People like you say such idiotic things to bring negative responses so you can jerk-off about their pissed off responses later. Just watch some twisted Internet porn and get off the same way everyone else does.
I’ll go along with that Mark.
“[C]arefully crafted accusation.” Good insight. Putin knows that 911 was staged controlled demolitions. I hope that those Americans involved in staging 911 or know about how it was staged will open their mouths and tell the truth that 911 was staged for massive insurance fraud, a reason to invade Iraq to steal its Ancient Sumerian artifacts, and to usher in the Antichrist.
Who doesn’t know that Barbara Bush and Ann Cappelletti are illegitimate w**** daughters of Aleister Crowley, conceived to be the Antichrist. Born girls they couldn’t be the Antichrist, but their sons could be.
Was Barbara Bush’s real father Aleister Crowley?
Wow. You must be joking. You are crazy.
He is so right! The molten iron from a thermite reaction! Good one Putin! 🙂
You are right Stephen
That’s retarded. Putin doesn’t hide his thoughts. He’s blunt. Your a fool.
Putin doesn’t hide his thoughts.
Putin is a cool bloke. We need the Russians. They stood by us Indians while the US tried to destroy our country and destabilize our Hindu religion. Viva Putin. Zindabad Putin. Zindabad Russia.
Well he’s head & shoulder above the shit we have governing us that’s for sure.
You will be conquered eventually. Please leave us out of it when you do.
Hahahahahahahahaha Putin is a cool bloke. Ahahahahahahahahahaha. Ohhh the world. Love being an AMERICAN.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
I love being an American.
Ammeeeerrrriiiicaaaaa, Americcccaaaaaa
USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA, USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the dumbest thread I have ever seen. what a bunch of idiots. In Russia, the media, basically tells Russians WWIII is tomorrow and they are all going to die, due to a western nuclear holocaust. A bunch of idiots, proclaiming to be structural experts. Just demonstrates the purely absurd reasoning that so many people use. Then that insanity is fueled by other crazy people, because all the nutcases can now congregate. The teardrop ceremony, took place while thousands of other ceremonies were taking place. Mainly the American peoples tribute, to fellow citizens lost was the one that got the coverage.. Obviously. I wonder how many times the Russian media, has covered the Americans in WWII and the fact that the entire Soviet Union would have been conquered if not for the Americans.
Clearly all of you hate America, which is another reason we could care less about your tributes, when you were most likely celebrating what happened. So get the hell out of America if you are here, and next time your country is on the verge of being conquered, we will just let it happen. Oh wait, no we will not, because we are Americans. Americans do not hope for the collapse of Russia, we hope instead one day Russia can stop being a nationalist germ pool, and come out of the middle ages, and instead act the part of the role they play. Stop, bitching and moaning about a memorial not being recognized enough, to the country who ACTUALLY suffered the attack. Good god.. Russians!!!
Unbelievable !!!!..all you conspiracy theorist who need to take a physics lesson or two to wonder why the towers came down, it is just basic physics. Ever used a hammer? Can you imagine the weight of the entire building above the the impact area? Ever heard of “metal tempering”? That is where metal is heated to soften it and then rapidly cooled to harden it. Well imagine now the first part, softening which is what happened after the impact and fire, then imagine the weight of that entire building bearing down on it. Now imagine the steel supports which are now soft can no longer support that weight and it comes crashing down vertically like a huge jack hammer. The impact of that was enough “hammer” the supports directly underneath and collapse them, which then led to every other successive floor doing likewise. There you have your so called “controlled demolition”. Yes it was exactly the same principle and it is also easy to see why people think it was deliberate but believe me, I have just explained the reasons and that it was the same principle in which the buildings could have been brought down by a controlled demolition. This also explains why, after being hit 17 mins later and burning for 56 minutes (compared to 102 mins for the north tower), the south tower came down first. Because it was hit lower down, the weight above was far greater and the greater the stress on the (now soft) steel support beams. ,The fire proofing failed because it was ripped off by the impact on some of the steel beams and as you can see from the videos of this horrific event, the building above the impact actually “tilted” as it came down. This was because the supports failed at the weakest point,on one side more than the other, the point of impact, where the fire protection failed the most and the heat built up the quickest to the point of failure. I hope you “theorists” can try and put this to bed and get on with more useful tasks in your lives. There was NO controlled demolition but as an aside, done get me started on JFK…….I’m with you on that one !!
WHAT RUBBISH & what gall to mention the word ‘physics’.
If you want to talk physics, you can calculate like many have. The temperature of the jet fuel and the materials inside the offices, couldn’t heat the metal to a stress point. Even if you did get this, and the rapid cooling, you would need something to accelerate the top 3rd of the tower to give it enough inertia to cause a crush effect on non soften steal that would be at the bottom 2/3rds of the tower. If the steal were to somehow break it would cause the tower to fall side to side with the wind pressure pushing to top half off as wind pressures are much greater at higher altitudes.
If you’ve ever seen steal structures fail, they twist and go down slowly, and they bend over. Not straight down. The duress of air craft crashes would topple a tower not flatten it.
Exactly right James. Plain & simple – anyone who believes the official account of 9/11 effectively believes the laws of physics can be defied!
Any Physics “expert” trying to lie and explain the towers coming down as they did from heat weakening the steel and concrete, to fall they way they did at free fall speed. You are all Physic-ally impaired from years of fluoride!
You have to be blinded by your taught patriotism to believe such an outrageous story! It has never happened before and will never, because it is impossible for a plane even carrying thermite to destroy the top floors and bring the whole building down. It would be a mangled mess at the top of a standing, maybe structurally damaged building!
And then the story of Building 7 coming down? oh please! We Are Being Lied To!!! That was made partly to take away all of our freedom with the Patriot Act. And create hate for the Middle East to allow our taking power.
Thank you Daniel. You wouldn’t have thought it possible anyone could be idiot enough to believe such a cock & bull story!
You people who actually believe that 9/11 was conspired by the US Government are a very special kind of idiot.
If you believe that our government would actually do something like this, you should hurry to pack your stuff and get the hell out, go somewhere else and be stupid. Good bye…
Look – you’re the idiot because the official account has so many holes in it you’ve got to be deaf, dumb & blind! Goodbye & good riddance!
Very thought provoking! Should we ask what temperature the metal was melted at to pour such an awesome shape? Also, did the metal fall straight down when it was melted creating 20 stories worth of crush effect needed to make the towers fall straight down? WHAT ABOUT Building #7? 😉 mmmm physic kool-aid!
Our own country conspired to bring down those towers!
Maybe we should waterboard Cheney and see how much we can get out of him about him part in all of this. He and Bush were suspiciously across the country when this happened.
The skillful way the buildings collapsed upon themselves in no way could have happened without carefully detonated explosive changes. The planes were take our attention off of the explosions happening below. Place blame where it belongs.
Very well said!
To say nothing of the fact that CNN and the BBC both reported WTC7 as having collapsed well before it occurred (search ‘BBCWTC7’, and especially ‘CNNWTC7’, where the anchor turns around and notices the untouched building still standing behind him…), the fact that someone neglected to instruct Larry not to mention that he’d been informed that WTC7 was coming down in a “controlled demolition, etc…
Thank you LaBrat – 9/11 more than anything shows how so many people believe the media unconditionally. If your best friend came & told you a plane crashed into the Empire State building & half an hour later the building collapsed into its own footprint, 99 out 100 people would not bet their life that what they heard was true & they would want independent confirmation before they believed such a story.
Yet here you have the exact same scenario but because the media says it the brain shutters come down. In fact all the people who utilise the phrase ‘conspiracy theorist’ are merely those who display a level of ignorance that beggars belief. As you say CNN & the BBC reported WTC7 had collapsed yet the building remained upright. Then 22 minutes later WTC7 collapsed in a perfect controlled demolition (& no plane hit this building) & to think people still believe the media & the official account. You can’t get any more evidence!
Wanted to tell your negative$#%&**@ to*%&&$#@ but I have to pity your obvious lack of insight,empathy, and you’re obviously a !$#@ MORON.
. People like you have no vision and ,not often enough,commit suicide….Sorry, did I write that out loud.
Putin never does anything good. He is a mastermind in propaganda.. Read up about him. He knows how to manipulate. He is the best and he did it to all think that he is your friend.
Germany had Hitler, Russia has Putin. Be aware. He would love to run the world.
If you’d have said that about the Rothschilds I’d have thought – PERFECT!
Putin kicked out the evil satanic fuc!ed up ,zionist rothschilds ,from his country. And has arrest warrants out ,for the bush and clinton criminal cabals. I wish Putin would be the president of the USA. Much better than the illegal turds in government today!
Couldn’t agree more Pete.
Well if you feel that way (as I do) blame Bush/Cheney not V.Putin!
and here is a smart man. you are 100 percent right with that. thank you
Yes it is somewhat accusatory, and its design seems to contain a deep note of sarcasm as well in that the perps finally outdid themselves and that evidence of their crime on 911 will be leaking through the gaping crack forever, and that the crack is the beginning of the end for them.
As usual, the perps outsmarted themselves.
It would be rather poignant Tom
No you don’t! Why do you lot keep telling lies? Enough already you fool. You lot don’t pity anyone. You commit genocide, steal land, attack other countries who’ve never done anything to you; kidnap kids, some as young as 7 – arrested for no reason & then tortured in Israeli jails. The unlucky ones are murdered for their organs. YOU ARE THE MOST DESPICABLE PEOPLE ON THE PLANET. YOU NEED TO LOOK AT YOURSELF ARSEHOLE!
Everyone loves a conspiracy. It is so exciting. The only problem with this one Stephen, is it is completely false and absurd.
Far as I’m concerned anyone who uses the word conspiracy regarding 9/11 is one of these
The damn thing is in New Jersey, not Russia or the Middle East, so how is the Russians trying to hurt us. Their not, unlike other countries like France, Germany, and others who laughed when the towers fell, the Russians DID NOT, so get off the scare tactics. The media chose not to tell us about this, and it was WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Absolutely 100% correct Debora. I find it hard to take in how so many people believe anything the media says. It is one Zionist lie after another!
right on Debora i agree totally and so do thousands of us! hurts me to know we are just now hearing and seeing this many yrs later!!!!!
Have you taken you anti paranoia medication today?
You are an Idiot…
Go see a doctor!
Steven a you’re a moron. Enjoy your place on the Lemming Train.
how absolutely stupid your comment is…russia was not responsible for 911…russia is the only country fighting against agressive muslim terrorists…obama is a effing coward….wake up you blind fool..this memorial belongs at wtc….what morons
agree sorry to erarius publicum it was not us. it was the bolkechevs.alias zionists.
As an artist and someone with a backgrovnd in Feng Shvi (over 20 years) – this is a very interesting piece of scvlptvre. Is it me – or does this look like the female eqvivalent of a phallic symbol? Does anyone else see this?
I also see it as the drop of water (the tear) sending a ripple that becomes a shock wave. This is MORE than jvst a “tear” – this is very symbolic.
When I look at the top of the scvlptvre – I see the crack in the Liberty Bell being very similar to this.
There is a lot going on with this piece. I can vnderstand why this didn’t receive a lot of pvblicity. Most people are going to be like the lady in the video – they will perceive this as a kind, sweet – gift. However, if yov have stvdied Feng Shvi – at all, yov will soon see what I’m talking abovt.
I’m Seriously curious about all you have too say. I’m my first thought was female phallic symbol
Do you not know what a phallus is? “Female” and “phallus” don’t go together.
《”Female” and “phallus” don’t go together》– THE most unintentionally funny comment so far! Freudian slip if ever there was one!
Cynthia & Michelle – I can’t say I know anything about Feng Shvi. What I do know is the Russian people have always been great contributors in all forms of art & my first thoughts when I saw the memorial was how wonderful & what a fitting tribute.
Michael Aydinian! So much reading and still much to go, I am so following and agreeing with what you have highlighted, making sense of senseless is too difficult , Lol. Push forward mate! That Memorial is awesome and deserved more attention but hey! it’s America, land of the paranoid, where wars are manufactured to sell weapons. when once, weapons were manufactured to fight wars. (A. Roy)
Thank you Annie – much appreciated.
I see this as an art form and art is an object to be translated by the eye of the beholder. It does indeed resemble the thermite heated molton steel, as well as the eye of Horus, as well as the crack in the Liberty Bell. Most importantly it artistically resembles the woman’s Vulva. In my view this is a very artistic tribute to the many who lost their lives due to the evils of the whore of Babylon. The beginning to the end…
Too bad you had to let your racist views penetrate your article by stating “The Zionist controlled US media”. I have posted the You Tube video, but not your article. I am not looking to debate your racism.
Zionist is not a race, which should be obvious to absolutely everyone. Zionism is a political philosophy claiming superiority of Judaism and Israel. We should all be concerned about Zionism, unless you actually believe that one group of people is entitled to more rights, land, and privilege than anyone else based on nothing more than a book. If you believe in equality, you cannot believe in Zionism.
Thank you JT.
It has been my experience the most people who rant about Zionist and Zionism do so because it is a socially accepted way to vent their hatred of Jews. I don’t know if you fit that discription from one small post but if I chatted for 5 or 10 minutes with someone and they didn’t know what I was looking for, I could discover if they only objected to the political entity of Zionism or to the existance of Jews themselves. The deep seated prejudice, the belief inhistorical slanders, and unreasonable hatred always reveals itself.
Sounds like another major Western religion I could mention…
You’re a complete moron.Denis. There’s not a racist bone in my body & coming from a Zionist lover that’s more than a bit rich because Zionists are unquestionably the most racist people on the planet! Call me racist you blithering idiot!
all i can say is this is all a bunch of shiite from the tinfoil hat group and the following is about 1000x times better
Here is a good example of the difference between Judaism and Zionism from the Jews perspective…. The difference is between the state of Israel, Inc and the nation of Israel, the people. http://www.intifada-palestine.com/2012/09/israeli-leaders-meet-mahmoud-ahmadinejad-in-nyc-video/
Thank you so much Ima. If only some of these idiots here bothered to learn the true history before they opened their stupid mouths.
To Rich Arnone. I’m not going to bother to explain to you the difference between Jews & Zionists. Why should I educate a brainless, moronic twat? You are the one positively oozing hatred & by the way – your name is perfect because you are none!
I am a racist, lol
Why does no one talk about the Air Force Bomber that hit the Empire State building shortly after it was built. It did not fall. Are we to assume that the Empire State building was build better than the twin Towers?
Very true. 1946 & the Empire State building still stands. Of course no one questions how ever since not one building has collapsed due to fire!
?????????? So happy to know about this monument. .its very moving. ..don’t understand why i never heard above it.
ooooh those darn zionists trying to keep this silent and all…
“No passengers on the planes”…where is my brother?!?
I presume your brother was on one of the passenger lists. I’m sorry to hear that but I can safely say all 4 passenger planes involved in 9/11 did not end up where we were led to believe. This is why in all 4 crash sites not one specimen of DNA was discovered. However planes can only land or crash. On the day of 9/11 one airport was mysteriously evacuated to all personnel – Hopkins airport, Cleveland. Only government agents were permitted access. The reason given was hijacked planes were going to land there. This was probably the truest thing said that day for unofficial reports stated that flight 93 & 77 both landed there. I believe flight 175 & 11 also landed there, probably before the attack had taken place. These government agents I feel were given the task of murdering all those on the 4 passenger lists.
I sincerely hope you do not feel as many in the media claim that by questioning the ludicrous official account I’m in any way disrespecting those that lost their lives. In fact I believe wholeheartedly the victims more than anyone would want us to get to the bottom of 9/11. There is no question 9/11 was an inside job. There is no question passenger planes did not hit the Towers – those that did were grey military planes. I’ve thought long & hard about this & the only scenario which connects all the dots is the one I just gave. I’m sorry for the loss of your brother.
Sorry, but they found plenty of DNA at the towers, they didn’t find a lot of whole bodies but rather “parts or pieces”. I’d also like you to explain to me what the Jet Airplane wheel was doing on Church Street? I was down there 3 days after the event (I took my friends bike as I showed ID that my apartment was on Cedar Street), Also, the reason they carted off the debris so quickly was two-fold, they were looking for survivors and there was an active fire for weeks which unfortunately was spewing toxic air which many people have died from due to illnesses that were deemed to be related.
A lot of people hate the U.S. Government for various reasons some valid, some not but one thing is for sure, your beloved U.K. would be speaking German or Italian right now if it wasn’t for the U.S. Government and its brave Men and Women.
“You want us on that wall, you need us on that wall so we would rather you say thank you and be on your way” paraphrase.
You don’t know shit & I don’t have to prove anything to you. All you need is a functioning brain because what I say is obvious – Zionists are racists!
Sorry for your loss….I had many friends at Cantor Fitzgerald. I lived across the street and hung out with a lot of them at a local pub around the corner.
Michael Aydinian, in your biography you say you don’t care about religion but yet you sound like a Muslim supporter.You say you are disgusted by the Islamophobia. Well many of us are equally as disgusted by antisemitism and blaming most everything on the Zionists. It is a sad day when ANYONE, not just Arabs and Muslims, looses their life or home. An a journalist you should have learned that you need to be objective and unbiased in your reporting or you become part of the advocacy or opinionated journalism.
You have also made several unsubstantiated remarks including empty towers, surrounding structures, and passenger planes. What an insult to those who lost friends and or family members during this horrific event. I am sure that you have reliable resources that you could share that would back your theories?
What I sound like is merely your interpretation. Since your judgement is atrocious need I say anymore? I always back up everything I say.
You found a way to get your 15 minutes of fame and of course there are always cooks willing to believe conspiracy myths about our government and bigoted Zionist haters. Your attempt to convince Americans has fallen flat. You might have convinced 1/10 of 1%. Good luck with that!
It never ceases to amaze me how so few detractors can ever raise a proper argument. All you lot do is spit blood so I’ll say this – Shut up you blithering idiot!
In response to his request to name him one other memorial other than the Tear Drop. Both are beautiful.
I agree. Both are beautiful. However, when one investigates 9/11 how it should have been one discovers nearly all the chief protagonists are Zionists.
The BIG difference is that Russia gave the US a monument, whereas Israel made the US ship them the metal to make the monument and then the Israelis kept the monument for themselves to use for propaganda ceremonies against their Arab neighbors just like the NAZIs did with their “Blood Banner” at anti-Jewish ceremonies. It shows it right there in the link you provided! Nice try though.
Thank you again Advocate of Truth. These Zionist bastards will use any lie they can. They are pathological liars.
it’s demolition plus CGI. never a single plane hit the towers. look it up.
Are you a retard “Truth Hurts”? There are thousands of witnesses to the second plane crashing, including the Media.
As for the fact that Israel did a monument, the BIG difference is that Russia gave the US a monument, whereas Israel made the US ship them the metal to make the monument and then the Israelis kept the monument for themselves to use for propaganda ceremonies against their Arab neighbors just like the NAZIs did with their “Blood Banner” at anti-Jewish ceremonies. Don’t believe me? Unlike “Truth Hurts” I actually included proof, just check my website link. Israel is the most evil and selfish country on the planet; far worse than NAZI Germany could have ever dreamed to be.
THANK YOU ADVOCATE OF TRUTH. Truth hurts is in all likelihood a Zionist misinfo specialist. Planes hit the Towers, 100%. They were in all likelihood military planes effectively turned into drones.Everything you say is spot on most especially the part “Israel is the most evil and selfish country on the planet; far worse than NAZI Germany could have ever dreamed to be.” I couldn’t agree more.
To the low intelligence people who have their opinions, but neglect the cold hard facts: you are shills and larps. none of you are Forensic experts, but you pretend to be.
From John Craven, English journalist.;
The monument was a gift – an expression of grief – from the people of Russia to the US and officially named ‘To the struggle against world terrorism’. Vladimir Putin was there when construction began and Bill Clinton attended the dedication ceremony in 2006. Since then, it has been forgotten.
‘Nobody ever comes here,’ said the taxi driver. Indeed, we were the only visitors. Surely it hadn’t been snubbed because it was from an old enemy?
I did some research and found that its designer, Zurab Tsereteli – one of Russia’s leading sculptors – went to Ground Zero after the attack. He was told boats and ferries had shuttled survivors across to New Jersey, where many of the victims had lived. Learning that, he wanted his statue to be on the remote waterfront there with Manhattan as the backdrop.
So the explanation for the anonymity of this most touching tribute is probably no more sinister than: out of sight, out of mind – and that needs remedying.
I think it’s a lot more sinister than most would say Greg. It certainly shows up those mega crooks Silverstein & Lowy who copped $7 billion by having their buildings rigged with explosives so that we now have an area called ground zero. The media know who was responsible for 9/11 because it could have only been performed by those who knew the media would cover up the whole sordid episode. This post in 8 hours has received double the hits than my previous best post. It has already got 7000 Shares. It seems they kept more than quiet about this.
Your comment goes straight to the heart of this appalling matter Michael Aydinian. As soon as I saw it I thought of the rivers of molten metal left behind from the Thermite that was used to bring down the twin towers and building 7. A fitting monument indeed.
Thank you Richard 🙂
I’m so tired of people thinking WTC 7 was intentionally blown up, or that something other than the official story behind 9/11 was the real cause. This has already been explained again and again by Popular Mechanics and other sources. But I guess it’s more fun to engage in conspiracy theories.
symmetrical collapse of asymmetrically constructed building is impossible….. without help
Twin Towers were not twin internally… different construction companies , engineering , design & materials …and different from floor to floor
Building 7 hugely asymmetrically constructed yet collapsed symmetrically from fire on one side of building
jet fuel will not melt steel .. a oxidizer generally under great pressure with fuel required to melt steel
….do some home work.. Popular Mechanics?? get a life
REALLY – You’re so tired are you? Oh I’m ever so sorry but there’s a slight problem – PHYSICAL LAWS ARE UNIVERSAL! YOU CANNOT GET ROUND THAT! POPULAR MECHANICS IS FOR BULL-SHITTERS & BRAINLESS MORONS LIKE YOU!………………… And thank you Hawaii Five oh!
Hawaii you seem to ignore a lot of info…. and falling for the old jet fuel line and then suggesting research??? Your typical conspiracy theorist tries to fool you with the fact that jet fuel would not melt steel. What they fail to say (or deliberately hide) is that the fire temperatures were more than sufficient to anneal steel – which basically causes it to lose its strength. And now lies about the towers being different? Same architect and same construction. And look carefully at the photos. The towers did not fall straight. There are some pics showing the towers falling to the side as well. The damage to buildings nearby is testament to how controlled the collapse wasnt….. Oh and building 7 also fell significantly sideways.
Craig – your comment smacks of desperation. In short you’re talking a load of rubbish – what you say is beyond the laws of Physics – Kerosene fuel CANNOT COMPROMISE GRADE A STEEL, PERIOD! And you say building 7 fell sideways? No.1 Are you blind? No.2 How did it collapse? No plane hit that building. And if you’re so convinced why don’t you try & answer these 10 questions below?
1) What the hell happened to U.S. Civil air defense. How in the blazes could these planes fly around as if they were on a sight-seeing tour?
2) There are 16 intelligence agencies. How could such an attack occur without any of them having any idea something big was going down? This is impossible. How could so many people drop the ball?
3) Dan Rather and Peter Jennings immediately stated the obvious – the destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC7 had all the hallmarks of controlled demolitions, as if they were deliberately brought down. Why wasn’t this ever followed up?
4) On the day, scores of eye-witnesses, fire-fighters and Policemen said on live TV, there were explosions going off all over the place within the Towers. Why did the media totally ignore these crucial eye-witness accounts?
5) Similarly when the 2nd plane hit the South Tower several eye-witnesses stated on camera that it was a large grey military plane; definitely not a passenger jet. Once again the media neglected to follow up the most crucial evidence.
6) Why didn’t they evacuate the Pentagon when they knew a hijacked plane was closing in? HOW CAN THE MEDIA IGNORE THIS QUESTION?
7) And speaking of the Pentagon, Norman Mineta all but grassed Dick Cheney up! He said Cheney directly issued a ‘stand-down’ order which allowed the Pentagon to be attacked
8) Why didn’t the media ever investigate the incredible insurance payout to owners of the Towers Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy and the unbelievable fact that Silverstein stipulated that he should be paid double if the Towers were destroyed in a terrorist attack?
9) Why didn’t the media make more of Larry Silverstein’s admission that “they decided to ‘PULL’ the building (WTC7).
10) And on the subject of WTC7, why didn’t the media question the fact that the 9/11 commission did the unthinkable by failing to mentioned the mysterious collapse of WTC7?
Sure looks like a passenger plane to me, all you have to do is google it but that would be too easy and you wouldn’t get to take a shot at the U.S. Government.
What pure unadulterated drivel. I don’t take pot-shots at anyone. I attach guilt when the evidence clearly indicates something untoward has occurred. But I’m so sick & tired of veiled insults & jibes, I’m just going to say anyone who believes the pathetic tale that these hijacked planes can evade the entire US civil air defense, crash into buildings & with it’s Kerosene fuel that cannot even bend steel can reduce these huge buildings into rubble, has to be so brainless it truly beggars belief. You even said it – “they carted off the debris so quickly!” Well I’m sorry. That’s not how investigations are carried out – immediately removing all the evidence. What happened to sealing off the crime scene? Moreover, I’ve got nothing but admiration for ordinary American folk. i lived in the States for a year so I know this from experience. It’s typical how people like you, instead of presenting some sort of reasonable argument, you erroneously jump to outrageous conclusions for the sole purpose of trying to make me look bad. Instead like an idiot you protect these mass-murderers!
Symbolizes the controlled demolition (molten medal dripping) within the plane impact. Hopefully people will be stupid enough to believe the plane brought the buildings down. It really is sad though (teardrop)
Thanks Kevin
Lots of experts here, tonight,yet not one of you is correct. Maybe if you stop smoking the good stuff, you would find the real stuff.
It wasn’t snubbed by the people. We never knew about it… I just found out hours ago. It’s so beautiful, I’m so touched and grateful to Russia. By far the best and most appropriate memorial to the people lost that day.
Indeed Shelley – Some of the comments saying “I KNEW ABOUT IT” are so pathetic it beggars belief. The US media’s role in this typifies their war-mongering, lying stance. Never has there been a media that so blatantly ignores the feelings of Americans. While they’re pushing for confrontation with Russia, the people are deliberately being lied to while kept in the dark with as you say Shelley, a very appropriate memorial
its always the same with the american people, they are sheep that follow their leaders .WAKE up people and start by getting BUSH tried as a war criminal and maybe the rest of the world will believe that americans really want to live in a peaceful world
Thank you Peter. The trouble is as you probably can see from this thread, the majority of the smart people there are , are drowned out by the ignorant & the plain evil.
That’s 100% true- we as Americans are doubled up with access and resources, but conditioned and trained aka brainwashed to listen to rubbish. We are obnoxiously fed through social/ media explotation. So even the most sincerely concerned Americans and truth seekers are still confronted with liars and those who seek to contain and diminish any growth of our knowledge to degrees that will not exceed limits that are uncontrollable. If the masses of America advert ourselves away from the propaganda and falsehood that we have been built up by, conspiracy or cover up-….well, it will be interesting, and it’s happening- growth and that relation won’t be an overnight success. But it’s been long enough and still deeply felt, and people here are changing. They are changing not only how we interact within our country, but with other countries and people as well.
We pray, we love, and we take in stride what what we can, when crisis and change show up together. Most normal Americans, realize that we are poverty stricken where other nations are fruitful, and we recognize strengths, where other countries lack. To condem us all to the elite and entitled, or conspirators, is misunderstanding the large make-up of the American people.
The monument is beautiful, the reception maybe less worthy. But bridges and walls aren’t built in a day, even if they can crumble so.
I feel sorry for you -if you see a vagina here. Just wow
Russia has to deal with terrorism too. After 9/11 it hoped that the US would partner with it to stamp out extremism. It found out that the US was only interested in using terrorism as an excuse to spy on its own citizens and move bases from Europe to Asia. The US does not want terrorism to go away…then it wouldn’t have a pretext for more global intervention.
Fact is after the end of the cold war, their is a lot more pressure on the US to close its European bases. Instead of letting Europe grow up and defend itself, neoliberals would rather create a pretext to start building up bases in Asia. Russia’s attempts to partner with America were brushed aside. No wonder they lost trust.
There’s a lot of truth in what you say Jay but I think you must consider the Zionist factor. This is not America working in its best interests. This is the Zionists who control US politicians seeing to it America does what Israel wants!
Also a fair point, except, when does America really, REALLY work in its own best interests? It just can’t seem to help screwing things up and making a bigger mess than when it started. Surely that’s not its best interests?
It used to KAT. Remember in the first Gulf war – George Bush senior did not invade Iraq. He stopped short. He got Saddam out of Kuwait; made sure Saddam’s weapons would be destroyed, which they were – there were NO WMD’s. The last thing America wanted was turmoil in the Middle East. Only one country wasn’t pleased with this decision – ISRAEL! So what happened G Bush senior was tripped up at every opportunity so that a no-good fraudster murderer Bill Clinton beat him in the election. Clinton was made to look good but all he was was a perfect Zionist puppet. The rest is history. Ever since that day US foreign policy has been designed by Zionists for the benefit of Israel.. This is why America is destroying itself because it has been acting against its best interests for 25 years now – the time where it has accrued all its debt. The proof is in the pudding – Only Israel has gained from all this mayhem.
Kat, other nations ask us for help and we try to help them.
You sound like a typical radical perturbed Palestinian. I am sorry Israel Zionists took your land. I wish there was a more peaceful way to settle your problems than constant war. I believe that the land should go back to whom it originally belongs.
Problem is that Russia provides financial support to many terrorist groups.
Now think about what you’re saying El Feurdz. How many countries has Russia invaded in the last 200 years? Well I’ll bet you since 1948 ISRAEL HAS INVADED MORE COUNTRIES THAN RUSSIA HAS! Moreover in the last 200 years, America has been involved in foreign wars for much of that time. There’s ISIS which is a Mossad creation as was Hamas. Al Qaeda was a CIA creation. Why does the West create these groups? FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF FOOLING UNINITIATED FOLK LIKE YOU THAT THERE EXISTS A GENUINE TERRORIST THREAT! THe truth is they have to do this BECAUSE THERE ISN’T ANY TERRORIST THREAT. Everything the West has done is to CREATE terrorism to cover up for ISRAELI TERRORISM. They are the ones gaining from all this mayhem. All you’re doing is repeating the lies of the Zionist controlled media. For me it’s merely a question of whether you are ignorant or deceitful!
Yo asshole stop acting like you are completely englightened and suddenly know how everything works, every country has a dark side. and seriously stop with that “UHHHH you dont believe what i believe there for you are stupid” crap
What country has Israel invaded? You have got to be the dumbest son of a bitch that’s ever left a comment. You should go join ISIL , oh yeah they aren’t real.
I read some comments. You call idiots morons to all who disagree and thank you very much to all who agree. I propose to you, the only way to prove your theory is: build the Towers, identical, fly planes, identical, you at the control of one, and one of your yes-man, controlling the other. Fly into the Towers. We will find out if your stupidity had any merit.
ABSURD. The weak minded conspiracy BS and the other Alex Jones anti Semitic garbage is typical of those unable to distinguish fantasy from reality..SMH ..Barely worth the 10 calories to type a response
This is one of the towers wth a crack in it with a tear drop…
What relevance has this Jimbo?
To Michael Aydinian,
I will tell you why your article has gone virial. As an American when we see something that reminds us of all we lost (lives, freedoms, soldiers, respect, world status ext.) We tend to want to share it with others. It’s not your agenda that motivated the reposting of this article. In fact I would venture to say that anybody that made it as deep as I did in the comments sees what I see. I respect your opinion of what happened September 11th 2001 but I believe you are using the loss that I have previously stated to capitalize and collect as many likes and shares as possable. Why people do this I don’t know, but it seem that social media has created an addiction that can only be satisfied with likes and shares. I wanted to post this deep in your comments so you knew that I read alot of what you and others have said.
Michael Aydinian there is one comment that caught my attention and was left unanswered by you. You said that the second tower was hit by a military plane yet when someone pointed out that simply going to YouTube and watching the video from that day proves this to be false you ignored them.
I was wondering what your responce to this is as you have refuted most of the comments that have been posted quite expertly.
My comments are my opinion and nothing more. I have tried to remain respectful and not attack you as I would like a responce that is less venomous then some of your responses to the attackers.
I’m the one that’s venomous? You want to sit where I am & read some of the things people say. What that person expertly showed was that he was totally wrong! Grey military planes were used for the attack on the Towers. There is very little footage of the first plane but cameras aplenty were focused on the Towers when the 2nd plane hit. I didn’t bother responding to him because there was no point. I KNOW he’s wrong. I’ll do this much though – here is one of the videos on You-Tube. Go to 17 minutes & there is a piece about the plane that hit the 2nd Tower. You will also hear eye-witness accounts stating that it was not a passenger plane – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N28dKgcccAw
If after watching this you still believe a passenger plane hit the South Tower then it’s fine by me.
Wow, that’s a great video Michael!
Thanks Nicky x
wow, thank you Jimbo for the additional information.. I can absolutely see why the iranian people would be so upset and hostile towards America.. there are always two sides to every story and then there is the truth.. you can never find the truth unless you hear both sides and understand why boths sides have come to their conclusion….. I don’t fully know what happened to the world trade centers I do lean heavily towards it being an inside job but I can also understand those who feel its a terrorist attack as well.. your link to the Iran air flight are facts you cannot ignore.. just reading the top half of the piece was enough to make you think.. when you read the entire page of facts Its a real eye opener..Not just to the fact that this could have been terroristic but more so to the fact that America’s history is very dark and evil and we the people remain for the most part clueless to the true cruelty of our world leaders…
I mean Michael Aydinian. And he will call me moron. Such a hardass fool, knows everything, apparently. I tried reading his bullshit but my patience and time is limited. His anti-semitism is horrendous. He is a sub-human as far as I am concerned.
Carry on. Keep talking. All you lot can do is make daft remarks & insult people. You can never challenge anything I actually write. The only option open to you is to spout bile.
You are so right, give a beautiful memorial but kill more than 200 people by shooting down a plane.
Yeah? And what was your source of info on the shooting-down of the plane? The same media you distrust so?
Blue Oval. It’s not a media I distrust. LIARS ARE LIARS PERIOD! How about using your brain. That works well, that is, if you’ve got one! Within an hour of the plane going down the Zionist controlled media blamed Putin. Reminds me what happened on 9/11. Those who should have known something claimed they knew nothing but within two hours of the attack, Zionists were plotted up at every major news outlet & all like a bunch of canaries knew who did it – IT WAS OSAMA BIN LADEN! How the hell could scum like Ehud Barak point the finger within two hours. ARE YOU EVER GOING TO THINK ABOUT THAT?
Lets not forget the ‘alleged insurance fraud Michael
Indeed. Funny how it never entered the media’s mind!
August 17, 2015 at 2:38 am
Michael, your heart is bleeding for palestinians and not a word about arabs, who financially support all the terrorism in a world. Your people, armenians still remember what ottoman empire did to them, but for you Zionists is = (Israel) and it’s enemy #1. I wonder when did you convert to Islam ? By the way do not confuse Russian people with Russia. Russia controlled by Putin, and he is in bed with Iran not Russian people.
g – Have you seen a map of what’s left of Palestine? Do you even know the hell they’re going through? Sure, I know about what happened in 1915 to my own people but I realise I shouldn’t even be answering people like you. You dare tell me what I should or shouldn’t do. As for your pathetic assertion about me converting to Islam? I HATE ALL RELIGION.. Your comment is one of the most pathetic on this thread!
August 17, 2015 at 2:38 am
Michael, your heart is bleeding for palestinians and not a word about arabs, who financially support all the terrorism in a world. Your people, armenians still remember what ottoman empire did to them, but for you Zionists is = (Israel) and it’s enemy #1. I wonder when did you convert to Islam ? By the way do not confuse Russian people with Russia. Russia controlled by Putin, and he is in bed with Iran not Russian people.
george Archers
August 15, 2015 at 9:15 pm
Big mistake for Russia–instead of a tear dripping—big load of bullsh!t should replace it.
Waste of money by the Russians.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 1:05 am
Shame on you George
wayne t baker
August 15, 2015 at 9:19 pm
A beautiful gesture by the Russian people, yet the anger arising from it not being publicized by the media is unjustified. It is irrelevant whether or not the media is “Zionist”. It is up to the people to discover the importance of this gift honoring the lives lost in the 9/11 attacks. I would think that anyone appreciating this sculpture would be open to what actually was behind those attacks and why they were carried out. I would like to invite peace loving human beings to go to larouchepac.com@nationbuilder or just enter larouchepac to find out why the hostility exists towards a nation whose people grieved just as we did on 9/11.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 1:08 am
Beautiful indeed but quite how you feel the media should escape admonishment for not publicising such a wonderful gesture frankly is beyond me Wayne. It is the duty of the media to report news – not tell lie after lie!
cudjo numiunsing
August 15, 2015 at 9:36 pm
The monument displayed in the above photographs, officially entitled “To the Struggle Against World Terrorism” (but also known as “The Memorial at Harbor View Park” or the “Tear Drop Memorial”), was dedicated at the northeast corner of Bayonne Peninsula in New Jersey on 11 September 2006, the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States.
The monument was the work of Russian artist Zurab Tsereteli, whose inspiration was described thusly in a brochure about the monument:
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/rumors/tributes/teardrop.asp#3EExmlVb18OTmfJj.99
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 1:12 am
Yes indeed Cudjo – thank you.
John Mc Farlane
August 15, 2015 at 9:47 pm
Well, here’s a twist. I only learnt yesterday that a teardrop tattooed on the the face in jail culture means you have killed/murdered someone. Usually under the eye of said person and the shading in of these teardrops has different meanings. So it’s really showing the truth of the USA’s duplicity in the event. It really makes you wonder. It’s the connection I saw straight away. My two cents.
Peace to all.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 1:16 am
I see what you’re saying John but I somehow think this was a genuine gesture. 9/11 obviously was an inside job but only those who owned the media could have guaranteed a full media cover up. This was a Zionist operation.
August 16, 2015 at 1:19 am
Very good point! I didn’t even see that connection until now.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 1:43 am
Thank you Brooke – it is unequivocal – only those who own or control Western media are capable of pulling off false flag events. 9/11 should have been a disaster for the Zionists because when it happened they claimed they knew nothing, when they should have known something. However, an hour after the event Zionist were plotted up at every major news channel in unison to blame Osama Bin Laden. It was incredible how people could be so daft. Instead of arresting all these liars for all of a sudden knowing way too much, everyone fell for it hook, line & sinker! Even at the BBC war criminal Ehud Barak was plotted up, all set & ready to blame Muslim terrorists. HOW DID HE KNOW? This is within two hours of the attack the ex Israeli PM is saying this & goes on to say ‘there must be a war against terror!’ A classic false flag carried out by dual national Zionist & Mossad, because all along they knew the media wouldn’t turn round to Jerome Hauer or Ehud Barak & say HOW THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU KNOW OSAMA BIN LADEN DID IT? I wonder how loud the outcry would have been if Muslims were plotted up at all the news channels for the purpose of blaming Israeli terrorists? I’m covering my ears even now. The irony is THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN RIGHT!
August 15, 2015 at 10:14 pm
The same reason why Americans haven’t been told about The Teardrop Memorial is the same reason the American people have not been told about this: http://youtu.be/Y8EweNlo8LA
Instead, we are told this:
And if you still believe that is the truth, take some time to it proven wrong 50 times although they proved it many times over that number: http://youtu.be/O1GCeuSr3Mk
Michael Aydinian
August 17, 2015 at 1:15 am
EXACTLY ANGELICA – 3 excellent videos.
August 15, 2015 at 11:18 pm
Why go on an anti-Jewish rant?
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 1:09 am
Show me where I mentioned the word Jewish Richard! Another one who’s been fooled into believing I’m against Jews when in fact I’m trying to help them. Could you please tell me if you are a Zionist or if you’re Jewish Richard. Whether you like it or not, THESE ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!
August 16, 2015 at 12:46 am
I was almost devoting to this article the benefit of my considered attention until I saw the rabid hate-mongering racism remarks. What a douche.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 1:18 am
Does the truth hurt that much Tashi. You shouldn’t be so hateful.
August 16, 2015 at 1:58 am
Thank you for this insightful article Michael, and thank you to those who have commented in such a thoughtful and polite manner. There was a lot of information I didn’t know and connections I hadn’t made before. I feel that ‘we the people’ are generally kind, thoughtful, helpful beings and that applies to all countries. However the PTB in most countries are arrogant and reprehensible. That said, we have our work cut out for us to bring balance to this world. For my own understanding, could you please clarify the difference between Zionist and Jewish?
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 3:20 am
It would be my pleasure to Sally & thank you for your kind words. There are but a few foolish people whose only defense is to hurl insults. They’re not interested in the truth. If they want to stay ignorant it’s up to them. The difference between Jew & Zionist is like saying Red & Green is the same color. Jews originated from the Middle East. I am no expert when it comes to religion but Jews believed in the teachings of the Torah. Their religion was Judaism. Then there are the Zionists. They originated in Khazaria a region now known as Georgia. They were always a belligerent tribe that specialised in murder & theft. On several occasions they were kicked out of countries. At around 700 the Khazarian king decided they should incorporate a religion. Out of the 3 they went for Judaism. Cut a long story short some 1000 years passed & one wealthy family had emerged. They became known as the Rothschilds. Now here I recommend you listen to Myron Fagan’s excellent account in 1967 of how Nathan Rothschild asked Adam Weishaupt in 1770 to draw up a blueprint on how to eventually establish a one world government where his family would ultimately be despotic lords of the planet. You will find Myron Fagan’s speech on this website. I also recommend Benjamin Freedman’s speech in 1961 which explains how the Rothschilds were responsible for WWI & II. This speech tells the story of how Israel was established. Of course by then the Rothschilds controlled all the flow of information & so most Jews believed they were at one with the Rothschilds. Nothing could be further from the truth. WWI was deliberately extended for two years by the Rothschilds by conning America into the war so that the Allies who they’d lent money to for the war would win. Germany owed no such favors to the bankers but at the end of the war the Rothschilds saw to it that Germany would have to pay an enormous reparations bill. In return England would decree that half of Palestine would be given to Jews. Of course it was really being given to the Rothschilds. However another WW was needed because there was no way the British could just give away someone else’s country just like that. In the meantime the Rothschilds ha created a terrible situation in Germany where resentment had built up. It was only a matter of time for the ‘right’ man to come along. That man was Adolf Hitler. Incredibly this man never had more than 32% of German support – NEVER! So whenever people slag off the Germans you should remember this fact. More importantly, when Hitler got to power, Germany had no army, Navy or Air-force and they were financially in the hole. What few Jews ever ask is – HOW THE HELL DID HITLER GET THE RESOURCES TO REJUVENATE HIS ARMED FORCES & GALVANISE THE SUPPORT OF HIS PEOPLE SO THAT WITHIN 5 YEARS HE WAS READY TO TAKE ON EUROPE? WHO GAVE HIM ALL THIS MONEY! Okay there was Prescott Bush & a few other industrialists but they were all under the thumb of the Rothschilds. Here was Hitler’s banker & guess what the Rothschild’s wanted Hitler to do – TAKE IT OUT ON THE JEWS! You see the plan all along was to grab world sympathy. However, Hitler actually didn’t play ball. Sure enough Jews were expelled & sent to camps but so were Poles & Czechs & many other groups of people. The Rothschilds were furious with Hitler because they wanted him to kill more Jews; they expected him to do that. Of course what we saw at the end of the war when the camps had been deserted were hoards of emaciated folk, down to the bone. THAT’S WHAT WE SAW. We also saw piles of dead bodies. Now why? In a war zone supply lines are all important. At the end of 1944, all the camps were deserted by the Germans. With the Russian army advancing they knew the Red Army were taking no prisoners. They scarpered long before the Russians got there. Now the people in the camps were effectively cut off. No food, water or medicine could get through for months. You can work the rest out yourself. The survivors were too weak to bury the dead. Disease set in & the death toll rose exponentially. There were no gas chambers. However, the Rothschilds had different ideas. A figure of 6 million which had already been fed to the public over a 30 year period was used by all the Zionist papers. Within 3 years 52% of Palestine was donated to form the state of Israel. Cut a long story short again – today some 90% of Israel’s inhabitants are Zionists who originated from Khazar. Each & every Israeli Prime Minister is Ashkenazi (fake Jew) a Zionist that does not possess one drop of Semitic blood. In fact Myron Fagan states in his speech, “if ever the crimes of the Zionists are found out, they will kill all the Jews just to deflect attention away from them!” The Zionists worship the Talmud. However they’ve usurped Judaism rather like the way they’ve stolen Palestine. This is why I’m forever telling Jews who foolishly accuse me of hatred “if only you knew the truth.” You may think it’s not so easy to work all this out. I’m not so sure. All you have to do is ask – who financed Hitler & why have the OFFICIAL Holocaust figures been revised down to under 2 million without the media saying so much as one word about this. Remember people have been jailed for contesting what after all is written in history books. You only have to listen to the Great Rabbi Weiss who says ‘Zionism is the greatest form of anti-Semitism.
August 16, 2015 at 7:21 am
Michael, I think I’d like to have a beer with you.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 9:23 pm
It would be my pleasure Krys 🙂
August 16, 2015 at 11:36 pm
Hitler’s (Schnickelgruber) dad was the illegitimate son of a Rothschild. He was an AshkeNAZI puppet The goal of the 20th, 21st century wars was/is to kill Goyim. In 358 B.C. the petty Palestinian tribe of Judah produced a racial creed, the disruptive effects, of which, on subsequent human affairs, has exceeded explosives & epidemics. That is when the theory of the master race was set up as the Law Judaism (Talmud) is a Legal System, meant to micro-manage every aspect of human existence, with focus on depopulation of the goyim. Leon Pinsker, at an early Zionist Congress (1890’s) said””to exert irresistible pressure on the inter-national politics of the present”– using (or blaming) goyim to kill goyim. Evil genius: Legality replacing Morality. The Jews killed in the Holocaust (an investment) were Torah Jews, whose doctrine prohibits establishment of a national state until the Messiah comes. The 6-million was invented by Illya Ehrenberg. The Holocaust produced the Zionist state, named Israel. Most Christians (sic) are members of he Holocaust Religion. The U.S. is a host nation for the Zionists, who are using our military to depopulate the Muslim world, while they loot and destroy our nation from within. A few weeks before Fukushima, Japan came out in favor of a Palestinian state– (Mossad did 9-11, and Larry Silverstein made $4.5 Billion from the WTC insurance–do some research and connect the dots…
Michael Aydinian
August 17, 2015 at 1:32 am
Thank you so much for that Mr wilson. Much appreciated.If only people understood the extent of Rothschild’s crimes.
Tim Pollard
August 16, 2015 at 2:31 am
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 3:42 am
Absolutely correct TIM. Unfortunately anything but America’s heartfelt thanks & gratitude is being given. This is why it’s imperative this gets out.
Bill W
August 16, 2015 at 10:30 am
I guess you forgot about the human rights violations Russia has in the past and is currently doing to the people of Ukraine. Oh wait, you didn’t even know about a 10 year old, 10 story monument in New Jersey. How can we expect you to know anything other than what is immediately affecting you personally? There is a very big world that your narrow view is missing.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 9:30 pm
I’m sorry Bill but anyone who believes Russia is in any way to blame for the current crisis in Ukraine is a fool who believes all the tripe the Zionist controlled media comes out with. My word not 25 years ago the Russians gave Ukraine it’s independence. Then That war-mongering Zionist cow Victoria Nuland, who’s married to one of the architects of 9/11 Robert Kagan, was at the centre of overthrowing the democratically elected government of that idiot Yanukovitch. She even pledged $5 billion to finance the overthrow which saw an even bigger thug, Zionist Poreshenko seizing control. Russia has done nothing. Either you’re a Zionist or you’re clueless. I’m sorry.
Specks Sunday
August 16, 2015 at 3:16 am
Passing the buck…deflection!!!So.. Blame the Zionists…Idiotic…Blame greed…steal their gas kick their ass mentality. 911 an inside job to justify doing it…not because of Israel. That’s the main purpose of Israel to begin with…US presence in the middle east…America’s Muslim keepers…also puppets of the same greed mongers. Hard to see the trees when you live in the woods..
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 3:44 am
If you’re lost don’t live in the woods!
Zig Bushing
August 16, 2015 at 9:19 am
Why were we not told about Tear Drop???
I have know about it for years.
It is not a secret.
You have to read, and look for information, not wait for it to be spoonfed to you by the media.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 9:43 pm
What pure unadulterated drivel. How come this post has gone viral? It’s because the media only publishes things that serve the Zionist cause. Spoonfed my butt!
August 16, 2015 at 9:41 am
Speaking about media manipulation, ever hear a word about the ongoing white genocide happening under the communist Nelson Mandela’s ANC? Didn’t think so, otherwise they’ll have to admit they backed the wrong horse.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 9:46 pm
Media manipulation has never been stronger than on the African continent. You will see an article about how all of Africa’s diamond end up in the hands of Zionists!
Bill W
August 16, 2015 at 10:24 am
The real truth is…… You were told about it. There was a huge dedication ceremony. It was covered by every major media. Every few years there is another write up about it and it was a wonderful gift. It’s just too bad that so many Americans have become so self involved that they are blind to what’s really going on. The earth does not revolve around you, you’re not and never were the greatest country in the world. You are becoming a sign of everything that’s wrong in the world, greed, corruption and self entitlement. The world owes you nothing. You Michael Adynian seem to think that you’re more enlightened than most. Yet you blame others (zionists) for your own failings and your media for not tellin you about something that happened almost 10 years ago. Talk about irony. You sir are the epitome of how ignorant, entitled and arrogant Amercians have become.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 9:49 pm
Now you’re becoming pathetic Bill. For a start I’m not American. Who says anything about owing this & owing that? As for ignorance I’m pretty confident there is not one subject on the whole entire planet that you know more about than me. What is your beef? If you have a point, damn well make it – otherwise I will chew you up & spit you out!
Amanda Hunt
August 16, 2015 at 10:59 am
I guess I don’t understand how so many people didn’t hear about this. I read about as soon as it happened. I agree the media didn’t highlight it, but I live in Washington State and still found out about it.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 9:50 pm
Well Amanda – the post has gone viral for the simple reason so few people did hear about it!
Rob hodge
August 16, 2015 at 12:06 pm
The media is Zionist owned, the towers in New York were taken down by UAVs, Israel is slaughtering poor innocent children. I love the rampant insanity on this page! No one believes anything they hear on all the competing news outlets, but fanatically follow any unsubstantiated pseudo news on some overtly biased website. Do you guys ensure the companies that produce the tin foil for your hats aren’t Zionist controlled?
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 9:55 pm
Media IS Zionist owned!
The Towers were taken down by military planes that were flown by remote control.
No one believes the MSM? Well they’re positively haemorrhaging viewers.
So I think you’ve got a serious problem with the truth Rob.
August 16, 2015 at 4:41 pm
Why can’t we just put aside the political BS and simply remember the thousands who died on that day from all walks of life, the many more thousands who have died since then as as direct result of that day, and the impact to lives that will never go away? It couldn’t hurt to take a brief moment and remember the men, women, and children who have been taken from us far too soon. And to the people of Russia, БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 9:57 pm
Thank you Bob – couldn’t agree more.
August 16, 2015 at 5:38 pm
I saw an article and photos about it after it was installed, so there was certain some publicity but certainly not enough. It left me in tears when I first saw it, deeply moving, a very touching memorial.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 9:57 pm
Absolutely Kate – thank you
Pingback: +++Tear Drop Memorial in New York – ein Geschenk Russlands an die USA – je davon gehört?+++ | Bürgerinitiative für Frieden in der Ukraine
August 16, 2015 at 7:51 pm
Zionist controlled US media? The media hates everything Zionist, Jewish or Israeli. This includes the Government being owned by the Jews… You anti-Jewish people are love to hate on Israel, but your lies are lacking in substance.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 10:00 pm
DEARIE ME – I don’t know whether to laugh or cry – “the media hates everything Zionist, Jewish or Israeli.” That constitutes 0 out of 100 for judgement. Thanks for the laugh
Stephen Bee
August 17, 2015 at 1:27 am
Some facts. for you Buddy….Not fiction!
Zionist Influence is pervasive everywhere not least in the dual national members of Congress and our own Zionist Prime Minister in Chief – David Cameron
Read and Weep..Your busted!
Michael Aydinian
August 17, 2015 at 1:36 am
Thank you so much Stephen though I’m sure the man your comment is aimed at hardly cares for facts.
Stephen Bee
August 17, 2015 at 1:47 am
The Hasbara Brigade have much to answer to, Michael..why we must be constantly vigilant against their propaganda
Michael Aydinian
August 17, 2015 at 2:15 am
Couldn’t agree more Stephen. Thanks mate.
Steven Roussos
August 16, 2015 at 10:40 pm
I recall hearing about it in a feature story on NPR’s All Things Considered, and looking it up and being awed. It is deliberately placed in New Jersey in a spot across from Manhattan, overlooking it o’er the waves as it were, as planned by the artist after noting the vast numbers in Manhattan who had to struggle to return there, finally resorting to walking in a nearly biblical mass exodus cuz everything was shut down, that I recall seeing on TV that day. Unfortunately it is in an isolated out of the.way place so very few see it on a regular basis. And “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” apparently applies to most media coverage. It is beautiful. Almost moreso because it stands alone and bereft in its monumental grief, as so many of the victims’ loved ones naturally felt, as do we all on the inside at times of great loss. But it remembers. All the names are there. And the Cosmos see it… for it is writ into the eternal tapestry of time, always was… always will be.
Michael Aydinian
August 17, 2015 at 1:38 am
Thanks Stephen. I lived in New York for 7 months & I know the spot quite well & you’re right – it’s out of the way but had the media given this the attention it deserved no way would this post have gone viral.
dennis herrick
August 16, 2015 at 11:21 pm
Maybe art should be art. Maybe the viewer should be responsible for how they feel about this piece. I do not have to like why you like or dislike this sculpture, but I have to respect your right to feel as you wish. As long as you don’t try and force your response on mine, we will be fine.
Unfortunately, we are human. To the most part, we seek positive recognition, unearned wealth and undeserved comfort. To the most part, we seek these things at the expense of our fellow man.
We have an out and this artful depiction on a basic human emotion may be a arrow in that direction. With all our faults, somehow we care and sometimes we show we care. That does not come from us – here is the kicker – it comes from God. Surprised? Shocked? Upset that someone would dare to bring God into this picture?
Let art be the gift God meant it to be and be happy that you have the freedom that God gave you to feel as you do about this sculpture.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 11:33 pm
I force nothing. I ask nothing. I write but I don’t ask people to read. The only reason I carry on is because people do read. Everyone has the right to their opinion. However those who swear of are vulgar or simply indulge in personal insults are not wanted here. Thank you for your comment Dennis.
dennis herrick
August 17, 2015 at 1:37 am
it is good to know a writer with conviction and pricpals. one of the good ones- but, alas -few and far between. please keep up your good work..
Michael Aydinian
August 17, 2015 at 1:40 am
You’re very kind Dennis. i can’t tell you what your comment means to me. Thank you so very much.
Lynn Abbott
August 16, 2015 at 2:40 am
People who don’t know 9/11 was an inside job are not necessarily dumb. Ad hominen comments won’t convince them of that fact. I vaguely remember General Clark’s comments, and you’re probably right. Thanks for the additional info.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 3:53 am
You’re most welcome Lyn & you’re right of course. Along with ignorance is fear & apathy.
August 16, 2015 at 9:00 am
Rev 17:1
August 16, 2015 at 2:19 pm
You are so right, give a beautiful memorial but kill more than 200 people by shooting down a plane.
August 16, 2015 at 5:50 pm
Your description is disgusting! It just enforces your disgust and mistrust with Russia! Are we without violence and espionage against Russia? Fact is, they did not have to show ANY sympathy for the people who died! Your remarks desecrate this horrible act of violence! We will probably never know the truth behind the violence that day but I would bet there is blood on American hands!
Blue Oval
August 16, 2015 at 2:46 pm
Yeah? And what was your source of info on the shooting-down of the plane? The same media you distrust so?
Les Elliott
August 16, 2015 at 2:51 pm
Or did they shoot down a plane???
August 16, 2015 at 3:11 pm
I wish the “sheepl” (sheep-people) like Nancy and dscalco4 weren’t so blinded by the same media that’s filled up their sculls with rotting poo. I wonder if Nancy and dscalco4 know anything about the Iranian passenger plane that got shot down by the U.S. killing just as many innocent people and mr Bush Senior refusing to even apologise to anyone, including the families of those perished. I don’t think our world problems are the fault of the Zionists, the Nancys and dscalco4s of our world and their incapacity to use common sense is what allows the Zionist agenda to progress.
So very sad 🙁
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 10:04 pm
Nancy if you think Russia shot down MH17 it is truly sad. Why do you think the Black Boxes were sent to the perfect Zionist puppet, our Prime Minister David Cameron – SO THE TRUTH COULD REMAIN HIDDEN! My word – can’t you see what is so patently obvious? Before air crash investigators got near the site, the Zionist controlled media were blaming Putin without any evidence whatsoever! Wake up for Christ sake! You’ve got a brain – just ask questions – don’t believe liars like Wolf Blitzer & Bill O’Reilly!
August 16, 2015 at 5:52 pm
This is my reply to dscalo4@bigpond.com
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 11:48 pm
Sue – MY description is disgusting? Are people on drugs . I suggest if you want to know the truth that day ask yourself some obvious questions like WHO GAINED! You know it’s a thing called motive. And then ask yourself WHY DIDN’T THE MEDIA MENTION ONE WORD ABOUT WHO GAINED? Then you’ll slowly but surely arrive at the correct conclusions.
August 16, 2015 at 5:57 pm
I agree. I will never forget the expression on President Bush’s face the day he was told of the towers being blown up. He was reading to a classroom of small children when an aid came in, interrupted him and whispered to him what had just happened! He just continued reading. We will never know the truth. Politics is just as corrupt in this country as any other!
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 11:56 pm
Yes Darius1313 – 234 people blown out of the sky & the two commanders were given medals. However, this has nothing to do with this thread but I understand your pain & frustration. It was a disgraceful act.
Michael Aydinian
August 16, 2015 at 11:53 pm
Blue Oval. It’s not a media I distrust. LIARS ARE LIARS PERIOD! How about using your brain. That works well, that is, if you’ve got one! Within an hour of the plane going down the Zionist controlled media blamed Putin. Reminds me what happened on 9/11. Those who should have known something claimed they knew nothing but within two hours of the attack, Zionists were plotted up at every major news outlet & all like a bunch of canaries knew who did it – IT WAS OSAMA BIN LADEN! How the hell could scum like Ehud Barak point the finger within two hours. ARE YOU EVER GOING TO THINK ABOUT THAT?
Michael Aydinian
August 17, 2015 at 12:53 am
Yes Les – a key question the media conveniently side-stepped is – why didn’t they shoot down ALL 4 PLANES? Most especially since at 8.20 air-traffic control reported two planes had been hijacked & when Flight 11 hit the North Tower 26 minutes later at 8.46, they had 17 minutes to shoot down Flight 175 which incidentally had effected a 180 degree about turn & WAS HEADING FOR DOWNTOWN MANHATTAN! All you bozos out there should start waking up because you’ve been sold down the river by your government & your media & guess who controls them both – just the only people to gain from 9/11! Why do you think Netanyahu couldn’t contain his glee on the day when he said “THIS IS GOOD FOR ISRAEL!” Wake up before millions more innocent people die. Arabs & Muslims had nothing, Zilch, Nada to do with 9/11.
Stephen Bee
August 17, 2015 at 1:43 am
Lets not forget the ‘alleged insurance fraud Michael
Michael Aydinian
August 17, 2015 at 2:16 am
Indeed. Funny how it never entered the media’s mind!
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Bolshevic mass-murder
August 17, 2015 at 2:38 am
Michael, your heart is bleeding for palestinians and not a word about arabs, who financially support all the terrorism in a world. Your people, armenians still remember what ottoman empire did to them, but for you Zionists is = (Israel) and it’s enemy #1. I wonder when did you convert to Islam ? By the way do not confuse Russian people with Russia. Russia controlled by Putin, and he is in bed with Iran not Russian people.
I couldn’t do what the entire Corporate did in a flash in a million years! Cui Bono went out the window. What most people don’t realise – forget about the inside job – 9/11 was the greatest fraud financially in the history of mankind. Nothing gets near. I’m trying to complete an article I starte a while ago about this – I’m nearly there.
Or did they shoot down a plane???
Yes Les – a key question the media conveniently side-stepped is – why didn’t they shoot down ALL 4 PLANES? Most especially since at 8.20 air-traffic control reported two planes had been hijacked & when Flight 11 hit the North Tower 26 minutes later at 8.46, they had 17 minutes to shoot down Flight 175 which incidentally had effected a 180 degree about turn & WAS HEADING FOR DOWNTOWN MANHATTAN! All you bozos out there should start waking up because you’ve been sold down the river by your government & your media & guess who controls them both – just the only people to gain from 9/11! Why do you think Netanyahu couldn’t contain his glee on the day when he said “THIS IS GOOD FOR ISRAEL!” Wake up before millions more innocent people die. Arabs & Muslims had nothing, Zilch, Nada to do with 9/11.
OR did you shoot down a plane? WTF if you think maybe things will come into place, no tine foil required.
I wish the “sheepl” (sheep-people) like Nancy and dscalco4 weren’t so blinded by the same media that’s filled up their sculls with rotting poo. I wonder if Nancy and dscalco4 know anything about the Iranian passenger plane that got shot down by the U.S. killing just as many innocent people and mr Bush Senior refusing to even apologise to anyone, including the families of those perished. I don’t think our world problems are the fault of the Zionists, the Nancys and dscalco4s of our world and their incapacity to use common sense is what allows the Zionist agenda to progress.
So very sad 🙁
I agree. I will never forget the expression on President Bush’s face the day he was told of the towers being blown up. He was reading to a classroom of small children when an aid came in, interrupted him and whispered to him what had just happened! He just continued reading. We will never know the truth. Politics is just as corrupt in this country as any other!
Yes Darius1313 – 234 people blown out of the sky & the two commanders were given medals. However, this has nothing to do with this thread but I understand your pain & frustration. It was a disgraceful act.
Nancy if you think Russia shot down MH17 it is truly sad. Why do you think the Black Boxes were sent to the perfect Zionist puppet, our Prime Minister David Cameron – SO THE TRUTH COULD REMAIN HIDDEN! My word – can’t you see what is so patently obvious? Before air crash investigators got near the site, the Zionist controlled media were blaming Putin without any evidence whatsoever! Wake up for Christ sake! You’ve got a brain – just ask questions – don’t believe liars like Wolf Blitzer & Bill O’Reilly!
I heard about it.
Your description is disgusting! It just enforces your disgust and mistrust with Russia! Are we without violence and espionage against Russia? Fact is, they did not have to show ANY sympathy for the people who died! Your remarks desecrate this horrible act of violence! We will probably never know the truth behind the violence that day but I would bet there is blood on American hands!
This is my reply to dscalo4@bigpond.com
Sue – MY description is disgusting? Are people on drugs . I suggest if you want to know the truth that day ask yourself some obvious questions like WHO GAINED! You know it’s a thing called motive. And then ask yourself WHY DIDN’T THE MEDIA MENTION ONE WORD ABOUT WHO GAINED? Then you’ll slowly but surely arrive at the correct conclusions.
we are all victims, terrorism is an awful thing, I am very sorry that the Russian people were not recognized for this beautiful monument , which I believe represents all our tear for all acts of violence against people in Russia as well as the USA and all other countries. Thank Russia and the Russian people under the GREAT leadership of President Putin for this Awesome gift and for your tears and caring as well.
Absolutely correct Joseph.
Why don’t people know about the peace / nuclear deal Iran offered in 2003 ?
‘Why aren’t we taught about our role in the 1953 coup that ousted Iran’s democratically
elected leader. Putting in his place a dictator by the name of the Shah ?
David I agree – the media never mention how the West meddled in Iran’s affairs before only to result in disaster. However I fail to see what relevance this has to this thread.
Sad thing is they have video footage of the plane in Shanksville, being blow out of the sky, by a US fighter! That’s very sad!
No plane ever crashed at Shanksville!
While the existence of this monument might be news to you, It isn’t as if it was hidden from the rest of the world. In fact, it raised a bit of a stir when it first went up.
Perhaps your mother’s basement blocks TV and radio reception.
So why’s this post gone viral? My mother died in 1975.
You say your not anti Jewish or Anti semetic, yet you regurgitate the term “Zionist ” like a neo Nazi on Hitlers Birthday……If it walks and talks like duck , its a duck. yes we know the “sheeple”. Right. About that…..we know that Gov’s and people arent always honest. But when you make outlandish claims in the face of the contrary you better have straightforward concrete PROOF> When you say you have witnesses to military planes hitting the towers, ..Im sure you could get a handful of people who say the planes were military when asked the right way. But the vast majority have another take and saw something entirely different. And most baffling is why youd think the US military is so stupid as to send one of their MARKED sanitized aircraft for a mission like this-not that the entire conspiracy theory isnt absurd enough. Stop insulting these peoples memories and stop making up your own narrative for things youd like to be true or things you need to be true to support your agenda,,,,either way all this fantasizing about Jews-call it “Zionists” if you like, but we know what your referring to ….your not fooling anyone . SMH ,,,,,,,,,,,
This is in Bayonne NJ I have family and friends who live in Bayonne I haven’t had a chance to see the memorial yet but next time I’m there I will be I have seen pictures and yes its simple but it captures the emotions of 9\111 how is it I knew that this exist and I don’t live there I live in pa
Thank you Madeline.
Get your damn head out of the bubble you obviously live in and go see some stuff. Sorry noone knocked on your door and personally invited you to the statue!
If the media wants us to know something we don’t have to ever leave the house, the news comes to us, even if it’s small news if it works for their agenda we will hear it. The point he’s trying to make is that this was intentionally ignored. People depend on the news for this kind of event which I knew nothing about either so he’s on to something for sure, you’re just being a troll.
When I’m confronted with such pure unadulterated bullshit I feel the best way out of this is to say YES – I’M A TROLL!……. You know what? That felt good. How do you feel dummy?
That is the most beautiful thing I have seen so far for the people who perished, Word must get out to all people of this loving designed gift. I think it will have more meaning than the Statue of Liberity.
Indeed Carol – thank you.
Fox News talked ALL about it years ago when it was sent. I remember clearly the stories and thinkin how beautiful a piece it was. Don’t know how you have all missed it. Guess the Communist News Network didn’t report on it?
So many people that watch the news can’t be wrong, though it’s possible but it’s also possible you’re wrong.
Anyone who believes anything the Zionist controlled media says IS A MUG! Anyone who truly searches for the truth is rarely wrong. Anyone who’s idiot enough to believe the media IS WRONG!
Why, Why was this not told to all of America? Oh , yes 5 yrs after…..Bush control…like don’t show flag covered coffins of our killed soldiers….the citizens won’t support his bogus war invasion…
So disgusted with that lousy lying administration….
I think most of us want to know of this heartfelt monument gift against terrorism & Thank Russia for a beautiful sharing of the tears the world Sheldon 9- 11.
Pamela – that’s exactly what I felt when I first saw this.
The “Zionist-controlled media’? Give me a break.
Oh please – you know what you’re telling people by saying that? Don’t you realise just a little research will tell you 5 of the 6 major news outlets are ALL Zionist owned & the other is owned by Neo-Con scumbag Rupert Murdoch who’s in bed with the Zionists. All you’re doing is showing how dumb you are.
And of course this has to bring out the tinfoil hat brigade and the “It’s all Bush’s fault” bone heads. No wonder the world laughs at us! This symbol wasn’t given by the Russian government but by a Russian citizen. There does not have to be an evil motive behind everything someone does and if you live your life like that you are a pretty pathetic individual! And you can speculate all you want about 9/11 even though there are NO experts that are highly regarded and respected in their fields that will agree with you. If you want to speculate, maybe the buildings weren’t up to code, can you prove that they were? You can have all the right permits but if you pay off the right people anything is possible. I know that when I lived in CA and they had the Northridge earthquake a overpass collapsed that was supposed to have been built to the latest codes for earthquakes collapsed, turns out corners were cut and people ended up dying. This happens all the time in big cities and is far more plausible than the government blew up their own building to start a war. That is moronic and not even need! Since Nixon, not one president has been held accountable and before you say Bill Clinton, nothing came of that, it was more symbolic, it accomplished nothing and didn’t cost him anything!
What are you talking about?
Come on people there is enough evidence out there to confirm it was an inside government job …stop being lazy we cant carry u guys forever wakey wakey
Thank you Bec – I’d go as far to say there exists irrefutable evidence to prove 9/11 was an inside job. Just the fact that those who should have known something yet claimed they knew nothing, within two hours of the event ALREADY KNEW WHO DID IT should tell everyone that Bin Laden was a patsy & that the Zionist accusers were the ones actually responsible. It’s obvious to anyone with a functioning brain!
Good, go ahead dear.
Has everybody forgotten about building #7 , a building with no impact that came down demo style. WE are in trouble if people don’t wake the f—k.
A forward making the rounds lately asks, “Now ask yourself: why was there never any press coverage of such a beautiful and generous gift?”
There was, however, plenty of press coverage, at the time. CNN had a live broadcast of the dedication ceremony, at which former-president Bill Clinton made the keynote. Vladimir Putin was on scene there himself for photos, which can be found at the 9-11 Memorial website. US country-music artist LeAnn Rimes was at the dedication and sang Amazing Grace.
I’ve no doubt what you say is correct but how come 9 out of 10 people have never heard about it? For starters CNN & that slimy Zionist piece of shit Wolf Blitzer tell so many lies few people bother to listen to them anymore. This does not constitute ‘plenty of press coverage’, I’m sorry!
I’m confused. This monument went up nine years ago. Why exactly is this news today?
Well why don’t we ask the Bush family. Hence it was Prescott Bush, alongside with part of these prestige world elite order, all carefully excited from Rockefeller center, from whom where The Putin’s themselves were guest, alongside with Saddam Hussein, and the Bin Laden’s
Pretty freaky stuff here, but really no different than the neighborhood bully kids whom happen to get together regularly and where they stir up these crazy world altered states of affairs
This just to list some indifferences in our community today
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
To all you tin foil people, Good luck to you and your conspiracies. Hope you, your hand, the computer screen and the basement are all doing well.
Well pal – you better pledge allegiance to the flag of Israel because you’re already an occupied territory & your politicians take orders from the Knesset.
So I guess it is better to be in Russia, where when the Prime Minister is sick of his post and wants more power, he just changes the Democracy, to a republic, and declares himself president?
In America, we had to beg George Washington to take his post as president, after serving as Commander and Chief for the duration of the Revolutionary War.
In Russia, Vlad Putin will rule for the rest of his life. His wealth has expanded by over 10,000% in a decade. So all of you anti-“Zionists”, please explain how that is a more free and less authoritarian system?? I would love to hear why you have not been able to go more than a decade without a power grab… Som please explain. Or is that a media conspiracy too?
Who wants to even talk to you – you’re an idiot!
Russia does not need Zionists” to make Russia look bad. The Russians are perfectly capable of looking bad on their own. The “allegedly” free media in that “alleged” democracy is not really free. Putin is a dictator who does not allow very much criticism of himself or his government. The Russian press, both TV and print, are carefully controlled. Only mild criticism is tolerated. Also, they oppress their GLBT population. If a gay person goes on TV or radio and says “I’m gay and I’m happy” ( something that a gay person should be allowed to say and IS allowed to say in the U.S. and all real democracies), he can be charged with a crime (the gay propaganda law). He can be forced to pay a fine.
Is THAT what you call a democracy ?
Russians should be ashamed of their government.
And you should be ashamed for posting your racist anti-Zionist lies.
What a blithering idiot!
this is a testicle dangling between the legs of a monster.
yes, Russia got the last laugh indeed. Mocking our horror and tragedy. I don’t see a building or a tear drop… not even for a second. I am a sculptor and have seen every kind of sculpture imaginable to mankind. If you do not see what I see, you are in deep deep denial of the obvious.
sure, it might be a “tear…” sure it might allegedly be the WTC, but if you do not see the testicle dangling between the legs of a barbarian, you have your head in the sand.
perhaps it is the PERFECT memorial because most of America does INDEED have their head in the sand.
and even still, the depth and gravity of the tragedy has yet to come to the surface.
Kingofny—-I think you are a pervert to see stuff like that.
Hahaha, before I saw what the monument was for I thought the exact same thing….perv I will never deny that!
This was extensively covered, or ad extensively as a statue needs to be
As an observer from the other side of the pond, I have given the demolition of the towers a thought or two: In 1945 a USA military B25 Aeroplane lost in the fog over New York flew into The Empire State Building, 14 people died that day in this appalling accident. This B25 engines run on extremely volatile high octane aviation petrol (gasoline) fuel with an Autoignition temp of 280C and FP as little as -43c. The Aeroplane was made of aluminium which will burn readily at a high enough temperature, some of this planes Aluminium components were destroyed, much though was found virtually unscathed. The building has superficial damage, the repairs took around three months to completion, no damage was done to the steel frame. In my research I found who owned the security company for the towers, also who owned the lease that was about to expire.. I will not name names as these people are extremely vicious and vindictive and run your country. I am in no doubt about the scum in charge, We have puppets (MP & PM ) who’s string are being tugged from the US….
Thank you Harry – I will name the true culprits. As you say , they control your country as well as mine & the own the media too – ZIONISTS! They were the real terrorists behind 9/11. The evidence is overwhelming.
Only took you ten years to write an article about it. What else have you been hiding? How much more meaningless junk can you be hiding from us?
What do the zionists have to do with this? This talk is pure hatred.
All in all it is the zionists who have a great relationship with Russia and open borders and trade.
So this constant blaming is ridiculous.
The truth is – the American left is so corrupt and capitalistic and has no sense of power any longer. And Putin threatens their “strength” so in that respect they need to keep him under wraps. So as to not make him even a bigger sensations do lose even more faith in our people’s eyes.
America isn’t the same anymore. Obama and his cronies destroyed the moral, the values and the strength of the United States of America.
We have become a laughing stock to the rest of the world. Worse than that Israel and the Jews are always the scapegoats.
History repeating itself much???
The real strength is to fish fault in oneself and see how much positivity one can contribute to its society.
Too many people are afraid to stand up for America.
And the huge wall mural of Putin and Bush behind it are great, too. One guy missed the cues and ignored the intelligence that may have prevented 9/11. And the other guy turned into a dictator. Maybe that’s why. And the “Zionist controlled media” refused to report it? (As the original article this is culled from reads)…I see what we are dealing with here…
It is not in Brooklyn, it is in New Jersey. And the Zionist media, had nothing to do with NOT reporting it. It was completed in 2006 and is also known as “The Memorial at Harbor View Park.” And if you read his article, you will see that he was blaming the Jews for anything and everything. This IS a racist piece of article. Can you even remember back to 2006? And WHY is this just now being brought up? Think about it. Re-read the article. By the way Zionism, is a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. I believe the land belongs to Israel. It was promised to Abraham and his descendants by God. So regardless of what man says, what God says is fare more important. And if we say that Israel MUST give back the land, that was theirs in the first place, then America should give back the land they stole and slaughtered thousands of Indians and Mexicans over.
How pathetic. Abraham my arse! So you steal someone else’s land, massacre the people & then you claim this is God’s will? And then you have the gall to criticise me when you’re the scum of the earth!
And yes I can remember back to 2006. That the difference. I’ve got a brain!
BTW – It is NOT where you would ever even see it unless you knew exactly where it is at. New Jersey on Port Terminal Blvd. at the very tip of the port. No park. No fancy hoopla. Nothing. What a shame, that the people of NY can’t even see it. Ask your governor, mayor, senator, why in the world they would hide it away.
A beautiful monument given by an equally beautiful President Putin and his wonderful Russian people. Why has the American media hidden this gift to humanity? Because Putin’s Russia are not slaves to the Rothschild Rockefeller gang?
America, wake up!
Thank you Karim
Michael Aydinian is an Arab who hates all Jews. He is typical of the Arabs who surround Israel and want to destroy them but are so weak and inferior they are unable to do this. Russia doesn’t care for the bickering Arabs but wants their oil and hatred to exploit for their greedy purposes.
I’m about as Arab as you you brainless moron. Don’t you know an Armenian name when you see one? Take your bullshit hatred somewhere else you lying piece of shit!
Tresstine Paulsen, Don’t be a liar! If you didn’t know this it is because you are hidden in your own world. You are another bigot who hates Jews. America doesn’t like bigots. Go back to your world where prejudice is welcome.
No one even mentioned Jews. You are the absolute pits of the earth
I agree Putin is a leader. And loves his country and the people. Obama is a Muslim follower. No one respects him.
DEFINITELY. There’s no comparison
I heard about this monument a couple of weeks ago. Bush was still president. I think that the Russians and Putin were very generous. I love it. I would like to think it is a tear. But The Russians were not thanked. Because no one knew. Thank you Russia it is beautiful.
Well said Jeannie
I love live in Philadelphia and I remember when it was gifted and dedicated. It was covered thoroughly. People just don’t pay attention to the media unless it suits them.
Paying attention to an entity that does nothing but tells lies is hardly appropriate.
Yes indeed the mainstream media paint Russia and China as the axes of Evil,Its amazing to know that a work of arts displayed at the United Nations building in NY with a biblical inscription came from the Soviet Union.I received a rude shock recently when I discovered that there are different churches in China.The mefia has brainwashed many of us to think of Russsia and Chairman Mao ‘s China as evil.The spirit of kindness in man exists even behind the so called iron curtains of this world.The communists are people too
Why was the USA not told about this beautiful monument from Russia? Our media only tells us what our president and the Clinton’s want us to know. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Clinton has them in her pocket like the FBI, CIS etc.
Exactly Jennifer. I’m convinced the plan all along was to vilify Russia. Therefore, they can do no good whatever they do.
The media is not controlled by the Zionists. That is false. Those Jews, liberals and corporate monopolists who support the liberal politically correct agenda of promoting the terrorist Sharia Law plutocrats while ignoring the threats against Israel and Jewish, and ignoring the genocide and cries of innocent Christians are not Zionists. You need to get a reality check.
You’re living on another planet & you have the gall to tell people to get a reality check? ZIONISTS CONTROL THE MEDIA & IT’S SO OBVIOUS IT STINKS YOU BLITHERING IDIOT!
So all the people that witnessed the planes crashing into the building are deceived? How about those in the building that called and the ones that escaped? Planes don’t run on kerosene. The run on AV gas. It is very flammable and it will explode. It doesn’t take much. My father and mother in law live on 13th Street not too far from where the towers stood. They live almost at the top of the building so they are capable of seeing far out. I have to believe the people who were there that have no connection to the government. My oldest brother was a Navy pilot after he graduated from the Naval Academy. He switched to command because he saw too many of his friends fireball in the sky. I believe that Kennedy’s assignation was an inside job/conspiracy, but I don’t believe the Twin Towers were.
Look. Believe what you like but the laws of physics state grade A cannot be compromised unless temperatures reach in excess of 2500 degrees. This is basic physics. Moreover the only way to bring about a symmetrical collapse of such steel-structured buildings is to get at the very foundations planting explosives in all the key areas & then synchronising the explosions in order to bring about a free-fall collapse. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN GET WHAT WE SAW – THROUGH CONTROLLED DEMOLITIONS & frankly anyone who believes any different is an idiot! The laws of physics cannot be defied!
This monument is in New Jersey . New Yorkers would be oblivious to it’s existence .
this is a representation ofor the unborn when instruments go in the privacy of womb it gives convulated thinking to the abortionist and terrorists
Mr.Putin and The Nation of Russia, WE THANK YOU!!! our upper heads didnt i guess, but WE THE PPL. are actually on YOUR SIDE. and we thank you , sorry we are just learning about it NOW. many years later…..
It goes to show, most of the people in the world do not like the actions and reactions caused by the decision to control and monopolize the wealth and resources of the world by the few tyrants of the world. I ask everyone I know, what do you thing about war? The general response is it is immature and foolish to waste the youth of a nation on this kind of nonsense. That is why the government of this country should start listening to its constituents. Wake up World!!!
Sincerely Rev. Marvin Shepherd
Absolutely right Marvin. We have crooks masquerading as politicians & liars who are supposed to tell us the news. No wonder we’re in such a mess.
Bush administration was built on lies, manipulation & secrecy.
Indeed Pamela & it all started with the rigged Florida primary.
they all are, whats new?? President Trump has been the only shining star in our W.H. since JFK.
Thanks Rev!!! I guess it is better to be in Russia, where the Prime Minister just declares himself President, and that’s that!!! Is that what you call listening to your constituency? Just wondering Rev.
Although I very much appreciate this Russian gesture, a much bigger and more important gift would be if they released any and all information they have on who really did 9/11. Russia has formidable intelligence capabilities and I’m sure they knew immediately after if not before the event who the major players were, yet they have remained silent on 9/11 truth all this time, as has the rest of the world. There appears to be a code of silence among governments about calling out each others false flag attacks, which would indicate that they all use false flags as part of their regular political toolkit.
the ukranian air force shot it down with NATO approval,you dont need russian intelligence to tell you that
“Missed Putin. Damn!”, BO
Agreed P, but why did they do that? Answer – because Netanyahu needed to get the world’s media away from Gaza so he could send the tanks in & murder another 1800 innocent people. This occurred 22 minutes after the plane went down. The day before the world saw the IDF scum deliberately target 4 kids playing soccer on the beach. There is no way Netanyahu could have sent the tanks in. Then there’s the oddity of another Malaysian plane going down! Two in one year! Oh – I forgot – the Malaysian high court ruled Israel to be guilty of war crimes. Then there was the fact the plane was loaded with Dutch passengers – Holland having stripped its investments from 5 Israeli bank due to the building of illegal settlements. Then there was the blatant lies of the Zionist controlled media. Yet another Zionist act of butchery this was! And of course not to mention the fact that Poreshenko is a Zionist billionaire.
You are so right Michael A. The Kuala Lumpur court (Malaysia) did also convict BUSH and BLAIR WARCRIMINALS. This happened in dec. 2012. In November 2013 the court convicted Israel: Genocide against Palestinian people. 4 month later the first Malaysian airplane was downed ….- march 8. 2014.
Thank you Eva & what’s more the media never once mentioned this outrageous anomaly. Moreover, in the history of modern aviation, Black Boxes are always found & given to air crash investigators to analyse. The only time this has not been the case is with the 4 planes of 9/11 & the two Malaysian flights. Of course the Black Boxes of Flight MH17 were inexplicably sent to London & even more inexplicably, the data has deliberately been kept under wraps. Even more incredible is how the Media never mention this! 6 months ago I wrote to David Cameron & asked him “what would you do if a British plane was shot down in Ukraine but someone decided to send the Black Boxes to Malaysia & then they refuse to release the data? WHAT WOULD YOU TELL THE BRITISH FAMILIES CAMERON?”
The ucranians,slave nation ofRussian Empire for centuries,my people,are just trying once more,like many times before,to be set free once for all from these barbarians ,perhaps a little bird told you so… to shoot down a friend nations´jetplane would be the ultimate disaster for gaining symphaty from the democracies of US and Europe…..please,do not forget the 10 millions uckranians peasnts who starved to death during the Holodomor of 1932/33 ,done by the bolchevique russians leaders.,most evil regim to date….nothing to compare in History to any other man made disgrace….
How could one ever forget Erarius. I know full well the history of the Bolshevic Revolution having read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn epic “200 Years together” depicting the terrible massacres committed by the Ashkenazi Rothschild Zionists where some 66 million Russians were massacred. Small wonder this book was banned in the West.. As for Ukraine the dreadful deeds of Lazar Kaganovitch in the holodomor, some 8-14 million perished at the hands of this evil mass-murderer.
u idiots build same one balled hilarious hilary clinton clitor shape memorium and gift it back to Beslan victims in russia.
You said you do not believe history from book source, where do you get your stories. You spreading hatred and Russian propaganda. Go back to Putin or find a real job. Obviously you work for Russia or some terrorist organization you a..h.. Your Arminian. name not even real, and you are not Michael, but Muhamed. Go and crole in to your cave.
How do you fake airplanes flying into the buildings … sounds silly to me..
Who said anything about that GB? Sounds silly to me too. If you’re talking about the TWIN TOWERS I can guarantee two things – planes DID fly into the buildings; they were military planes with Raytheon Global Hawk UAV systems (unmanned aerial vehicle) Remote control – rather like Drones!
unless you actually knew someone who was on one of those planes and have actually been to ground zero, this page seems to be for the delusional and the paranoid… I’m just saying
Hmm, I have been to ground zero and even some of the families know it was a lie, and delusional explains you perfectly!
On 911 it is a fact that Ted Olson NEVER spoke to his wife and the FBI even testified to that fact in a US COURT.
Right there alone the official government story falls apart.
Add in the clear demolition of WTC7 and the lack of a commercial airliner being found at the Pentagon & in Shanksville and it is clear 911 was an Inside Job.
Paddy – you can say what you like so long as personal insults are kept down to the very minimum along with the cursing. FYI – I am not delusional. If you wish to learn – just ask!
You’re a typical paranoid conspiracy nut. I’m glad people like you are a minority. There was debris on the ground at the pentagon from flight 77. The steel in the towers didn’t have to melt for the towers to collapse, it was weakened by the heat. You really think the U.S. Government would murder thousands of it’s own citizens?
HAHAHAHA! AAAAAAHHHHHH HA! Love it! Thanks for giving me such a laugh Owen. God I needed that! So funny……..
wow, thank you Jimbo for the additional information.. I can absolutely see why the iranian people would be so upset and hostile towards America.. there are always two sides to every story and then there is the truth.. you can never find the truth unless you hear both sides and understand why boths sides have come to their conclusion….. I don’t fully know what happened to the world trade centers I do lean heavily towards it being an inside job but I can also understand those who feel its a terrorist attack as well.. your link to the Iran air flight are facts you cannot ignore.. just reading the top half of the piece was enough to make you think.. when you read the entire page of facts Its a real eye opener..Not just to the fact that this could have been terroristic but more so to the fact that America’s history is very dark and evil and we the people remain for the most part clueless to the true cruelty of our world leaders…
owen your a fucking schill, troll, trader,coward,disgrace to your family, and the worst fucking liar i have ever heard, get some sun block because i heard its really hot where your headed.
Its called holograms my sleepy friend, do you own a t.v, watch the video of the planes impacting the building they freaken just melt and dissapear into them. do a little research on your own, turn off fox news, CNN, and the rest of the mind control techniques they use, good luck
People who don’t know 9/11 was an inside job are not necessarily dumb. Ad hominen comments won’t convince them of that fact. I vaguely remember General Clark’s comments, and you’re probably right. Thanks for the additional info.
You’re most welcome Lyn & you’re right of course. Along with ignorance is fear & apathy.
You’re most welcome Lynn
If the Russians had any intelligence on 9/11 that would show the US government lied in any way about it, they would release it in an instant in order to discredit US leadership. They have not released anything.
Well Tom & James – only the dumbest people don’t know 9/11 was an inside job. The most important thing is people realise this was all part of Oded Yinon’s 1982 plan to create Greater Israel. General Wesley Clark revealed the plan all along was to make everyone believe Arab? Muslims are terrorists so that America takes out the 7 countries Israel wanted destroyed …… AND THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT’S HAPPENED! America is being blamed for what Israel wants because US politicians have been well & truly bought by the Zionist lobbies. The Zionist controlled media does the rest. Why should Russia get involved, They probably have but just like with flight MH17 the West & the contemptible media are withholding the damning evidence. It’s high time Americans took their country back & arrested all the dual national Zionists who’ve conspired to cause untold pain & suffering.
Michael, I agree, we need to take our government out of the hands of the Zionists and get people who want what is best for the US and the world but AIPAC is in total control of who gets elected. There should be no dual citizens in any position of power,period!
Yes indeed Maureen – I’d love to know how many times you’ve been called anti-Semitic, Jew hater or racist simply because you’ve uttered these very words. The problem you have is no different to the one we have here in the UK – senior politicians are all beholding to a cabal of Zionist gangsters & big business. Quite how America could even have dual national Zionists though is beyond me. I feel we are going to pay a massive price either way, win or lose. We’ve let this go too far. The very people who claim to be fighting terrorism are the greatest terrorists on the planet! As for AIPAC – what could possibly be more undemocratic than AIPAC. This open bribery of public officials who are supposed to represent their constituents.
Tom – what would the Russians have to gain by trying to make out the obvious that 9/11 was a Zionist operation? What traction would they get from the media? They’d be asking for trouble. with the mountains of evidence, indeed proof that 9/11 was an inside job, if the Russians entered the fray it would be a no-win situation because the media will do what it does best – TELL PORKIES!
More evidence of the duplicious nature of the US Propaganda machine better known as the main stream media. If they can hide something this size, located in the US, they can conceal anything. Bastards…
Good point Clay – Like I said first thing – I’ll admit – I never knew. And the post has gone viral!
That such a huge monument has been built on American soil and ignored by the USA mainstream media is 100% proof that our media & government are corrupt!
This was a gift from the people of Russia to all Americans.
Once again journalist Michael Aydinian covers a story that no one else will cover, you want to find truth in the media; Aydinian is one of the best places to start…
Absolutely right John. Quite how the MSM ignored this as they did is a direct insult. For me this means the Zionists had already decided to make the US & Europe pick a fight with the Russians. I’ve just finished writing a piece & I was thinking of giving it the title –
The greatest trick an enemy can play is to make everyone believe everyone else is their enemy!
Thanks John
The New Yorker wrote about this EIGHT years ago. But don’t let facts ruin your fun paranoia.
Listen Andrew – how come this post has gone viral? Stick your paranoia.
I seen this on the news away back in 2006 and i come from Northern Ireland. amazing a little place like Northern Ireland would show thus yet England and America seem to have been forgotten.
Thanks JM 🙂
I had no idea. I’ve never heard of this or seen it until now. I like it a lot! Is it a tear or is it precipitation of the result, like tyranny that will spread out and crush the people under its weight? Does the tear drop reflect those who did it all around the twin towers? Or is it real simple just a tear drop caused by the destruction of the Twin Towers. I wish some country would now donate a monument to Building 7! How strange would that be?
Exactly my sentiments Ron. I believe the tear represents what it’s meant to – the sorrow of all decent people. The post however is about how the evil Zionist controlled media kept this wonderful gesture from the public. It doesn’t get more disgraceful.
How little and petty of the US government to with hold this beautiful gift from the people of this country. Much thanks goes to Mr. Putin and the people of Russia for their kindness!
Absolutely right Elizabeth. One must look closely at the actions of the US media. Remember – the very same people are pushing for war against Iran. It’s about time America realised the Zionists within are the enemy.
Other than you being anti Semetic what is YOUR agenda?
Zionist media? You lose your credibility.
I bet you support the work of the UN too.
Your attempt to conflate anti-Zionism with anti-semitism suggests you have your own agenda. Recognising the widespread influence and brutality of the Zionist regime in Israel is in no way anti-semitic.
Thank you Maureen – My only agenda is for the truth. The only reason why I’m doing this is because I’m fed up with the incessant lies of the media.
J Graham – Do you even know what you are saying? What earthly reason would I support the contemptible UN? Moreover, do you even know what a Semite is? Of course you don’t because whether you like it or not, ZIONISTS ARE NOT SEMITIC……. PALESTINIANS ARE THOUGH!
Michael, your heart is bleeding for palestinians and not a word about arabs, who financially support all the terrorism in a world. Your people, armenians still remember what ottoman empire did to them, but for you Zionists is = (Israel) and it’s enemy #1. I wonder when did you convert to Islam ? By the way do not confuse Russian people with Russia. Russia controlled by Putin, and he is in bed with Iran not Russian people.
Big mistake for Russia–instead of a tear dripping—big load of bullsh!t should replace it.
Waste of money by the Russians.
Shame on you George
Here george.because michael is a gentleman and wouldnt lower himself to your level ill say it.you sir are a fucking ignorent cunt!
Thanks Denis – I make you 100% right!
A beautiful gesture by the Russian people, yet the anger arising from it not being publicized by the media is unjustified. It is irrelevant whether or not the media is “Zionist”. It is up to the people to discover the importance of this gift honoring the lives lost in the 9/11 attacks. I would think that anyone appreciating this sculpture would be open to what actually was behind those attacks and why they were carried out. I would like to invite peace loving human beings to go to larouchepac.com@nationbuilder or just enter larouchepac to find out why the hostility exists towards a nation whose people grieved just as we did on 9/11.
Beautiful indeed but quite how you feel the media should escape admonishment for not publicising such a wonderful gesture frankly is beyond me Wayne. It is the duty of the media to report news – not tell lie after lie!
The monument displayed in the above photographs, officially entitled “To the Struggle Against World Terrorism” (but also known as “The Memorial at Harbor View Park” or the “Tear Drop Memorial”), was dedicated at the northeast corner of Bayonne Peninsula in New Jersey on 11 September 2006, the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States.
The monument was the work of Russian artist Zurab Tsereteli, whose inspiration was described thusly in a brochure about the monument:
Read more at http://www.snopes.com/rumors/tributes/teardrop.asp#3EExmlVb18OTmfJj.99
Yes indeed Cudjo – thank you.
Well, here’s a twist. I only learnt yesterday that a teardrop tattooed on the the face in jail culture means you have killed/murdered someone. Usually under the eye of said person and the shading in of these teardrops has different meanings. So it’s really showing the truth of the USA’s duplicity in the event. It really makes you wonder. It’s the connection I saw straight away. My two cents.
Peace to all.
I see what you’re saying John but I somehow think this was a genuine gesture. 9/11 obviously was an inside job but only those who owned the media could have guaranteed a full media cover up. This was a Zionist operation.
Very good point! I didn’t even see that connection until now.
Thank you Brooke – it is unequivocal – only those who own or control Western media are capable of pulling off false flag events. 9/11 should have been a disaster for the Zionists because when it happened they claimed they knew nothing, when they should have known something. However, an hour after the event Zionist were plotted up at every major news channel in unison to blame Osama Bin Laden. It was incredible how people could be so daft. Instead of arresting all these liars for all of a sudden knowing way too much, everyone fell for it hook, line & sinker! Even at the BBC war criminal Ehud Barak was plotted up, all set & ready to blame Muslim terrorists. HOW DID HE KNOW? This is within two hours of the attack the ex Israeli PM is saying this & goes on to say ‘there must be a war against terror!’ A classic false flag carried out by dual national Zionist & Mossad, because all along they knew the media wouldn’t turn round to Jerome Hauer or Ehud Barak & say HOW THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU KNOW OSAMA BIN LADEN DID IT? I wonder how loud the outcry would have been if Muslims were plotted up at all the news channels for the purpose of blaming Israeli terrorists? I’m covering my ears even now. The irony is THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN RIGHT!
The same reason why Americans haven’t been told about The Teardrop Memorial is the same reason the American people have not been told about this: http://youtu.be/Y8EweNlo8LA
Instead, we are told this:
And if you still believe that is the truth, take some time to it proven wrong 50 times although they proved it many times over that number: http://youtu.be/O1GCeuSr3Mk
EXACTLY ANGELICA – 3 excellent videos.
Why go on an anti-Jewish rant?
Show me where I mentioned the word Jewish Richard! Another one who’s been fooled into believing I’m against Jews when in fact I’m trying to help them. Could you please tell me if you are a Zionist or if you’re Jewish Richard. Whether you like it or not, THESE ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS!
I was almost devoting to this article the benefit of my considered attention until I saw the rabid hate-mongering racism remarks. What a douche.
Does the truth hurt that much Tashi. You shouldn’t be so hateful.
Thank you for this insightful article Michael, and thank you to those who have commented in such a thoughtful and polite manner. There was a lot of information I didn’t know and connections I hadn’t made before. I feel that ‘we the people’ are generally kind, thoughtful, helpful beings and that applies to all countries. However the PTB in most countries are arrogant and reprehensible. That said, we have our work cut out for us to bring balance to this world. For my own understanding, could you please clarify the difference between Zionist and Jewish?
It would be my pleasure to Sally & thank you for your kind words. There are but a few foolish people whose only defense is to hurl insults. They’re not interested in the truth. If they want to stay ignorant it’s up to them. The difference between Jew & Zionist is like saying Red & Green is the same color. Jews originated from the Middle East. I am no expert when it comes to religion but Jews believed in the teachings of the Torah. Their religion was Judaism. Then there are the Zionists. They originated in Khazaria a region now known as Georgia. They were always a belligerent tribe that specialised in murder & theft. On several occasions they were kicked out of countries. At around 700 the Khazarian king decided they should incorporate a religion. Out of the 3 they went for Judaism. Cut a long story short some 1000 years passed & one wealthy family had emerged. They became known as the Rothschilds. Now here I recommend you listen to Myron Fagan’s excellent account in 1967 of how Nathan Rothschild asked Adam Weishaupt in 1770 to draw up a blueprint on how to eventually establish a one world government where his family would ultimately be despotic lords of the planet. You will find Myron Fagan’s speech on this website. I also recommend Benjamin Freedman’s speech in 1961 which explains how the Rothschilds were responsible for WWI & II. This speech tells the story of how Israel was established. Of course by then the Rothschilds controlled all the flow of information & so most Jews believed they were at one with the Rothschilds. Nothing could be further from the truth. WWI was deliberately extended for two years by the Rothschilds by conning America into the war so that the Allies who they’d lent money to for the war would win. Germany owed no such favors to the bankers but at the end of the war the Rothschilds saw to it that Germany would have to pay an enormous reparations bill. In return England would decree that half of Palestine would be given to Jews. Of course it was really being given to the Rothschilds. However another WW was needed because there was no way the British could just give away someone else’s country just like that. In the meantime the Rothschilds ha created a terrible situation in Germany where resentment had built up. It was only a matter of time for the ‘right’ man to come along. That man was Adolf Hitler. Incredibly this man never had more than 32% of German support – NEVER! So whenever people slag off the Germans you should remember this fact. More importantly, when Hitler got to power, Germany had no army, Navy or Air-force and they were financially in the hole. What few Jews ever ask is – HOW THE HELL DID HITLER GET THE RESOURCES TO REJUVENATE HIS ARMED FORCES & GALVANISE THE SUPPORT OF HIS PEOPLE SO THAT WITHIN 5 YEARS HE WAS READY TO TAKE ON EUROPE? WHO GAVE HIM ALL THIS MONEY! Okay there was Prescott Bush & a few other industrialists but they were all under the thumb of the Rothschilds. Here was Hitler’s banker & guess what the Rothschild’s wanted Hitler to do – TAKE IT OUT ON THE JEWS! You see the plan all along was to grab world sympathy. However, Hitler actually didn’t play ball. Sure enough Jews were expelled & sent to camps but so were Poles & Czechs & many other groups of people. The Rothschilds were furious with Hitler because they wanted him to kill more Jews; they expected him to do that. Of course what we saw at the end of the war when the camps had been deserted were hoards of emaciated folk, down to the bone. THAT’S WHAT WE SAW. We also saw piles of dead bodies. Now why? In a war zone supply lines are all important. At the end of 1944, all the camps were deserted by the Germans. With the Russian army advancing they knew the Red Army were taking no prisoners. They scarpered long before the Russians got there. Now the people in the camps were effectively cut off. No food, water or medicine could get through for months. You can work the rest out yourself. The survivors were too weak to bury the dead. Disease set in & the death toll rose exponentially. There were no gas chambers. However, the Rothschilds had different ideas. A figure of 6 million which had already been fed to the public over a 30 year period was used by all the Zionist papers. Within 3 years 52% of Palestine was donated to form the state of Israel. Cut a long story short again – today some 90% of Israel’s inhabitants are Zionists who originated from Khazar. Each & every Israeli Prime Minister is Ashkenazi (fake Jew) a Zionist that does not possess one drop of Semitic blood. In fact Myron Fagan states in his speech, “if ever the crimes of the Zionists are found out, they will kill all the Jews just to deflect attention away from them!” The Zionists worship the Talmud. However they’ve usurped Judaism rather like the way they’ve stolen Palestine. This is why I’m forever telling Jews who foolishly accuse me of hatred “if only you knew the truth.” You may think it’s not so easy to work all this out. I’m not so sure. All you have to do is ask – who financed Hitler & why have the OFFICIAL Holocaust figures been revised down to under 2 million without the media saying so much as one word about this. Remember people have been jailed for contesting what after all is written in history books. You only have to listen to the Great Rabbi Weiss who says ‘Zionism is the greatest form of anti-Semitism.
Michael, I think I’d like to have a beer with you.
It would be my pleasure Krys 🙂
Hitler’s (Schnickelgruber) dad was the illegitimate son of a Rothschild. He was an AshkeNAZI puppet The goal of the 20th, 21st century wars was/is to kill Goyim. In 358 B.C. the petty Palestinian tribe of Judah produced a racial creed, the disruptive effects, of which, on subsequent human affairs, has exceeded explosives & epidemics. That is when the theory of the master race was set up as the Law Judaism (Talmud) is a Legal System, meant to micro-manage every aspect of human existence, with focus on depopulation of the goyim. Leon Pinsker, at an early Zionist Congress (1890’s) said””to exert irresistible pressure on the inter-national politics of the present”– using (or blaming) goyim to kill goyim. Evil genius: Legality replacing Morality. The Jews killed in the Holocaust (an investment) were Torah Jews, whose doctrine prohibits establishment of a national state until the Messiah comes. The 6-million was invented by Illya Ehrenberg. The Holocaust produced the Zionist state, named Israel. Most Christians (sic) are members of he Holocaust Religion. The U.S. is a host nation for the Zionists, who are using our military to depopulate the Muslim world, while they loot and destroy our nation from within. A few weeks before Fukushima, Japan came out in favor of a Palestinian state– (Mossad did 9-11, and Larry Silverstein made $4.5 Billion from the WTC insurance–do some research and connect the dots…
Thank you so much for that Mr wilson. Much appreciated.If only people understood the extent of Rothschild’s crimes.
Absolutely correct TIM. Unfortunately anything but America’s heartfelt thanks & gratitude is being given. This is why it’s imperative this gets out.
I guess you forgot about the human rights violations Russia has in the past and is currently doing to the people of Ukraine. Oh wait, you didn’t even know about a 10 year old, 10 story monument in New Jersey. How can we expect you to know anything other than what is immediately affecting you personally? There is a very big world that your narrow view is missing.
I’m sorry Bill but anyone who believes Russia is in any way to blame for the current crisis in Ukraine is a fool who believes all the tripe the Zionist controlled media comes out with. My word. Not 25 years ago the Russians gave Ukraine it’s independence. Then that war-mongering Zionist cow Victoria Nuland, who’s married to one of the architects of 9/11 Robert Kagan, was at the centre of overthrowing the democratically elected government of that idiot Yanukovitch. She even pledged $5 billion to finance the overthrow which saw an even bigger thug, Zionist Poreshenko seizing control. Russia has done nothing. Either you’re a Zionist or you’re clueless. I’m sorry.
Passing the buck…deflection!!!So.. Blame the Zionists…Idiotic…Blame greed…steal their gas kick their ass mentality. 911 an inside job to justify doing it…not because of Israel. That’s the main purpose of Israel to begin with…US presence in the middle east…America’s Muslim keepers…also puppets of the same greed mongers. Hard to see the trees when you live in the woods..
If you’re lost don’t live in the woods!
Rev 17:1
Why were we not told about Tear Drop???
I have know about it for years.
It is not a secret.
You have to read, and look for information, not wait for it to be spoonfed to you by the media.
What pure unadulterated drivel. How come this post has gone viral? It’s because the media only publishes things that serve the Zionist cause. Spoonfed my butt!
Speaking about media manipulation, ever hear a word about the ongoing white genocide happening under the communist Nelson Mandela’s ANC? Didn’t think so, otherwise they’ll have to admit they backed the wrong horse.
Media manipulation has never been stronger than on the African continent. You will see an article about how all of Africa’s diamond end up in the hands of Zionists!
The real truth is…… You were told about it. There was a huge dedication ceremony. It was covered by every major media. Every few years there is another write up about it and it was a wonderful gift. It’s just too bad that so many Americans have become so self involved that they are blind to what’s really going on. The earth does not revolve around you, you’re not and never were the greatest country in the world. You are becoming a sign of everything that’s wrong in the world, greed, corruption and self entitlement. The world owes you nothing. You Michael Adynian seem to think that you’re more enlightened than most. Yet you blame others (zionists) for your own failings and your media for not tellin you about something that happened almost 10 years ago. Talk about irony. You sir are the epitome of how ignorant, entitled and arrogant Amercians have become.
Now you’re becoming pathetic Bill. Huge dedication ceremony? How come this post has gone viral? Also, for starters I’m not American. Who says anything about owing this & owing that? As for ignorance I’m pretty confident there is not one subject on the whole entire planet that you know more about than me. What is your beef? Why are you trying to make out the world revolves around me. Are we into ‘must make me look bad mode, at whatever cost? If you have a point, damn well make it – otherwise I will chew you up & spit you out!
Russia murdered more Ukrainians than Germany did Jews. You want to talk about something never talked about? Pick up a damn history book you fool! You’re more than clueless. You’re a complete moron. Russia wants access through the Ukraine to supply oil and gas to Europe. They have done more to harm the Ukrainian people than you will obviously ever know. Now obviously you missed my entire point but you’re clearly so self involved that nothing anyone says matters. So why don’t you bury your head a little further up your ass. I’m sure if you go far enough you will start to see the light.
Bill- If you’re idiot enough to get your facts from history books then more fool you. Try reading Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s (1970 Nobel Prize winner for literature), book “200 Years Together’ where he details how the Ashkenazi ‘fake Jews’ ie the Zionists committed one of the greatest mass-murders in history in the Bolshevic Revolution of 1917 where some 66 million Russians & Ukrainians were killed. It weren’t Russians who murdered Ukrainians. It was down to Zionist scumbags like Lazar Kaganovitch who murdered & starved to death upwards of 10 million people. Before that, some of the methods of torture where families had to watch their children being delimbed, one by one, was so harrowing to read I had nightmares for months afterwards. Virtually all the chief protagonists were Zionists. You’re a novice when it comes to history because you haven’t learned anything; YOU’VE MERELY BEEN FED LIES THAT YOU’VE DULY LAPPED UP! You’ve probably never even heard of Solzhenitsyn’s book because the Zionists had it banned in the West. Small wonder. That’s how history has been skewed but you wouldn’t know it because as I’ve already said – you’ve lapped it up. All you’re doing like a good little boy is repeat all the drivel you’ve been fed. Also some 80-90% of those in Israel now are of Ashkenazi origin ie void of Semitic blood. Every Israeli PM is of Ashkenazi origin & boy, have they shown their true wicked colors. As for Ukraine, only 25 years ago Russia granted it independence, as it did to a host of other nations. They stuck by their side of the deal while NATO has literally torn up any agreement by doing what it specifically said it would not do & that is expand NATO. Moreover, while you try to make out you know what you’re talking about when you don’t know Bo Diddley, you’ve fallen into the typical trap – you never stop going on about an alleged massacre of 6 million (which incidentally has been OFFICIALLY revised down to under 2 million, while ignoring the incredible sacrifice of the Russians when they lost 20 million men defeating Hitler in WWII. How can it be? The world to this day commemorates the loss of an alleged 6 million, while fails to honor the loss of 20 million Russians. I know if I was Russian I’d be damn well pissed off! As for you making me see the light? You couldn’t make me see the light if you had a Supernova up your arse!
You obviously are full of yourself. Since you know more on every subject on earth than I do. You’re also a egomaniac. If you’re so smart what are you doing arguing your ridiculous notions on the Internet? Go write you’re own book. Oh wait, you have zero credibility among anyone other than conspiracy theorists on the Internet. You’re pathetic. I’m out
How do you work out I’ve got zero credibility. This post has over 150,000 hits – you couldn’t get that if you wrote for 5000 years – zero credibility? You just drive yourself further in the hole! I’m an egomaniac; I’m full of myself. I’m also pathetic. I think this would be the description for anyone who you can’t bully with your bullshit. You’re the conspiracy theorist you twat. You never tackled one of my points & you have the gall to say I’m pathetic?
I guess I don’t understand how so many people didn’t hear about this. I read about as soon as it happened. I agree the media didn’t highlight it, but I live in Washington State and still found out about it.
Well Amanda – the post has gone viral for the simple reason so few people did hear about it!
The post has went viral is the only answer i read when other say this was seen on the media circuit. Yet it was still seen on the day this was opened i seen it on my news channel in Northern Ireland. Simple fact it was shown and many never seen it. I never seen the ifgical opening of Ground zero but its there.
I love how your answer is always this has gone viral. It is the internet everything goes viral with all the stupid post they put on pages just to get you to click on it and then sends you to another page. Everything always leads somewhere else so yeah just cuz this as you say has gone viral doesn’t mean people didn’t know about it just means your link has come up on thousands of pages just like everything else does on the internet.
The media is Zionist owned, the towers in New York were taken down by UAVs, Israel is slaughtering poor innocent children. I love the rampant insanity on this page! No one believes anything they hear on all the competing news outlets, but fanatically follow any unsubstantiated pseudo news on some overtly biased website. Do you guys ensure the companies that produce the tin foil for your hats aren’t Zionist controlled?
Media IS Zionist owned!
The Towers were taken down by military planes that were flown by remote control.
No one believes the MSM? Well they’re positively haemorrhaging viewers.
So I think you’ve got a serious problem with the truth Rob.
It’s crazy if the media is zionist owned. and controlled. That we are still able to hear what is happening in Israel and Palestine and the death of many Palestinians has been shown on the news channels. It would be in the best interest of the zioniost oened and controlled media to not show this. Yet we all see this on the news. Why would they show it if they had this power and control?
That is not just pathetic Normon – that is an insult to the 1000’s of Palestinians who are being wiped off the face of the earth. You should try looking at a map you smart-arse. Think your so clever. The cowardly IDF use kids as target practice. Every other day a Palestinian kid gets killed & you think the media reports that? Anyone who believes the media fairly report what’s going on in the Middle East is an idiot! You disgust me.
Why can’t we just put aside the political BS and simply remember the thousands who died on that day from all walks of life, the many more thousands who have died since then as as direct result of that day, and the impact to lives that will never go away? It couldn’t hurt to take a brief moment and remember the men, women, and children who have been taken from us far too soon. And to the people of Russia, БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО.
Thank you Bob – couldn’t agree more.
Agreed, Russia felt for not just the loss of their own people but ours as well. You don’t just ignore something like that. As for where it sits, if it’s one of the sights you see as the ships come in then it’s in the right place and yes I only know about this from a posting on FB which also had a link to this page.
Thank you SDC 🙂
I saw an article and photos about it after it was installed, so there was certain some publicity but certainly not enough. It left me in tears when I first saw it, deeply moving, a very touching memorial.
Absolutely Kate – thank you
Pingback: +++Tear Drop Memorial in New York – ein Geschenk Russlands an die USA – je davon gehört?+++ | Bürgerinitiative für Frieden in der Ukraine
Zionist controlled US media? The media hates everything Zionist, Jewish or Israeli. This includes the Government being owned by the Jews… You anti-Jewish people are love to hate on Israel, but your lies are lacking in substance.
DEARIE ME – I don’t know whether to laugh or cry – “the media hates everything Zionist, Jewish or Israeli.” That constitutes 0 out of 100 for judgement. Thanks for the laugh
Some facts. for you Buddy….Not fiction!
Zionist Influence is pervasive everywhere not least in the dual national members of Congress and our own Zionist Prime Minister in Chief – David Cameron
Read and Weep..Your busted!
Thank you so much Stephen though I’m sure the man your comment is aimed at hardly cares for facts.
The Hasbara Brigade have much to answer to, Michael..why we must be constantly vigilant against their propaganda
Couldn’t agree more Stephen. Thanks mate.
I recall hearing about it in a feature story on NPR’s All Things Considered, and looking it up and being awed. It is deliberately placed in New Jersey in a spot across from Manhattan, overlooking it o’er the waves as it were, as planned by the artist after noting the vast numbers in Manhattan who had to struggle to return there, finally resorting to walking in a nearly biblical mass exodus cuz everything was shut down, that I recall seeing on TV that day. Unfortunately it is in an isolated out of the.way place so very few see it on a regular basis. And “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” apparently applies to most media coverage. It is beautiful. Almost moreso because it stands alone and bereft in its monumental grief, as so many of the victims’ loved ones naturally felt, as do we all on the inside at times of great loss. But it remembers. All the names are there. And the Cosmos see it… for it is writ into the eternal tapestry of time, always was… always will be.
Thanks Stephen. I lived in New York for 7 months & I know the spot quite well & you’re right – it’s out of the way but had the media given this the attention it deserved no way would this post have gone viral.
Maybe art should be art. Maybe the viewer should be responsible for how they feel about this piece. I do not have to like why you like or dislike this sculpture, but I have to respect your right to feel as you wish. As long as you don’t try and force your response on mine, we will be fine.
Unfortunately, we are human. To the most part, we seek positive recognition, unearned wealth and undeserved comfort. To the most part, we seek these things at the expense of our fellow man.
We have an out and this artful depiction on a basic human emotion may be a arrow in that direction. With all our faults, somehow we care and sometimes we show we care. That does not come from us – here is the kicker – it comes from God. Surprised? Shocked? Upset that someone would dare to bring God into this picture?
Let art be the gift God meant it to be and be happy that you have the freedom that God gave you to feel as you do about this sculpture.
I force nothing. I ask nothing. I write but I don’t ask people to read. The only reason I carry on is because people do read. Everyone has the right to their opinion. However those who swear of are vulgar or simply indulge in personal insults are not wanted here. Thank you for your comment Dennis.
it is good to know a writer with conviction and pricpals. one of the good ones- but, alas -few and far between. please keep up your good work..
You’re very kind Dennis. i can’t tell you what your comment means to me. Thank you so very much.
Anti-Semites NEVER cease to amaze me!
What. Are you one Michael?
Before you go blaming those pesky jews everyone seems to hate for God knows what reason try to remember that “zionist media” is under the oppression of Obama. Keeping that mind I am in no way shocked news of this wonderful monument has been suppressed. It is forgive the pun, a shining example of why Putin is a better president than Obama could ever hope to be.
Try to be more accepting of the jews even if you don’t like them, they are after all our early warning system. The terrorist faith, I mean, Muslim faith hates none more than them and so will nuke them first once Obama gives them their nuke deal. When the jews get nuked it’s time to get the fuck out of America because we will be next.
Tittums – I never blame Jews for one simple reason – they’re not to blame. Doesn’t anyone know the enormous gulf there is between Jews & Zionists. Jews may not know it themselves but they’ve been used by the Zionists just as everybody else has & you can be sure if the Zionists succeed in their goal for world domination, their first victims will be the Jews. Doesn’t anyone ever ask how Hitler was financed? I mean this is incredible. For two days now I’ve had insults hurled at me yet it remains abundantly clear all the detractors are totally & utterly clueless! Try to be more accepting of Jews???? 3 of my greatest heroes are Albert Einstein, Phil Silvers & Paul Simon. I can’t begin to tell you what true Jews have achieved in Science, music, art & comedy. You are 100% correct in your analysis of Obama & Putin. However, one requires a fundamental understanding of true history. For this one needs to listen to two speeches by two more amazing Jews – Myron Fagan & Benjamin Freedman. You will find them both on this website. I grant you, if you listen to either one you will realise just how these Rothschild gangsters of colossal proportions have caused untold pain & misery.
Wow, this is stunning. It appears that the author, and most people who posted comments, start their day with a prayer to hitler (lower-case intentional) and then read their scripture, Mein Kamph.
For a start David, I hate Hitler but this is what happens when someone is too smart for you lot. You’re only answer is to character assassinate by doing what you’ve just done. Brainless to a fault. No one but no one asks how Hitler could have amassed such firepower so quickly. Your buddy Mr Rothschild made sure Hitler had everything he needed but you can’t think for yourself. You’re led like sheep! None of you ever tackle the points I raise because you’re totally ignorant of the facts…….. OTHERWISE YOU WOULD! You’d pick apart each & every point I make. That’s why you hurl meaningless insults. Mere cannon fodder! Disgusted? Yes. BE DISGUSTED WITH YOURSELF!
Thanks again Michael for your courage and vulnerably seeking truth beyond the pale of mere appearance and conformity. The banksters were behind ’33 assassination attempt on FDR, yet calling them Jewish is more and irony than anything else. See my other comment, and reply if you have a chance, about JVP article and quotes
Have you seen the meme — 80% of Jews in Israel and perhaps >96% of Zionists, no longer believe in God — yet most assuredly want us to know — that God guaranteed them PALESTINE ? ? ? ?
Thank you David. It’s great to know so many people out there know what’s what, while many others are waking up.
What a terribly written piece. Where did you learn to write?
Is that the best you can do? I just said , you always know when you are 100% in the right when all your opponents can do is hurl personal insults. Thank you Atorres for proving my point. Beautiful. I couldn’t have asked for more.
Perhaps you all just missed it on the news? And by missing reading the news missed the fact that the artist himself is considered extremely controversial? And that the placement and design of this piece stirred-up controversy itself? (Links below – there’s more but I didn’t include them all.)
And from a more recent story “I did some research and found that its designer, Zurab Tsereteli – one of Russia’s leading sculptors – went to Ground Zero after the attack. He was told boats and ferries had shuttled survivors across to New Jersey, where many of the victims had lived. Learning that, he wanted his statue to be on the remote waterfront there with Manhattan as the backdrop.
So the explanation for the anonymity of this most touching tribute is probably no more sinister than: out of sight, out of mind – and that needs remedying.” http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2014/03/the-teardrop-a-gift-from-russia-and-a-forgotten-monument-to-the-911-victims-2826258.html
So a couple of things are at play here incase 1) you aren’t familiar with how the press works (I’m in PR and see conspiracy theories all of the time when I know from the work that I do – why something didn’t make it into the news and it’s not sinister) 2) you aren’t from the NY/NJ area.
So first about the media. Just because YOU didn’t see it in the news doesn’t mean that it wasn’t in the news. How much media do you read yourself every day? What publications do you read? Did you think this statue donation should be a national story that you would have seen on every news network – is that what you mean when you say it didn’t get any press coverage? If so, what national news do you pay attention to on a daily basis that even had this made the national news – you would have known about it? Second, do you know how much the press is contacted on a daily basis? Are you aware that they would have to sort through hundreds of emails and phone calls each day per journalist, just to ensure they were seeing every story out there? And that most of those communications that they receive are junk and not useful to them, so they don’t sort through every inbound pitch that they get? On the side of the gift-receivers and the givers – they would have had to have though to do press outreach around this in the first place. That would have meant hiring a PR person, and hiring someone who is good at their job. Who knows if they hired anyone to do PR around this monument? Who knows how much they tipped off the news about it? New York/NJ press knew about it. But do you have any idea what it takes to make sure that national press corps knows that something is happening and then cut through the clutter to convince them that a monument is a priority over say – ISIS or Obama? – Because that’s a very topline explanation of how this all works. And now that the internet is a bombardment of media outlets, it’s even harder to cut through the clutter to both news outlets and individuals like you to get news in-front of you.
Second, if you don’t live in the NY/NJ area then you probably don’t know that our news networks mainly report national news here. There’s very little local news reporting. We have the equivalent in the press of what Washington D.C. residents have in political representation. We’re for the most part, ignored – our news is mostly national. Which is why most local people wouldn’t know about this either unless they’re reading every page of the New York Times – which has a LOT of sections, or they’re reading other hyper-local media – which most don’t. In addition, there’s a tendency to keep NJ and NY separate. New Yorkers typically treat NJ like it’s hundreds of miles away versus just across the river. Most NYers couldn’t tell you a thing about NJ, and most NJ residents who live along the Hudson River and commute in NYC act like New Yorkers and for the most part couldn’t tell you a thing about NJ unless it’s something they bump into on their way to work every day.
And THAT’s what we call context. It’s not a conspiracy – it’s a confluence of factors.
Right NatNY – now this is more of a challenge. Thank you. You pack more of a punch than all the fools who restricted to hurling personal insults. I’m going to deal with everyone of your points –
Very clever. One of my major arguments is the fact mainstream media treated this as if it was nothing. Note I say fact because I’m no fool. You sir cannot play with me with words alone. From the jump you suggest ‘maybe we missed it?’ Missed what! I mean this post has gone viral. At least 100000 americans had no idea about something they should have known about & the vast majority would have wanted to know about! VERY CLEVER INDEED. Aaahh it’s nothing!
Then you top it up with a typical MSM assertion that the sculptor ‘is considered extremely controversial!’ Don’t get me wrong. You’re a pro. It’s perfectly clear but your moves already are so obvious I can smell the stench. If this man was as controversial as you contend surely this would have made it more of a story. The 2nd paragraph is simply waffle, setting up the 3rd paragraph which nonchalantly closes the door on the entire argument that the entire US media was up to something. Beautiful – like a fully-fledged pro, out to make me seem like a mere ranter & raver who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Now the boot starts to go in – the condescending claim that I’m not familiar with how the press works. Any dumbo reading this will think the master is putting the pupil in his place. WRONG! I KNOW EXACTLY HOW THE PRESS WORKS PAL MOST ESPECIALLY IN THE US. It’s rather like a soap opera where everything is literally made up as they go along. Of course there’s one critical factor – what Israel says is treated as gospel! If Netanyahu says something, suddenly the entire media apparatus neglects to seek out verification or confirmation for any concrete evidence that backs up what this monster says. That’s why we got the illegal Iraq war – the deliberate lies of Wolfowitz, Perle & Feith were taken up by the media as if they were Dead Sea Scrolls & for over a year pounded into our ear-drums. This led to the death of over a million innocent Iraqis & THE LIES CONTINUE! Israel can never be wrong. All its enemies are terrorists; all Zionist skulduggery must slip under the radar.
But wait – in the 2nd line of the 4th paragraph is that dreaded phrase CONSPIRACY THEORIST! If ever a derogatory term is required, here it is, duly conjured out of thin air by the Zionist controlled media in order to ridicule truth seekers. Let me tell you something now NatNY – the moment anyone uses this term, it tells me everything I need to know. Sure, you ooze the air of credibility but you’re up against a different animal here. Giving me that garbage ‘you see conspiracy theories all the time!’ How insulting? How depraved?
And once again we’re told ‘nothing sinister going on here’ WHEN EVERYTHING SINISTER IS OCCURRING BEFORE OUR VERY EYES! To cap it off, just to make it seem you’ve got more in the tank, you say something so pathetic it beggars belief – “you aren’t from the NY/NJ area”. So let me get this straight – a prerequisite to pass judgement on anything involving 9/11 is to come from the NY/NJ area? Well, I did live there for 7 months but again, it’s just condescending drivel. You’re a PR man alright! Sure enough, in the 5th paragraph you merely repeat yourself. You offer nothing but this time you skilfully bombard me with totally meaningless questions! I LOVE THIS GUY!
You’ve come into the lion’s den pal & I’m going to make mince-meat out of you. I’ll ask you a few questions – heard of a guy called Larry Silverstein? Did you know 6 months after he bought the Towers for $15 million he insured them for $3.5 billion. But guess what! Larry had a special clause built in where if the Towers were destroyed in a terrorist attack HE’D BE PAID DOUBLE! WASN’T THAT LUCKY? How many massive skyscrapers are destroyed by terroprist attacks? Did you ever investigate that? Did you ever consider asking Larry to sit a lie-detector test? Lucky you didn’t because if you asked him if he was one of the chief 9/11 conspirators THE MACHINE WOULD HAVE EXPLODED! Conspiracy theory my arse!
Then when Larry was asked about a 3rd building he owned, that also fell that day WTC7, his very words were “WE MADE THE DECISION TO PULL.” I know you know what the term ‘pull’ means. What’s going on? Oh you’re a PR man. Dare to fob me off with “How much media do you read yourself every day? What publications do you read,” followed by a load of tripe about how the media works. That’s why you never questioned why the 9/11 Commission neglected to even mention WTC7. THIS is how the media works! Yes indeed. Go out of your way trying to give credibility to an entity that’s committed Treason, an entity that thankfully is now haemorrhaging viewers.
The 6th paragraph again is lame. You’ve merely waffled over your original claims that count for a can of beans but to cap it all, as if it’s a final crowning glory you say “And THAT’s what we call context. It’s not a conspiracy – it’s a confluence of factors.” Confluence my arse. I can safely predict what you are, who you are, why you’re doing what you’re doing & you know what else? I believe you know the whole truth. You’re either a whore who’s long since sold the soul or a Zionist that’s being paid a nice few quid to cover up countless heinous crimes against humanity. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Oh please NatNY … who are trying to kid??! .. many people that live in NJ (certainly where I am in Jersey) are originally from NY and most still commute there for work… “New Yorkers typically treat NJ like it’s hundreds of miles away” couldn’t be further from the truth .. more like they are practically one and the same. Clearly, this gift from Russia doesn’t fit the Zionist controlled media agenda .. I’m a Real Estate Broker in NJ … in contact with people all over the state, including NY metro area .. and I have never seen or read anything about it, nor have I heard anyone speak of it … Thanks Michael Aydinian for bringing this to my attention .. I will be visiting soon and sharing the info with everyone I know.
Exactly right End the Fed…… if only! One great man tried to with Standing Order 11110 & succeeded but we know what happened to him & once again the smoking gun as to who killed JFK was in the media’s reaction. Every daft conspiracy was put forward except the 2 most likely reasons why JFK was assassinated – JFK had said to the Israelis ‘under no circumstances must you acquire nuclear weapons.’ Well we know what happened! The media never once mentioned a motive here that stuck out like a sore thumb. But when you include the fact the media ignored that on June 4th 1963 Standing Order 11110 effectively rendered the FRB extinct & said nothing about the fact the next day after JFK’s death the Federal Reserve was back in business, it is a nailed on certainty the Israelis were responsible for this heinous crime too.
Sorry I went off track there but everything you say is spot on . Good on you.
Thank you Michael Aydinian, and although I do agree with much anti-Zionist emphasis these days, we must be very cautious in how it plays into their own hands, to buttress accentuated claims of anti-Semitism. This amazing article from Cecilie Surasky explains a lot about the paradoxical manipulations of Zionist propaganda:
“When Netanyahu encourages Danish or French Jews to mass migrate to Israel—he’s cynically exploiting real fear and trauma to push his expansionist agenda— new immigrants will be sent to settlements, not inside 67 borders.
Similarly, classic anti-Semitism itself is a tool of Empire– Jews are scapegoated as a ‘secret cabal’ that controls the world’s finances, conveniently distracting potential resistance movements from the actual corporate, government and military sources of global economic exploitation and control.”
“To this day, Jews and our aspirations for freedom have been unwittingly made a tool of Empire- the struggle against anti-Jewish hatred has been coopted into the effort to demonize the Arab and Muslim world in order to justify US wars and intervention- for profit. And of course, to justify Israeli expansionism.”
I can’t underscore enough the extent to which the profound Jewish trauma over genocide and oppression has been manipulated and deliberately retriggered over and over by people and institutions who have instrumentalized Jewish suffering to justify Israeli expansionism and repression.”
“from a U.S. Empire perspective, it makes sense that the Shoah is commemorated in a massive museum on the Mall in DC, while there is still no national slavery museum or indigenous genocide museum. Better to point the finger elsewhere, while shoring up our sense of collective superiority as heroic Americans.
To this day, Jews and our aspirations for freedom have been unwittingly made a tool of Empire- the struggle against anti-Jewish hatred has been coopted into the effort to demonize the Arab and Muslim world in order to justify US wars and intervention- for profit. And of course, to justify Israeli expansionism.”
ALL FROM here:
Thank you David – of course you’re right. The problem is the same rules don’t apply to them. They can make it up as they go along. I always refer to the Malcolm X quote “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.”
To all those who instead of tear see termite or liquid metal, I must correct you and explain the background of the idea. In Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian language there is a saying “and the stone would shed a tear” when something is terribly sad, so sad it is indescribable. Due to great similarity on Serbian and Russian languages, and cultural mixing over the centuries, I am sure similar or the same saying exists in Russia too.
So please do not see it as mocking or hate monument, I am sure this is tries to convey “This is so sad that iven heartless stone broke and cried over this event.
Thank you Ljubomir
9-11 was def covered up by the Zionist controlled media.. So many incidences on 9-11 that were reported but only once and never seen or heard of again.. “The 5 dancing Israelis,” is only one of them.. People with Mossad connections were arrested that day all over the city. No allies of the United States spy on us more than Israel. It’s time for people to wake up
Exactly Matt – check out my latest post.
I’m a “news junkie”, and recall seeing news coverage of the work when it was dedicated, and have noticed many mentions and photos of it since then, as well. I know little about NYC and its surroundings, and after doing some research, it seems that its location might not have been the optimal choice. The artist’s reasons for choosing that location were wonderful, however. It was a gift, and that is the most important thing that we should always remember.
Correct Greg – thanks.
Shocking to see the hatred that exists for Jews. You would never live with your people “Michael” (if that is really your name) because in their world, there are no civil rights, you cannot express dissent and live comfortably. That is the difference in a civilized democratic society like Israel and the USA, there is a rule of law, there are property rights and there are free elections with calm and orderly ruling party changes. Thank g-d there are these places on the earth so scum like you have a place to speak freely, it is your right.
Why the obfuscation of using the word Zionist? Why not just drop the code words and call a Jew a Jew? Yes there is a difference, a Zionist is one who believes there should be a Jewish state. A Jew is a member of a religion and yes there could be a subset of Jews who are not Zionists but that would be a relatively small number. You are at heart a bigot and against religious freedom. Your misguided hatred of Jews forces you to ignore the real culprit in the Palestinian problem, their government! And because of this poor governance and reliance on brainwashing the youngest the only “From the river to the sea” the Palestinians will see is themselves in the sea. Thanks to g-d there are strong people like Netanyahu and Sharon before him and Begin before him and Moshe Dayan before him that will neutralize scum like you. Get a life.
Gary Grinberg – you’re pathetic. Anyone who believes Israel and the USA are civilized democratic societies. Israel is an Apartheid state you blithering idiot. while US elections are rigged left right & center. 20% of all prisoners in the world are in America, while the hapless Palestinians are being brutalised. It’s people like you who are the scum of the earth you wretched little specimen. You’re an idiot that doesn’t even know that Zionists do not possess a drop of Semitic blood but what should I expect from a hateful little shit who condones genocide. Listen you little puke – I hold my head up because I know I speak the truth. Anybody on this planet who praises monsters like Sharon & netanyahu are a blight on this planet. Shame on you!
I note you use the word neutralize. Yes – you guys are the undisputed champions when it comes to mass murder.
New York City, Brooklyn in particular, has one of the largest populations of Russians outside of Russia itself, You would think that at least the Russians would visit i.t I work there quite a bit and will make a point of visiting it the next time I am there. I am curious though why the anti-semite hatemongers had to get their two cents worth in. Sheesh, give it a rest.
Yes Terry. Support the very people who are raping your country. Unbelievable. Even Netanyahu said openly ” once we’ve squeezed all we can out of America it can dry up & blow away!” Yeah, keep supporting these mass-murderers!
Putin good-looking? He looks like a sly fox, which he is. Orthodox Christian he claims to be, but he has much blood on his hands as not only a criminal but a murderer. He puts on a great act as the Savior of Russian culture and protector of morality, but he lies over and over, breaking his promises, and he is one of the richest of the hundred or so Russian oligarchs who control and own 35% of the national wealth. I am a great lover of Russian culture as to its music and dance, its art and architecture, and its lanaguage and literature. I have lived there and in other parts of the former CCCP for long periods. This Kremlin is exceedingly corrupt, continuing the rule of the oligarchs who have raped the wealth of the nation which is little more than a giant gas station, with a criminal dressed up as head of state. Putin is a master of manipulation, employing the same tactics as Goebbels in Nazi Germany, for whose methods he has expressed admiration. There are many good Russians, but it is a national shame and disgrace that about 7 out of 8 Russians applaud Putin and support his actions, including the rape of Ukraine, believing the lying propaganda of the state-manipulated media. Many excellent and brave Russian journalists have paid with their lives for their resistance against the evils of the Putin regime and for exposing such evils. None of this is new; Putin has been allied with criminal forces during his entire adult career, including during the Soviet Union, and was promoted by Yeltsin from what was essentially the Leningrad/St. Petersburg mafia into yet more powerful roles. He is very much like the KGB origins from his earlier roots.
Yes indeed Paul but this thread was not about the inns & outs of Putin. From what I’ve heard he’s stashed a cool $54 Billion! All these leaders are scumbags. The only good ones are those who the media say are bad!
Yes indeed Paul but this thread was not about the inns & outs of Putin. From what I’ve heard he’s stashed a cool $54 Billion! All these leaders are scumbags. The only good ones are those who the media say are bad!
Trojan horse?
Staci – I don’t think so.
lol you people and your zionist conspiracies.
Nice that you STOLE The article and inserted some paranoid jew hating stuff in there… very creative!
Neb – I can see that you’re a proper nasty piece of work!
Pingback: Teardrop From Russia | Genuine Christianity Now
I’m sorry, but that looks nothing like a teardrop. It looks like truck nuts with a vag-jayjay. It’s almost like the message Putin is sending is “I have nuts of steel so fu America”. Make no mistake. Putin is not making a tribute here.
It’s more than what Larry Silverstein & Fran Lowy put up Bob & they got paid out $7 BILLION!
Seriously that is a truck nut. Look it up.
After reading most of the comments I discovered the full TINFOIL hat types are out in full force, their comments are unbelievable to most sane people and should be even to them.
Lol are you real?
This was in the news years ago when bill clinton and Putin showed it to the world.
And it’s sad that you’ve copied half of the text of a newspapers website from a article that was written in 2010…
Just do a simple search on google and you will see that it was well known way before you “wrote” this bullshit article just to get some hits for your ads…
That’s why a quarter of a million people have clicked on this story. Ids this the best you’ve got?
Would this be the “Zionist Controlled Media” that slams Israel every chance they get?
HAHAHA – so funny. Should be onstage mate!
Pingback: Russian Memorial Commemorating the 9/11 Victims.... Who has heard of this?
It is striking in appearance and captures the essence of the twin towers and one’s extreme sadness over the 9-11 event. It seems only right that we view this monument in the manner it was given, as an expression of Russian support and recognition for our national tragedy. No matter what happened before or since, at that time, from that place, with those people, this is an expression of support and oneness. Our appreciation needs to be noted gracefully. Dave
Very eloquently put Dave. Quite why everyone doesn’t see it as you do is beyond me. Perhaps this is symptomatic of why we’re in such a mess.
I have recently been awoken im only here for a short time im just passing thru. as you may say in your own words what the fuck . the earth was supposed to be the final experiment. please excuse my primitive language. as you may describe politicians that lead your different factions. the earth is in direr need of direction. you are the descendants of an impossible creed. may god have mercy on us.
is there any way to stop all of the ignorance we are guided by a much larger force than you can focus on as much as you argue about a solution you must see the eventuality 5we have been pre destined to carry out a dimension you are not ready to provide 1 month 8 days 2015 look to the noon sky we are not alone we are in trouble they as we will call them have come to reclaim what they have built the reason for there out post is to take the most intelligent and creative humans and continue
Glenn – you’re somewhere else mate but if you’re referring to ignorance in the way I look at it – this is all by design. The dumbing-down process has incorporated not just the normal channels of programming such as TV & newspapers but the pharmaceutical industry as well as our food & drink is laced with all sorts of detrimental ingredients.
It looks like It’s missing a ball. How appropriate!
Zero publicity? So a story in the NY Times counts as “zero publicity”? Stop being a lying moron. The “memorial” is in BAYONNE, NJ. Who the hell goes to Bayonne?
You’re a hysterical dumbass, and, worst of all, a LIAR.
Funny how 250,000 people disagree but then you must have the brains of a rocking horse! It’s just one of those things.
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funny it is… how press works in making people stupid. Ok not everybody mentions a 3 ft statue in Central Park because there are probably many of them. But this one… can’t be overseen. And pointing out that this is a “memorial ignored because of it’s russian origin” suggest several things…
“pushing Russia into a corner in Ukraine “- seriously? It looks you don’t know that Ukraine is an independent country. And that this country has been invaded by Russia. So, could you please explain to me, who is pushing whom? And more: while in last few years Ukraine reduced armed forces Russian (so called) Federation keeps increasing its military potential, not abstaining from threating to other countries and violating their airspace. So, be aware, that someday unmarked tanks and soldiers without any tags may come to your neighberhood. And, just by coincidence, they will speak russian. Just like it was on Crymea, Donitsk and Kharkiv.
What exactly a problem here?
It’s standing exactly where author want it to be, People can see it from passing boats or visit it.
It is on Google map and in Trip Adviser
There is a web site about this memorial.
What do you suggest to do if people doesn’t like it and consider to be ugly?
We in Russia doesn’t like many of Tzeretely’s sculptures too, but have no choice to watch them – he has connections in higher places.
If New Yonkers want to see it – they easily can.
If they don’t – nobody can force them to do so like in Russia
Why do so many of these conspiracy articles include “Why weren’t we told…” whatever the topic is?
How to you expect to be TOLD or informed of every damn occurrence in the world?
We know more now via the internet than anyone could have dreamed even 25 years ago.
Fvck the media. Find out yourself. It’s not some huge conspiracy to hide anything.
That is a very skewed, even naive view. The media’s job is to report the news – not pick & choose what suits.
What the hell does Zionism have to do with anything?
Just about EVERYTHING! Ever done any research in your life?
They aren’t the only ones to of made a monument with names of the lost. Don’t understand why we don’t hear of them.
Judymae – that’s an interesting point indeed because I recently discovered what you’ve said is correct – there are other tributes with the names of those who perished yet very little publicity has ever been given to them. I can only think the media blackout is because very little has been done at ground zero itself. Considering Larry Silverstein was paid out anywhere between $5-7 BILLION for two buildings he paid $15 million for, it doesn’t look too good on him. Considering too most people have every reason to believe Silverstein was an integral figure in the planning & execution of 9/11 & the fact one of his best buddies is Netanyahu himself, small wonder the media doesn’t want to attract any attention to this scumbag!
Pingback: A “Teardrop” shed in Remembrance of – 9/11 – A Gift from Russia | Life in Russia
I think it’s stunning, whatever the true message is, and I believe Putin and Russia deserve kudos and thanks for giving it to our country. Putin is many things but seems like a prince compared to our sad pos potus.
Thank you Karen
“Molten Metal = Cracks in the Official Story” …That’s why! It’s a THREAT disguised as a “gift”. Similar story with the Statue of Liberty, a “gift” from the French.. A symbol of Freedom and liberty cast in copper.. which they knew would visibly “corrode”.
Threat? That’s actually hilarious!
President Putin has given a vital message to the American people.. your politicians do not work for you, they are the perpetrators of all false-flags for the elite banksters. Just think, if the government is broke where’s all the war fund coming from? Follow the money and you’ll realize who’s the invisible hand behind it all.
Has any of our Government’s alphabet security organizations (CIA-FBI-NSA-TSA, etc.) x-rayed or examined this “gift” from Russia? What’s the old adage about accepting gifts from your enemies?
In case you missed this. http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/02/10/pravda-putin-threatens-to-release-satellite-evidence-of-911/ Makes you wonder what Russia does know.
Thanks Asnowrose but this has been in the news for quite some time. When I first saw it on FB I left a comment – DON’T THREATEN; BLOODY WELL DO IT!
I find it humorously sad that most people in almost every post/forum love to play the “I am correct and you are wrong”, with some at a juvenile level.. Time to evolve from this Cro-Magnon way of thinking. Just a thought. (Translation: Ugh Ouk Ahk)
Indeed Shane. I will say what I think; I will give what I believe are the facts & I welcome anyone to tear my argument apart. Very few people ever do because I do not consider – ‘YOU’RE WRONG’ or personal insults as any sort of argument. In fact these people merely strengthen my view because they perhaps cannot present an argument. Either that or they are just plain bone-idle.
Wait. Did that idiot just suggest that jet planes use kerosene for fuel?
Yes but there’s two things you’ve got wrong – planes do use Kerosene – https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=plane%20fuel –
and most importantly I’m not the idiot! I suggest you go look in a mirror & I guarantee you will be looking at someone who has the brains of a rocking horse!
I’m a bit surprised no one has yet commented on Judy Wood’s research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vadSaWyiozg into the event. Well, do take a look, to know, as she first looked at the evidence and concluded startling findings, that the buildings were mostly disintegrated by a massive use of high energy beams. She shows aerial views noting literal holes in the side builds, cars blocks away that were melted, little sound of falling material, not enough material on the ground to equal what were the buildings, the underground floors clear of debris, and so much supporting evidence that it will be very hard for you to suggest it was planes that took down the buildings. If Putin advances this information we can only guess at what might happen next, but do be brave about it, please, because our liberty may depend on you.
To Michael Longo
There’s a reason why no one mentions the work of Dr. Judy Wood. I won’t allow it. This woman has successfully split the 9/11 Truther movement by pushing her theory.
The foremost experts in controlled demolition, Architects & Engineers & above all eminent physicists have all stated categorically these buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. WHY CONFUSE THE ISSUE?
The goal of Truthers now should be to get the perpetrators into the dock. We already have all the evidence necessary to do this. The last thing we need are more theories which incidentally in Wood’s case, the media has unsurprisingly given all the coverage under the Sun. Anything to make us look daft in the eyes of the brainless public. THe true conspirators adore people like Dr. Wood. We in the blazes do you wish to service them.
And please – do not give me any bullshit about freedom of speech. Wood has already caused incalculable damage to the Truther movement.
The two methods of bringing the buildings down combine nicely for the perpetrators: controlled demolition brought them down and the high energy microwaves or what have you removed the material. If the movement can not see this then it is truly a problem as you state. And why Judy did not combine the two, and more has caused damage to the movement was something I was unaware as I do not follow it well. But to avoid all the facts seems a bit naive, even unfair to the owners of the melted cars and more, but fine with me if the movement has traction, does it? There is so much evidence of this humongous crime and following media control of what is accepted as the facts of the event that it is mind blowing that the movement is seen as fringe. Perhaps you should talk with Judy directly and get her to add to her report, yes that seems appropriate.
I do not want to talk to her & frankly if you cannot bring yourself to clearly see the points I raised then you have an ulterior motive. I reiterate – WE ALREADY HAVE AMPLE EVIDENCE TO BURY THE TRUE CONSPIRATORS. WHAT WE NEED TO DO IS PRESENT A UNITED FRONT SO THAT WE ARE BEST ABLE TO GET THE PERPETRATORS INTO THE DOCK. THE DETAILS CAN BE SORTED OUT LATER!
You’re right Michael, I apologize. After making that last post I took the time to read all 323 posts after I first skimmed through them all to make my first 3 posts here. I see now what your thread is all about. Sorry to see you make all caps in your reply, that part I did not need, but what ever about that. I even found some of the youtube links above here, about in the middle of this long list and watched those. I have seen all that too. In any case, carry on. I have no ulterior motive, just thought you all might not have seen her forensic report. And one more report that came out from the very beginning I have not seen repeated is this movement, that the owner of the building was told by the port authority that his asbestos filled buildings needed replacing as they are a toxic hazard under the new federal guidelines. The cost to replace all that was more than the cost of the buildings which would bankrupt him, so I think this too played into the equation of the take downs, of all of his buildings, not just the twin towers. Well, again, sorry to not stick to your articles theme, and thanks for not tearing me a new one like you did some of the others posting here, but I suppose I did not deserve such harshness, ;-). You may remove my off theme posts if you like, was just trying to help.
Michael – you have no need to apologise. I know you were only trying to help. I was only trying to help you – Dr Judy Wood is just another in a long line who wants to make a name for herself. The media literally gave her the red carpet treatment because all she was doing was splitting the Truther movement. Now I’ve gone blue in the face telling people this. You’re probably around the 50th person. I’m not sure if you can imagine how frustrating this is. When I repeat myself I tend to use Capitols out of sheer frustration. This topic of Dr Judy Wood has been a thorn in my side for a long time. When are people going to understand her testimony adds nothing? We have all the evidence we need. Why raise more questions? However, please feel free to say what you think. I only remove those who hurl personal insults or accuse me of being anti-Semitic. I don’t like dummies with no argument.
Well, I wrote her myself forwarding your post/concerns. While waiting for a reply, perhaps you can show me evidence of the truth movement being so damaged like you said. I just have not seen it, but then, I am not stuck to outdated evidence reports, I just keep flowing how events match explanations, not really hard to do. BTW, I have seen John Hutchisons work which matches perfectly with the field effects she is talking about. Different metals fused together in cars parked many blocks away. There is no confusion if one simply keeps up with forensic studies as time move us forward in this. So to recap, demolition got the buildings to begin falling, and as they are falling field effects turned 90% of everything to dust. If this is wrong, then explain where all the tons of material went. And once all the evidence is understood can you bring a strong case against those that did it. Faces only turn red when the full truth is told, 😉 no confusion, just the whole accounting.
Russia YOU are all beautiful People. You do not need to worry about anything New Zealand knows the truth about everything. Very thoughtful and respectful.. Love KIWI NZ’ers.
Thank you Mia.
There is no conspiracy. It was well featured and the president attended the opening. But it is out of the way and not as easy to casually visit. It was put there by the creator who wanted it in that postition, so this is also not a conspiracy. And although russian relations were not perfect at the time, it was not like now. But because things are like they are now, it looks worse..
This is little more than out of sight, out of mind
Well any Tom, Dick & Harry can say it was well featured. In fact 1 out of 10 people say exactly what you said. But the fact is most people never heard of the Tear-Drop memorial. So what to you was well-featured, to most people was exactly the opposite! As for the word ‘conspiracy’ it has so many meanings now I’m loathed to ever use it!
Pingback: Tear Drop “A Gift From the People of Russia to the USA”. Why were we not told about Tear Drop? – GMMuk – Michael Aydinian | My Blog
I’m sorry but I’m not having garbage like this. There is a limit to how idiotic one can be.
Michael, I’m sorry, but this story is completely out there, and not at all factual… I remember watching the both the groundbreaking in 2005 and the dedication in 2006 of the Tear Drop monument in Bayonne Harbor, It was covered by both the local and National news on Alaskan stations. What really struck me at the time was that even though I remember both Vladimir Putin and former President Clinton showing up, I don’t remember seeing either President Bush or VP Cheney show up at either ceremony. As a matter of fact, there was significant commentary at the time about Bush being “too busy at the ranch” to attend the dedication.
Sorry Michael, you blew it on this one. The real story wasn’t that it wasn’t covered, it was, but that the entire process from groundbreaking through dedication was apparently completely ignored by the President and Vice President of the US. In 2007, the New Yorker even did a feature article about it: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2007/06/25/monument-3
I certainly don’t regard it as blowing because the general consensus is 9 out of 10 people hadn’t heard of this monument. The world doesn’t revolve around you sir.
but it does around you apparently ?
it’s not because you get many views/shares/whatever…. that you are the allknowing messiah of the truth….
the fact is…we don’t know the how’s and what’s that are going on in this world … we can guess…try to find the truth … but who’s the one that’s right ? we never know for shure….
it is good that there are people like you around , seeking for truth and justice… but the way you behave yourself against people with an other opinion makes you an asshole and with that attitude a lot of people will be thinking “what a trouserbandit” instead of “hey maybe this guy has a point”
Well thank you very much. I spend 12 hours a day, 7 days a weeks trying to get the truth out for very little money, not nearly enough to get by. While I’m doing that I have to keep up-to-date with all the stories mainly by checking out all the videos & links I’m sent. I try to read & answer every comment I get on my website & read everything people have commented on my posts on FB.
And for all that I’ve got people like you saying –
“but the way you behave yourself against people with another opinion makes you an asshole and with that attitude a lot of people will be thinking “what a trouser-bandit” instead of “hey maybe this guy has a point”
What way do I behave you presumptuous cretin? I make it perfectly clear – anyone can say what they like. Disagree with me – fine but do it by making a point – not hurling insults. If I barred people it’s not because they disagree. It’s because they’re rude & probably jealous too because I can assure you, there ARE a lot of guys out there who think I DO HAVE A POINT!
I looked around for what your beef is & I couldn’t find anything where you stated where I might be wrong, so to this day I don’t know why you’re criticising me. If you have problem say what it is. In stead you fly off the handle spouting bile. i can promise you – for every one of you, there are 50 people who thing I know what I’m talking about & maybe that’s what you just can’t take.
The media went to such lengths to hide the opening of this memorial that it was reported in the New York Times and attended by former President Bill Clinton. Which is to say that it was well known.
Perhaps why people don’t know more about this kind gesture is 1) it is an ugly statue and 2) it is in Bayonne.
Not sure what your ravings about Zionism have to do with anything of the above.
Because it’s a drop of thermite and the Russians were making fun of us. 😀
So because you didn’t know about this memorial, it’s further proof of your “conspiracy theories” ?
Since I’m sure you don’t know of the other 700+ 9/11 memorials in the United States and at least 11 other memorials in other countries then you can post an article on each one of those to promote your “theory”. Then just think of how many shares and likes you’ll get! Because, let’s be honest… thats what all this nonsense on this ridiculous blog is really all about….isn’t it?
Anyone who mentions the phrase ‘conspiracy theorist’ is an idiot who is subliminally brainwashed by the media. I waste no time with such people.
I’m confused. You say it is some sort of “zionist conspiracy” that the erection of this monument wasn’t covered in the news. But you’re covering it NINE YEARS after it was dedicated. Does this make it a conspiracy that you didn’t report it nine years ago, or could it simply be that in 2006 other things were happening in this country that were more important?
You’re trying to make a point Barb but you’re making very little sense. First of all you need to realise 9/11 was a Zionist operation. You also need to know the media is totally controlled by Zionists. Once you understand these two undeniable facts everything begins to fall into place. They are trying to paint Russia as the enemy. Even now when Russia is doing a massive favor for the people in the West by destroying ISIS, the media still portrays them as the Baddie! Wake up for Christ sake.
Snoops report and others. It was a generous offer of heartfelt mourning and sufferinghttp://www.snopes.com/rumors/tributes/teardrop.asp#photo2
Thanks Celtic.
Pingback: Tear Drop “A Gift From the People of Russia to the USA”. Why were we not told about Tear Drop? | phi in the sky
even of it wasn’t a planned demolition who trained the pilots,you can’t deny that.it would take an incredibly good pilot to hit them targets at that speed in that sized aircraft.
Exactly right Iain. All the experienced pilots in Richard Gage’s EXPERTS FOR 9/11 TRUTH said they would have a tough job hitting the Towers & anyone saying any different is a liar!
Well, after some searching I found the best review of the event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dslF-hh90lg it is rather long but covers all the truth movement leaders and why it is not gaining a foot hold in the narrative. I suggest everyone watch it as it answers most all questions in a way that will keep you watching and not look away. Now I know what you were talking about Michael when you said Judy Wood caused a rift in the movement, but then, so did everyone involved by not making the right points in their court cases against those that caused it. This producer did the best job describing our current situation without having to spend so much time on the Zionists. Please take the time to review it as it will help you so much in your understanding. And if you come away from it thinking planes were involved, then you looked away too much, go back and review it again. As for a metalized tear drop in the above art work, dripping metal was seen from the towers before they were micro nuked, so that is what sticks in my head. Yeah, we are at a low period now with correcting this crime, but with this well put together film/report we will regain our focus in time and correct this crime, yes we will, yes we must.
Thank you for that Michael. I’m snowed under right now but I will take a look ASAP.
Thanks, now I am onto trying to find out what is at the heart of the terrorist complaint, seems with reason we can find the right answer to defuse the whole of the situation, regardless of how inside false flags occur. I think I read at one time that Islam is has prophecies to destroy us or something like that. With reason I think we can find the core wrong thought and if we can just spend enough time talking about that that then we can find solutions. Seems they want nothing less then to erase all civilization, or that is what we are being feed. So with all this being so unclear, the why they are doing it, then we will never get to the heart of the problem and heal it, seems to me. I am trying to find an organization or make one that will address the situation like this, I even wrote the US homeland security, lol, as if, but shoot, I would like them to know what I am attempting in case they want to jump on board at some point, who knows what would happen if enough people travel down this road with me.
Thanks Michael, I made another post at the end of this thread on this, but I wanted to also say to you personally that I found the cause and it is not at all what we thought, and I found the organization that is addressing . First let me say that I wrote our homeland security and got not response, they must be busy or think my comments are one in a million, so what ever. Please take some time out and watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YlZRqdAIKE this lady is sounding the warning bell to us all. I look forward to your comments on it.
Unfortunately the link is down too Michael
Hey Micheal, I just check, the link is ok now. but if not, just look up BRIGITTE GABRIEL on any youtube that has at least a over 30 minute talk she has done. They one I posted is the best however because it lists a 1928 doc that shows the agenda that we need to be aware of. And we thought the BTB had a covert plan, these guys do to so we need to be aware of it, like, big time. Another video I found that helps in this line of research is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_Qpy0mXg8Y a 1400 year review of Islamic radicalism that is in full affect these days. Two points of reference we all need to know about.
I’m sorry to say Michael I never listen to people like her. I don’t want to live in a world dominated by Muslims, just like I don’t like living in a world where Zionists have a hugely disproportionate influence but this woman is an out-&-out racist. Anyone who says Muslims are all bad or Jews are all bad should never be taken seriously.
It is really strange, another conspiracy piled on top of all the others.What is it about the Russians? Is it not diplomatically advantageous to give them credit? Then they’re blaming zionists again. The conservatives blame them for being too liberal then the liberals say they are the right wing conspiracy. Most of the ones I know are just trying to make a living and take care of their families. Any top tier zionists are probably in cahoots with other top tier individuals of different groups in secret societies against the middle class which is where most zionists live and work, and had no part in causing 9/11.
Positions opened for scapegoats again. Anyone want to submit a resume?
‘Zionists had no part in 9/11?’ Ever heard of the PNAC group, Larry Silverstein, Frank Lowy, Philip Zelicow, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Kagan, Frumm, Chertoff – I can go on & on & on naming the key conspirators & the vast majority are dual national Zionists. Add the fact the media is totally Zionist controlled & the fact that a 10 year old could have asked more pertinent questions than they did & to that add the fact that only one country has gained from 9/11 – ISRAEL & YOU ARE TRYING TO TELL ME THEY HAD NO PART IN 9/11? WAKE UP FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! MY GOD!
It’s so true and obvious. There are facts which show that Israel and the Jews and the Zionist controllers have a large responsibility for 9/11 and also the media and news reporters that tell us lies and try to put us to sleep with fake stories. The same thing was happening in Europe before World War II and look what happened to the Germans and the Russians and now will happen to white Americans. Michael Aydinian is right, listen to him.
Thank you sir! Much appreciated.
Watching you name call anyone who does not subscribe to your point of view makes you look like someone who can not stand on your own writings. That’s not debating an issue. It shows weakness. Sad for those that buy into your dribble. Go ahead, delete or call me names. It’s what you do. THAT is your ONLY strong point.
I stand on everything I write. If you’ve got a point – make it. Merely trying to ridicule me is typical of someone who has no argument. And if I’ve been curt it’s only because someone else has been equally rude. And since I believe you simply are a trouble-maker I will block you. Good riddance.
it seems as soon as someone points out one of your weak points that person is in your opinion a “troublemaker” and get’s blocked…. sad … this could be a good blog if you where open for discussion…
for you everybody with another opinion is “rude” or that person “has no argument”
but the truth is that you can’t handle a discussion and just think your truth is the only one….
What a pathetic comment. Anytime you want a discussion pal, I’m here! What you’re describing is precisely how the Zionists operate. Weak points my arse! Come on Dickhead. What have you got?
I forgot to say in my above post. I thank and applaud the Russian Art work. It is an act of generous compassion first and foremost. Any hidden meaning in it is done on a deeper level and only meant to be silent as in talked about in private circles of friends. And, right, my mistake saying Zionists up there in my post. I saw the film of the art group that planted the bombs in that year they spent on the exact floor that was hit, even hanging out a travel to calibrations, i suppose, can be made. A long string of criminals need to be brought to justice for eventually causing regular folks to fight and die in wars that they created to make money and keep control of said money flow. BTW, part of our answer is to be healthy, if you avoid being sick you do not give money to the wrong people and you are clear enough not to fight in said wars.
Simply wish to say your article is as astonishing.
The clarity to your put up is simply spectacular
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Thank you one million and please keep up the enjoyable work.
I wish someone could tell me what purpose comments like this really serve?
Very good article. I am experiencing some of these issues as well..
Show respect. The USA would have been exterminated long ago, if the Russians hadn’t died by the hundreds of thousands and millions fighting the Nazis. Thank you to the Russian people.
That’s right Jay. I find it astonishing that more people know about the alleged 6 million that didn’t die in the camps than the 20 million the Russians lost in WW II.
That’s right. There is not really any real proof of the Holocaust and true Russians are anti-Zionist, so there lives have more value. I totally agree with you. Astonishing.
fantastic points altogether, you just won a new reader.
What may you suggest about your post that
you simply made a few days ago? Any sure?
I do not even know how I stopped up right here, however I
believed this submit was once great. I don’t realize who you’re
but certainly you are going to a famous blogger should you are
not already. Cheers!
Guys, we have a much larger problem to deal with. Just watch this youtube like I just did. I am a bit speechless to describe what this woman is alerting us to, but please watch it and be informed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YlZRqdAIKE She get into her talk after about 5 minutes. If you care about the life you live and peace in this world, you will not regret watching it.
Unfortunately the link is down Michael
I shared this article before reading the comments …. rather stupid of me.
Thought this was a complaint regarding the ignoring of a beautiful Russian sympathy act.
But you all turn it into a stupid “who done it” pissing contest.
Hope the people that did see it did not read the comments.
Only a few sane people here … and you Michael Aydinian are not one of them.
Merely saying someone is insane & not explaining why & then expecting others to take you seriously for me is pretty damn insane.
People I don’t know what bought those buildings down , in reality I’ve done research and read the reports from sane firemen from the scene and they all said there was liquid molten steel a day later in the bubble (thermite plasma does this) according to them and other experts who demolish building they all point to controlled demolition. The only people who say different is ……wait for it …our twisted government and the news which is government owned.
You idiots claiming Zionists control the media need to get off the crack pipe. Zionists are true believers in Israel, the American media condemns Israel every occasion it gets. There may be some rich Jews high up in media but they’re just (JINO) Jews In Name Only, they’re friggin Marxists and you know it.
Look Zionist or Jew – what difference. The very fact you claim US media condemns Israel every occasion it gets is just so preposterous I wonder who is on the crack pipe!
It’s a vagina.
Whats the difference between a cow and 9/11 ?
You can’t milk a cow for 15 years.
It’s amazing that the same people who claim Bush is an idiot are the same ones that say he masterminded 9/11. There is no way, no way that an inside job would stay secret this long. Thousands of people would have had to be in on it and you’re telling me you think none of them would talk? Free yourself from the tyranny of cynicism and paranoia!
First of all Bush was just a puppet. He couldn’t arrange a piss-up in a brewery! This was a Zionist operation because the media which is Zionist controlled or owned never bothered to question any of the glaring discrepancies. 1000’s of people? Maybe not that many & many people have talked but what good has it done. With literally trillions stolen as a result of 9/11, everyone involved was paid off handsomely. Free yourself from ignorance.
I am not an American ,but am annoyed at a lot of comments about the twin towers . No-one knows the truth , only that 2 planes flew into each of the towers .
The main reason for this page .was with regards to the gift from russia to the U..S..A , to honour the dead . Which is a very nice and polite gesture from them .
A bit like the Statue of Liberty , was a gift from the Ftench . People should not dwell on the past , but try to think about world peace . And leave all your imaginations in your own heads . R.I.P , to all that have died in wars , conflicts , and terrorist attacks all over the world .
George – I go along with what you say about the subject matter of the post & while I agree that people should stick to the topic to say no one knows the truth when the official account defies the laws of physics means we were lied to. To simply drop that altogether is an insult to those who lost their lives. There has never been a proper investigation because those who’ve done their homework know that those accused were well & truly set up by the Zionists & their partners in the media.
Pingback: Tear Drop “A Gift From the People of Russia to the USA”. Why were we not told about Tear Drop? | Deaconjohn1987's Blog
It looks like a vagina!
Wow this is exactly how terrorism works it causes a rift between people, can we not just say thank you for your thoughts. Yes we need to question all and trust no one but that goes for all ethnicities.
The question still stands why weren’t we told about this gesture from the Russians if we were I am sorry I have never seen this.
Thanks for your comment Jason
I’m going to cross post here. First off – I am a 9/11 family member that lost someone close to me.
This article making its way around, I’ve commented a few times and I’ve gotten numerous PMs about this memorial… it has irritated me. I usually do not rant like this.
Do you know why this makes me mad?
Because people don’t care until now that it exists. NOW you want to make a big deal about it? Why? Why do you care? There are TONS of these memorials all around the United States. Hey, most of you didn’t know…there’s tons of Memorials across the US (Many in FL – where I am from) and also in Newfoundland (did you know that this is where people were offered shelter after the 9/11 attack when planes were diverted? $5 says you don’t. OMG, no one “publicized” the AWESOME kindness the Newfoundlanders offered to these people!)
“Omgah, there was no publicity”
“Why aren’t people talking about this?”
Just because something wasn’t made National television does not mean it was not publicized or given any form of attention. Not even half the memorials for 9/11 were publicized. The funny part…like most people GIVE a damn. Most care about 9/11 when September rolls around. Most care about 9/11 when terrorism strikes. I’m sure this isn’t everyone, but the people acting like this memorial is a SHOCKER and was ignored is making a mole hill a mountain.
This is one of the most well known memorials aside from the National one. Want to know what wasn’t publisized either? Pieces of WTC steel gifted to other countries that sits RUSTING in a farm field. It’s insulting.
You WON’T see 9/11 memorials publicized. The reason why you don’t know why any memorials exist? You don’t care to look.
The only time most people look is when the media brings something up that makes people go “O-M-G. 9/11. I was there. Moving. NEVER FORGET!” Then the next week you all go back to your lives and move on to the next “big thing”. I don’t expect anyone to think about 9/11 everyday…that would be stupid to even consider that. Just don’t go saying nonsense!
This wasn’t a good way to start my morning. There are very few subjects that will set me off and this is one that is so close to home for me that I can’t sit and ignore the stupid and attempts to make something small into something big. Sorry. Sorta. Not really. MAYBE sorry.
Don’t be sorry Luniara. I’m sorry this post has caused so much consternation & grief. When I posted it I had no idea it would create such interest & controversy. At the time I was genuinely surprised I hadn’t heard of this Russian monument. There was no malice intended on my part. However I maintain that the media pick & choose what becomes news on the basis of what suits them & I really do believe this gesture did not suit them. I never expected a big deal to be made out of this.
This will sum it all up!
Right here is the right blog for anybody who would like to find out
about this topic. You know a whole lot its almost hard to argue with you (not
that I actually would want to…HaHa). You certainly put a fresh spin on a topic that has been discussed for
ages. Great stuff, just excellent!
I remember when it was dedicated, and who gave it. I just don’t have appreciation for that type of art. But I do believe that it was given with true feeling for the loss.
So do I Ralph & I also believe the media didn’t make a big deal out of it because they had already planned all this grief with Russia. Thankfully most Americans realise Putin is better than any of the garbage politicians on Capitol Hill.
Great goods from you, man. I’ve understand your stuff previous to
and you are just too excellent. I actually like
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I cant wait to read much more from you. This is really a wonderful site.
Thank you so much.
Michael, I trust your opinion. What do you think of this report, complied by able danger group and veterans today. http://sitsshow.blogspot.com/2015/03/the-hidden-history-of-incredibly-evil.html for me it is the history lesson of where it all got started, the evil, and where it is today, up to about 3 months ago or so. Seems to say what you know to be true, so I think you might gain from some of the reporting here. I look forward to your feedback as it is helpful and important in our fight for justice.
I agree with pretty much all of this Michael. In fact I think I’ve posted this or something very similar.
Please stop with the 9/11 conspiracy theories.
It looks like my lady parts.
Awesome post.
Thank you Norine
Pingback: Why Were We NOT Told About Tear Drop? A Gift From the People of Russia to the USA | USA 24
Thanks so much for spreading the word. 🙂
I have no clue how America accepted this OIL drop as a gift from Russians.
America at that time deeply depended on oil import from the 3-rd world rogue states,
Good info. Lucky me I came across your site by chance (stumbleupon).
I have bookmarked it for later!
Pingback: Tear Drop: “A Gift From the People of Russia to the USA.” Why Were We Not Told About Tear Drop? - 99Nurse99Nurse
I hope you say that every time you listen to the news on mainstream media.
There’s certainly a great deal to find out about this topic.
I really like all of the points you’ve made.
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Origins: The monument displayed in the above photographs, officially entitled “To the Struggle Against World Terrorism” (but also known as “The Memorial at Harbor View Park” or the “Tear Drop Memorial”), was dedicated at the northeast corner of Bayonne Peninsula in New Jersey on 11 September 2006, the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States.
The monument was the work of Russian artist Zurab Tsereteli, whose inspiration was described thusly in a brochure about the monument:
“To the Struggle Against World Terrorism” was conceived as the events of 9/11 unfolded and Russian artist Zurab Tsereteli walked the streets of Moscow. Struck by the outpouring of grief he observed, a memorial with an image of a tear formed in his mind. Shortly after the attacks, Tsereteli visited ground zero and looked to New Jersey’s waterfront for an appropriate site for a monument honoring victims of the World Trade Center terrorist attacks.
Bayonne was a fitting location; the city was an arrival point for many New York City evacuees on 9/11, a staging area for rescuers, and offered a direct view of the Statue of Liberty and the former World Trade Center towers.
A gift from Tsereteli and the Russian people, the memorial is made of steel sheathed in bronze. Standing 100 feet high, its center contains a jagged tear. In it hangs a 40-foot stainless steel teardrop, representing sadness and grief over the loss of life, but also hope for a future free from terror. Etched in granite on an 11-sided base are the names of the nearly 3,000 killed in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings and terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
Thank you for that Dee – much appreciated
I have visited it numerous times its at the end of the pier where the Bayonne Cruise terminal is. Most people from staten island know about it because the Staten Island Advance did an article on it years ago.
A bow-legged cowboy with one testicle missing.
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off the screen. Can somebody else please provide feedback and let me
know if this is happening to them as well? This could be a
issue with my internet browser because I’ve had this
happen before. Cheers
I lived on the base at the Military Ocean Terminal in Bayonne. I believe this statue is located on or near where the base used to be. It was an Army base but is there no more. My father was in the Navy and my family lived there from 1970-1972, I attended Bayonne High School in 10th and 11th grade. That school was probably the best one academically I attended before college. It was at least as rigorous as a community college. There were a lot of really nice local people I was able to meet when I was in high school. I originally read about this memorial several years ago. I would love to take my family there to see it and show them the old haunts, but it doesn’t look like it’s in the cards for me. I am proud that this memorial is resting at my old home. I remember the big crane at the top of the building while it was still being built. I had many nightmares about being in and falling from a skyscraper. When these building came down, those nightmares ended.
Thanks Rick
vagina & blob of sperm, author hazarian nit and gigantomaniac zurab tsereteli
What about the “Jew Call”. Sen Al Franken and several other jews say they got the jew call and cancelled visits to the city scheduled for 9-11. Even some high ranking non jew zionist officials got the call. So, no jews died.
What a shame to hate your own leadership, to have to know your nation is run by criminals and gangsters who have only one thing on their mind and that is -GREED! What a sick, even UNNATURAL, bunch of scum and murderers we have for leadership. Leadership, my arse, they only lead themselves to the dinner table and devour all they can hold, throwing the rest away and just to starve the people too death. I will never ever be able to do anything about anything, I was too busy trying to find myself in Joo booze and hate, learned hate, to do anything with my youth except feed myself and the few who depended on me, now it is payday and I don’t like my returns. In a real way I am just like them, we, hate so much, all about myself, willing to do anything necessary to get a little more of the good stuff, but, if I had to do over?????
you too are motivated not to seek justice – desire to consume more and more
There is no question – the worst criminals on the planet rule over us! It is right & correct to utterly despise such filth.
You have the wrong controller. It is not Zionists – George Soros and Tim Steyer are NOT Zionists. It is the shadow government Elites that control our news media these days.
I tried to re=post your article to Facebook. Guess what? Zuckerberg has it blocked from being posted there.
Yes but they’re very much Rothschild agents Sharon. No surprise regarding Zionist censorship. Lies can stand no scrutiny.
Reading all the conspiracy bull reminds me of the people who still believe that there were two gunmen that killed JFK.. Great entertainment Michael. I don’t believe your any fool or idiot but rather intelligent. Your talents can be used in better ways to help make this country better, If electing Obama was a by-product of what happened on 9/11 then we’re worse off than I thought. Was he elected to somehow show the Muslim world we are in solidarity? This man has one goal. To convert and change us to Islam. The fact he is an African-American kept him from being impeached, Dismal failure as a president, God save our country.
Well for once I have a comment from someone who disagrees but isn’t downright rude & insulting. I thank you for that Eddie. At the end of the day it is everyone’s divine right to be allowed to say what they think. That’s all I do.
You are a Jew hater. The Jews didn’t bring down the towers. They never declared war on us. They have enriched our lives with science arts and entertainment. Don’t hide behind the “some of my best friends are Jews ” or I admire some Jews. This is nothing but anti-semitisim. Ur an ass who is starting trouble and trying to get people to hate Jews like you so obviously do or you wouldn’t have waited over a year to clarify.
Think what you like. However, you have some gall to say I hide. You disgust me. I have the balls to stand up & say the truth only for you to spout bile. 9/11 was planned & executed by Zionist war-mongers who want to create Greater Israel. Moreover all the evidence under the Sun exists to prove I’m right. Quote Netanyahu – “ONCE WE SQUEEZE ALL WE CAN OUT OF THE UNITED STATES, IT CAN DRY UP & BLOW AWAY!”
I’m afraid to say the only people causing trouble are the very scum you support!
I’ve never been into conspiracy theories, but lately, I’ve been more open to the idea that the twin towers were a setup. It’s just odd that alot of the info that we were told doesn’t hold water. I heard about the fact that the planes were going in excess of 500 mph, which at the altitude they were flying would have been impossible. Plus, the planes ripped through the outside of the towers like it was made of paper mache. You have buildings made of steel and reinforced concrete, and a plane made of aircraft aluminum rips through it, like a hot knife through butter……….something doesn’t compute. Not to mention that very few remnants from the planes were ever found, except for the engine that was planted, that didn’t even match the engines that were used on the 767…………something is fishy! I’m not taking anything away from the victims and their families, the pain that they live with must be terrible. It would be even more difficult to stomach, if you found out that your loved ones died from a plot by our own crooked government.
I’ve never been into Conspiracy theories. All I know is what I saw with my own eyes looked suspiciously like controlled demolitions. This is the ONLY way steel-structured buildings can collapse symmetrically at free-fall speed. Plane fuel cannot do this
Where exactly is this memorial? I know New York but where?
In New Jersey
In Bayonne, NJ as indicated in the article.
From American I and my New York family thank you.
Thanks Thomas
But we did hear about it at the time. Consider, the monument was dedicated ten years ago so many who heard about it at the time have forgotten. Not hearing about it more recently doesn’t mean it wasn’t reported at all.
Beams cut at an angle. Nuff said.
EXACTLY NOTA! In one fell swoop you’ve literally proved the official account of 9/11 is utter bullshit & those who continue to support it are deaf, dumb & blind!
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Thanks so much.
The 9.11 Victims and Fallen Heroes Memorial at Patriots Park in Venice, Florida.
Fellow Veterans and Patriots!
Salt of the Earth USA have engraved the names of 700+ Fallen Heroes, which include many of those who have been killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), also includes 97 Navy SEAL’s, two (2) of which are recipients of the Medal of Honor, including the 17 Navy SEAL’s from the Gold Squadron “Team 6” along with the 7 NSWO’s who were killed on Extortion 17th on August 6, 2011.
The names of the 45th Infantry Division Fallen Heroes of the Oklahoma National Guard and those Fallen Heroes of the 101stAirborne of the 327th Infantry, 2nd Battalion killed in the Hornet’s Nest, forty-seven (47) names of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) “Night Stalkers”, four (4) USAF OSI Special Agents and the two (2) USAF Security Force Officers killed on December 21, 2015 at Bagram, Air Base in Afghanistan and seven (7) Fallen OSI Special Agents killed since September 11, 2001 in the War on Terrorism.
The 9.11 Fallen Heroes Memorial was the 1st Memorial in the country to honor (almost 5 years ago) Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Information Officer, Glen Doherty, Former Navy SEAL and Tyrone Woods, Former Navy SEAL (The Benghazi Four) by engraving their names on the walls of the Memorial.
To view the names engraved on the 9.11 Victims and Fallen Heroes Memorial click on To http://bit.ly/24fhVB6 and go to Facebook Page http://on.fb.me/1aHUhS3 and LIKE us.
Listen to the words of the song More Than A Name On The Wall click on http://bit.ly/23kZmQN.
“To be killed in a war is not the worst that can happen. To be lost is not the worst. To be forgotten is the worst.”
Pierre Claeyssens (1909–2003)
E.F. (Gene) Sweeney
USAF Vietnam Veteran
Salt of the Earth USA
Cum Deo ad Finem
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America’s 9/11 memorial a symbol of Soviet-Jewish penetration