The EU is full of shit & all we get from the media is bullshit!

I can’t believe I never posted this clip with the excellent Owen Jones yesterday with this piece. I had it ready to use but such is my head these days, the grey cells are not functioning as well as they should be. I don’t know if it’s lack of sleep or the fact that I’m so pissed off with all the lies being told. Anyway here, Jones merely states ‘look at what’s happened to Greece?’ They joined the EU & literally from the jump it’s as if the whole country has been raped & pillaged!
I had some great comments regarding my recent EU posts. I answered one & before long I thought this has got to go in. The comment I responded to was from Tony Griffiths –
I really for the life of me can’t understand why anyone would want to stay in the EU to be governed by the Europeans. By all means, trade with them. Of course, but to be governed by them is simply mind boggling.
I can’t believe people that I thought were clever and level headed are still on the fence which is an excuse really as it means they will probably go for the moronic decision to stay in the EU.
Then in a few years time when the shit hits the fan, they will say – ‘aaw I couldn’t make my mind up so I didn’t vote in the end.’
Another fine comment. Thanks Tony. If I may say, the only reason why clever & level-headed people have been fooled is because they don’t realise the media indulges, in fact specialises in subliminally brain-washing folk by repeating the same lie over & over again. For instance for 40 years we’re given the impression the EU is great for trade & everything that goes with it. The truth is, the only people who gain is big business & the bigger they are, the more they gain. Have ordinary folk gained? I cannot think of one single thing where our lot has improved. However, I can reel off many reasons why we should leave sharpish.
Here’s just one – British industry has not just suffered. It’s been wiped out! Look at our once proud aircraft industry & the planes we built. Britain was at the forefront before we entered the poxy EU. When I look at the Vulcan bomber which came out in 1956. Even today it looks amazing. I just can’t believe what we’ve done. We built Concord’s engines in the late 50’s & the plane came into service in the 60’s & I still think it’s the most amazing aircraft ever built. We were leading the way & where’s it all gone? It’s been flushed down the Swanee! We’ve been sold down the river thanks to a bunch of Zionist controlled Pedophiles. And the Zionist media is all about deceit & duplicity.
How many times have they hit us with the line – BUSINESS WILL SUFFER IF WE LEAVE THE EU! Does anybody ever stop to question this? Hell no! Yet time & again we’re told the same lie. Eventually this notion enters the thought process of those who erroneously believe they have full control of their faculties. Sooner or later, when they’re asked which way they’re going to vote & they say – to stay in the EU, when you ask why, it’s a shoe-in many will say because it’s good for industry & our economy. WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS!
The problem is try telling these people they’ve been subliminally brainwashed? They’ve worked nothing out for themselves yet even though you have & you know the truth, you’re the one who’s got the brains of a rocking horse. Mark Twain came out with one of the greatest quotes ever – “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.”
If we come out of EU you give Tories a free ticket to do whatever they want, and it’s bad enough now. Vulnerable people and that includes myself will be in the front line. Also look at the people who want to come out, IDS, Michael Gove, Pritti Patel and Boris, That should speak to you volumes! Certainly will give IDS a free hand. So think of other people that will suffer and stop just thinking of yourselves. Yes we want out of Europe and I do understand. But please not while we have a Tory Government. Do you really trust them that much?
The Tories got us INTO the EU, Is the EU helping us now against the Tories? Of course not
That’s right Chris – None other than Ted Heath – now a known sexual pervert! That bastard sold this country down the river for the Zionists.
I Agree and the EU is a huge sack of pure SHITE, we must and will leave that bag of SHITE!!
Thanks Maboza – you will like reading my latest riposte
Yes indeed Christine – we’ll be signing our own death warrants. It’s that bad but though most the people want to leave the EU, most the people don’t realise they’re going to rig the result! If only people knew how crooked the media is. No case is being made for exiting the EU.
I think you talk sense. If we got out now, Tories will sell us to US, Israel and Saudi Arabia for more Arms Trade, more invasions, more Wars.
I was replying to Christine Shallbrook
The government will be out if we leave
Can the EU be reformed? You are kidding, right? EU is fascism, pure and simple. If you don’t agree with me, ask 66% of Greek voters who voted against austerity what happened to their votes. Don’t forget the International Mafia Fund (IMF) which is nothing but a loan shark whose job is to enslave through debt then strip down the country to the bare bones by buying government assets for next to nothing which is exactly what Greece is going through at the moment. Also, with ech passing day we are finding out that Russia had absolutely nothing to do with problems with Ukraine which were financed by the US. Let me ask you a questions. When EU agreed to shoot itself in the foot by implementing sanctions against Russia whose interests were they representing because they were definitely not representing interests of the EU electorate or EU business. Finally, what has EU done about NATO illegally bombing 7 countries in 15 years killing millions and displacing tens of milion some of which have now overrun Europe to the point of course tries ,ike Sweden facing economic collapse? Shall I go on?
I hear you loud & clear Anand & I know exactly how you feel.
Surely, it is an established fact that the sole purpose of the E U is to create a one world government, which would be total hell on earth….
That’s what I believe Vernon. They used pedophiles like Ted Heath to sell Europe to us with a pack of lies.
The eu is run by a group of total cu9ts!!