The Real Truth Behind Donald Trump’s 9/11 Comments.

Let me get one thing straight – people like Donald Trump make me sick & it’s mainly because I’m totally opposed to the idea of anyone having in excess of $100 million! When 25,000 people a day are starving to death how can it be right that there are so many billionaires & even some trillionaires? It’s obscene & it’s wrong & if you don’t think so then there’s something seriously wrong with you!
And you can believe what you like but this has nothing to do with jealousy. I’ve the distinct displeasure of meeting several multi-millionaires & a few billionaires & ALL THEY WANT IS MORE! The greediest people I know are those with the most money & all of them to a fault have a monstrous ego yet their huge bank balance was achieved almost entirely from ill-gotten gains. I’ve not met a millionaire that isn’t an out-&-out crook yet they all think they’re 100% legit!
And Trump is no exception. Just listening to him makes me ill but…….. when I heard the great Luke Radkowski on this video clip from WeAreChange it took me two seconds to think I’ll take Trump over any of the rest of that garbage. Good on him for digging out Jeb Bush on 9/11 because what that piece of shit did trying to take credit for keeping America safe when he was one of the actual architects of 9/11 is just too much to bear.
they Work for and accuamalate that kinda money it is theirs and rightly so
That’s just it – they accumulate but they don’t work for it! They’re all crooks Norma. Our system is designed to allow 99.9% of major fraudsters to escape justice. Once you steal enough money, everyone has a price.
I don’t know if you know what a pyramid scheme is but they are against the law for anyone except the Ruling Class. Overthrowing them is the only solution.
Asking if I know what a pyramid scheme is? Obviously I haven’t made a good impression.
I wouldn’t call Trump a 9/11 Truther just because he used it as proof that Bush didn’t keep the country safe. That’s a neutral statement compared with accusing George Bush and Jebby boy of collusion with the perpetrators including their father and brother and cousins. Trump is a Vulture Capitalist who has no problem with USURY or the OLIGARCHY. Chaney, Rumsfeld, and the others from the Project for the New American Century are good ones to begin the interrogations with. Promise to spare their lives and they will sing like canaries.
Well what can I say except I would agree with every word you said. Excellent comment.
they Work for and accuamalate that kinda money it is theirs and rightly so
If you aren’t at least a billionaire you have no idea of what you just said. If you are a billionaire I would expect that from you.
And I most wholeheartedly go along with that too George.