This post is all down to my buddy John Miranda. His message – No Zionist stooge puts out that tweet. JM sure has a point.

After all the grief that’s occurred by merely stating I’d rather have Bernie the bolt than another Clinton or Bush, I hardly yearned for another rendition of brain damage. However, my good buddy John Miranda told me everyone in America is attacking Donald Trump, most especially the Zionist run media. Check out the video clip….







Well, though I’ve never been a fan, I will say as unqualified as I am to voice an opinion either way I can put my hand on my heart & say, if CNN are in panic mode over Trump joining the fray, THEN THAT’S DAMN GOOD NEWS. Also…… even though I know who is really in control in America, may I say I’d rather have the DONALD than another Clinton or Bush?……… That okay?



Trump the Vaccine


  • John Miranda

    Aside from the tweet Trump put out on vaccines, he has also come out against the TPP, and is the only candidate speaking truthfully about problems with our OPEN border with Mexico and the crimes being committed in the USA by illegal aliens.

    He is without question the candidate I could consider voting for.

    John Miranda

    • All good John but for me the kicker is the fact CNN is giving him such a hard time. That’s GOT TO BE GOOD NEWS. Anyone can say anything when the job’s all about trying to win an election

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