US Presidential Candidate Merlin Miller says, “Israel Did 911; Zionists Control US Politics.”

If they can ignore a presidential candidate, what can’t the media do? I believe everything Merlin Miller says in this video is 100% correct. If one could present all the evidence in a court of law where Zionists could not exert outside pressure, each & every point Miller raises would be an open & shut case. No wonder I’ve never heard his name mentioned. Check out this video & while you’re at it give PressTV a LIKE….
But this is not why I’m posting this video. I’ve posted many others that have said much the same thing. No. The reason I am because here is a man who threw his hat in the ring for the 2012 Presidential race & I NEVER HEARD HIS NAME MENTIONED ONCE! Now considering I was as involved as I could be singing Ron Paul’s praises I find that rather unsettling because I too must be falling foul of the very thing I’m forever reminding people of –
the power of the media is not so much in their ability to lie but in their ability to kill a story. Silence is indeed golden!
Just to give you some idea how media silence is such an effective tool – I’m yet to meet anyone in Europe who’s heard of Ron Paul. How can that possibly be? Because mainstream media never mentioned his name once! This reminds me of a brilliant line Gilad Atzmon came out with on ‘Sputnik’ George Galloway’s show on RT –
I’ve been reading your comments for some time however you lost me when you stated you agreed with 100% of Millers propositions.
Now you can watch FOX, ABC, CNN and all the others!
Comforting isn’t it? You keep you eyes watching hypnotized and they’ll make you be very attentive and will never, never fill lost again.
Than you go and vote democrat or republican.
Yippee! Yippee!
It’s been like this for more than a century!
Thank you Ana – I couldn’t have answered Eddie better myself. As it happens what did you disagree with Eddie. You tell me & I will PROVE to you Miller is 100% correct!
Pin my tail and call me a doenyk, that really helped.
I wish I knew what a ‘doenyk’ is!
“It’s a difficult problem to overcome”
Nail on the head. But at least there are people trying.
Doing nothing gets nothing done.
Exactly right Simon. All we have to overcome is the silence of the media
Nor only the silence but the manipulation as well Michael
Yes indeed 0 the whole package Robin
Pingback: US Presidential Candidate Merlin Miller says, “Israel Did 911; Zionists Control US Politics.” | Tales from Genie and Lou
Thanks Pingback – nice presentation
Hi Michael,
Such a shame that he had zero chance, as you say 100%accurate and truthful, if only he had a few billion dollars!
If he did they’d have killed him long ago.
The Achilles heel of the cabal is the real truth about 9-11.
Surely, there is some county in these 50 States which can gather 25 people to sit on a “citizens grand jury’, consider evidence and issue indicements/subpoenas. See the proposed structure for achieving justice for 9-11 here:
Indict, arrest, interrogate, and bring to trial … does truth serum work on inveterate liars?
I think you make a great point Dr. Ed. Trouble is the Zionists have got the bases covered because they can switch the media off whenever they need to.
Thank you, Michael, for presenting this. It is a tough hill to climb, but we are making progress, awakening many to the difficult truths. We have recently formed a new political party, and I’m finalizing a book, “Eagles Are Gathering”. The book will be a hyrid of my personal journey down rabbit holes, with a comprehensively detailing of needed political correctives. Keep the faith, and keep up the great work! Merlin
Believe me Merlin, I couldn’t post it quick enough. I feel the one thing that over-rides all else, most especially in America, is for people to step up to the plate & flat out say US foreign policy is actually Israeli foreign policy. None of this is in America’s interests & until the ungodly Zionist influence is exposed & dealt with I cannot see America recovering. Wish you all the very best with the new AmericanEagleParty & the book “Eagles Are Gathering.” I sincerely hope they are!
Because loosy and psychopat people as you, America is declining and becoming the third world state..