What you need to know about BILL GATES

With a net worth around a staggering $81 billion, you’d be right to think it’s daft even considering what can’t Bill Gates do? Well I may have no evidence but I can promise you – he’s got to do exactly what he’s told. Same with people like Zuckerberg. Believe it or not, once a multi-billionaire you’re part of the club whether you like it or not & my feeling is Bill Gates never had any wish to be part of the New World Order. He had no choice. This is the power of the Rothschild banking dynasty.
Gates can’t so much as look boss-eyed at the Rothschild’s. You see if he gets hold of another $919 billion he’d be lucky to have 1/300th of what the Rothschild’s own & control. That amounts to a whole load of Presidents, Prime Ministers, Royalty, Dictators, the media, most of the printing presses for the world’s currencies, a massive stake in all the major industries of the world, most of the Gold, Diamonds, Wall Street, Main Street, Civvy Street, you name whatever bloody street – they’ve got it!
That’s why I’m prepared to give Gates the benefit of the doubt because I’m sure all this vaccination bullshit & the rest of the garbage was hardly his dream. Imagine, he devotes his life to something so innovative & he absolutely cracks it, becomes a multi billionaire only to want to commit mass-murder? I don’t believe it for a minute. For the world it seems evil forces are at work here…… & we know they exist!
I’m aware too that if I ever cracked it, I wouldn’t be allowed to start fixing the world. They’d find a way to iron me out. Princess Di wanted to rid the world of land mines & it proved to be the most successful campaign in history. Well, you can be sure she had other projects. Think what would happen if a multi-billionaire said ‘right. I’m going to rid the world of starvation & disease.’ They don’t want any wise guys. Thanks to WeAreChange’s Luke Rudkowski for the video.
Murder is what they specialize in Butch!
Why can six billion people not overthrow 1%…?
Because a large portion of that 6 billion would rather watch TV and eat Maccy D’s.
Good point Ed.
Because Eva they’ve got most of the money, power & influence & we’re not organised! Plus the fact we are the only species that is aware of our own life expectancy. Therefore most of us don’t give a damn about anything else except what directly affects them.
Correct me if I am wrong BUT Gates grew up in a family steeped in EUGENICS.
Sure……..he does not want to kill anyone or prevent them from having a child……or , or, or,……….
Some of you idiots writing these articles need to het your heads out of your stupid arses and understand how money and the power it brings leads to absolute corruption.
imho Gates is an SOB who finds the great bulk of humanity to benothing but scavenging ants who like to eat his products………
Phukk him
I know exactly what his family was involved in. I stand by everything I say. Instead of being so downright rude why don’t you read the piece. You may realise the purpose was to show that even people like Gates have no power when it comes to the Rothschilds.