William Kristol is terrified – Trump could try 9/11 perpetrators

Here is one of the main terrorists behind 9/11. I believe he’s a founder of the PNAC group. I think he also was way too quick to blame Muslims for the attacks. I think the death sentence, while deserved, is simply too good for this vermin. Here’s a man that deserves torture for he’s directly responsible for pain & suffering on a scale scarcely imaginable. If there was a book which listed 100 of the most despicable specimens to have disgraced this planet, this piece of shit would most definitely be in it!
Thanks to Jonathan Kiner & Press TV for this report but most especially to Dr Kevin Barrett who I’m proud to say is a FB friend. He always does a great job & here he pulls out all the stops. I bow to thee sir.
How I ever got dragged into this social media lark I’ll never know. Long before I ever sat by a computer I was well aware Mark Twain hit the nail on the head when he said –
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.”
This is why I never wanted to get involved trying to wise people up. I always found when I made a brave prediction & was proved right, no one ever wanted to acknowledge it. Yet even though 80% of the time I was proved right, when it came to the one instant out of 5 where my prediction went arse about face, all of a sudden, it was like all the Amnesiacs under the sun came out the wood-work! From a very young age I realised, humans had serious issues!
Then from 1986-90 I went to Geneva to work for my Uncle & there I would discover a strange anomaly. Cut a long story short, my uncle tended to mix with millionaires & billionaires. However, for me, those who have lumps coming out of every orifice simply signifies they’ve either inherited a fortune, they know how to exploit people or they’re good & lucky crooks. Most people would keep their mouth shut in such company. For me, that’s impossible. I simply had to show I knew more than these guys could ever know.
Small wonder, after a while, these people were suddenly interested in what I had to say. They really listened & these were the very wealthiest mo-fo’s! Of course, at the time, being a proper twat, I never realised – these people were picking my brains. Of course if my predictions fell flat on their face, someone sooner or later would have told my Uncle that I’ve got a big mouth & nothing much to go with it! The thing is, none of them did that. In fact, when I spoke I had their undivided attention. And there was me thinking I was so clever! It was only when my Uncle told me –
“You’re the brains of the family but you’re a complete & utter idiot!”
Naturally I said, isn’t that somewhat of a paradox? My Uncle said ‘paradox, maradox, what the bloody hell’s that?’ PAUSE…… He said ‘you know what the most important word in the world is?’…… ‘Money’, I retorted. He shook his head. I pondered – ‘sex. Gotta be.’ He shook his head again. I shrugged my shoulders. He said – ‘INFORMATION……. & you like a fool can’t wait to give it for nothing.’……. Talk about the penny dropping!
And you know what? Even though I know this I still have this insatiable urge to show people that I’m right. I know it’s a thankless task; I don’t do it for money. In fact I find I’d much rather be with my cats or the company of dogs & animals than humans. If my friend hadn’t pushed me to do this 4 years ago, I wouldn’t be here & I’ve already let it be known I’m struggling like hell just to carry on. Why?
More of the excellent Dr Kevin Barrett Press TV interview –