With Racism the Media plays the role of the conductor

This is one topic I don’t like taking on, not because it’s any more difficult to put together but because the closer one delves toward subject matters like Religion & Nationalism, the more one has to confront people’s emotions. The fact is with any concept there arrives a point where one’s conviction in a belief transcends logic. Once at this stage no one can say anything to convince you otherwise. Your belief becomes unyielding, religious-like. Racism is a click below Religion & therefore it remains a hard task opening people’s minds. As the great Frank Zappa once said –

Anyway, on Saturday I watched BBC’s flagship soccer show ‘Match of the Day’. Now I watched the first game. All seemed well & then at the end of the summary Gary Lineker mentioned there was an incident involving racism. Before that I had no idea there was any grief in the match. Next to Lineker was Ian Wright. This was no surprise because whenever racism in soccer is mentioned Ian Wright is there like a bear! Now I want to make one thing absolutely clear. I like the man. I liked him as a player. I love his heart & he’s a decent guy. Most importantly, both him & me would love to banish racism altogether. What he doesn’t realise is each time he brings up racism, all he’s doing is playing into the hands of the greatest racists on the planet.
Most people know working for the BBC is highly lucrative. Lineker for instance receives well in excess of a million pounds a year presenting the show. His sidekicks don’t earn such lumps but don’t feel too sorry for them. They are also extremely well paid. What people perhaps aren’t cognizant of is once on the BBC payroll, one has to do precisely what one’s told. The only rocking boat is the one they’re instructed to wobble. That’s why they’re so well paid. The point is the question of racism is not placed on the agenda by Lineker or Wright but by their bosses. I’d like to believe Lineker & Wright are aware the BBC is a Zionist run corporation. However, I’m not so sure whether they’re aware of the ulterior motives that lurk in the Beeb’s back offices.

In a recent article I tried to highlight how an integral role of corporate media is to continuously drive wedges between various races, religions, color & creed. The very last thing the true power-brokers want is unity among ordinary folk. Divide & Conquer is not just a Zionist motto; more a way of life. It’s a means to distract us from real issues. Handy too how these divide & conquer merchants are able to plonk their moral high hats on so uninitiated folk are fooled into thinking they actually care about racism. What they don’t register – the only thing that happens is we’re left to squabble amongst ourselves with what can only be described as meaningless debate.
This is why media barons can’t wait to highlight racism in Soccer & the BBC’s flagship show ‘Match of the Day’ is the perfect launch pad. What Ian Wright fails to grasp is the MEDIA NEVER ACTS! PUBLICITY FOLLOWED BY ZERO ACTION! How else has racism reared it’s ugly head in Soccer for over 50 years? IT’S BEEN ALLOWED TO! They want it to continue. Surely, if the media applied serious concerted pressure on politicians & football club owners, something positive would have emerged long ago. No. The media’s role is to create racism because that’s what the elite want & talking about it only serves to divide us further. Will the penny ever drop Mr. Wright? I’m hardly optimistic. People don’t think clearly when emotive issues are at hand. Your bosses know that only too well. That’s why they have you there sir.

Just for the record how would I tackle racism? Isn’t it the case all too often people moan & complain but when it comes to offering solutions it all goes quiet on the Western Front! That’s not the way I play. You see what angers me more than anything is the fact I know there’s a way of beating this scourge of mankind. The problem for most people is THEY DON’T REALISE THEY’RE BEING FOOLED, in other words all of the above. This is what one has to grasp. Once you do the solution stares you in the face. So before I tell you the simple way to stamp out racism here Mossad’s motto – by way of deception, thou shalt do war.

So how do we fix this problem? Easy. DO THE EXACT REVERSE! Never highlight it on TV or radio. If & when it does occur, commentators should merely refer to these people as mindless individuals. Make a point of feeling sorry for these poor souls. What a terrible thing to be so willing to display open hatred to fellow humans, to people they don’t even know, just because their skin is a different color than theirs. That’s sad. How stupid can one be?
However, behind closed doors let every football club know there will be zero tolerance for racism. Every club has to make it absolutely clear to their fans – any transgression will result in a life ban. If & when this occurs, the guilty party under no circumstances can receive any publicity. Instruct the same in schools. Tell parents there will be zero tolerance for racism. I guarantee, if this course of action is followed, racism would soon become old news. I can actually go on & on listing examples of how the hierarchy & their media whores are doing all they can to divide us but enough already.

Excellent piece as always Michael, made so much sense.
Why thank you Judith. Sadly I’m banned on FB. About another week to go.
I agree 100%. The solutions are easy, but people have to see the problem first. That is the hard part. They get so caught up in the blame and punishment aspect, they miss 2 things
1. Fix it.
2. Don’t let it happen again
The MSM Corporate media has got to be one of the most detrimental & destructive mechanisms on Earth. Playing the peeps like a fiddle.
Yes indeed Fredi. I’ve always believed if it was down to just ordinary folk there would be no racism. This is why I always keep saying the media is the most contemptible institution ever.
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Thanks CB
Brilliant piece! Sorry about the ban, it was worth it ♥
Thank you so much Carol.
The Queen is a mere Monarch who reigns but hardly rules.
You couldn’t say anything so nice about the Jew Rothschild
banksters, the true ruling Emperors of the world and
the virtual Gauleiters of the little Britain.
So true CB. Royalty is like Religion – a tool to brainwash the masses.