The bad news: UK Parliament rejects debate on Benjamin Netanyahu. The good news: Iceland bans all Israeli products.

I was livid when John Miranda sent me this last night. Needless to say I slept all of two hours. I don’t know if this is true. I wouldn’t believe anything the Jewish Chronicle says but what I’m more aware of than most people is the ungodly power of Zionists. They haven’t just got their fingers in every bowl; they decide what goes down WHENEVER IT’S THEIR CONCERN! So next time any idiot wants to make a comment on my website mocking the fact I believe our democracy has been totally corrupted by Zionists, they better explain to me how the goalposts once again have been moved for this raving lunatic, mass-murderer Netanyahu.
The rule was when a UK petition receives 100,000 signatures Parliament is obliged to debate the issue. By the way, Parliament had NOTHING to do with this decision – IT WAS ALL CAMERON. He was told, probably by Netanyahu. this debate cannot happen. Now we know why the media will never so much as mention how rules don’t apply when Israel is concerned. They’re literally allowed to commit mass-murder. However, if this is the case, everyone who signed that petition should send an email to their MP demanding that unless this decision reversed so that protocol is followed, in the next election you will be voting for someone else! For sure, we should not let this matter drop.
Now the good news –,7340,L-4701022,00.html
What can you say about this country ICELAND. They were the only country to arrest the vermin we call bankers. They were the only country not to bail out the banks. As a result they are one of the few countries that are doing just fine. Of course the media blanked the story like the plague. They’ll probably do the same with this one for the last thing the Zionists want to publicise is a country has decided to ban all of Israel’s products. Of course, this is what every country should do because ISRAEL DESERVES THIS! They are a blight on mankind itself. There is no country on the planet that displays such a wanton disregard for international law & there most certainly is no country that is anywhere near as openly racist as the Israelis are. Soon after the banking fiasco I wrote a piece that I cannot find for love or money entitled I LOVE THE ICELANDERS! WELL, I BLOODY WELL DO!
Just who do they think they are ?????
The Zionists can’t kill everyone & you better believe one thing – the only people that indulge in this sort of skulduggery are Zionists because they’re the only people the media will cover up for. That’s why they get away with it all the time. If they aren’t able to cheat in the next election they’d love to pull off yet another false flag operation, once again blaming it all on fanatical Muslims. You can be sure these are options they are considering. The one problem is that more people than ever are aware this could indeed happen. The trouble is whether enough of us realise who is REALLY behind it. This is why it is imperative we call out the Zionists. They have already made it obvious. We know who owns not just the media but Cameron & Blair too. They’re all in the pockets of the Zionists. I think it’s scandalous how a group that doesn’t represent 1% of the UK’s population can exert such ungodly influence. In my opinion, Corbyn should tell them to get stuffed. He represents the people of this country – not Israel for crying out loud!
Indeed Iceland is an example for the entire world. The bankers can indeed be thrown out & Israel can be boycotted. #BDS
That’s right John & it would solve so many problems if more countries followed Iceland’s lead.
I’m moving to Iceland
That thought has crossed my mind too Linda.
Me three!
And not a word about Iceland in the media.