A Rothschild Speaks – Listen Closely

I’m not sure if the devil’s in the detail. I’m inclined to believe if you want to see the devil himself all you have to do is look at this guy! I’m amazed as he speaks the interviewer isn’t over-powered by an acidic gaseous compound. As if he’s going to say anything that he doesn’t want! Thanks to Ted Duggan for this…..
And speaking of the Rothschild’s who can ever forget what I believe is David Icke’s finest performance which I posted back in Aug 6 2015 –
USA is run by Israel. David Icke’s Best Presentation Ever – The Elephant in the Living Room –
USA is run by Israel. David Icke’s Best Presentation Ever – The Elephant in the Living Room
WRITER BIO: Michael Aydinian is a political analyst, a freelance writer and a severe critic of corporate media. He is currently living in the UK.
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