Tag Archives: Media bias

Here we go again. The Zionist controlled media ignores countless, flagrant violations of human rights, land theft & war crimes committed on an ongoing basis by Israel yet say anything that portrays Israel in a bad light, the floodgates open

Sort of two posts in one here but the subject matter or should I say the point I’m hoping to make involves both posts. Basically, the anomaly I wish to highlight in part 1, in my opinion, paves the way for the kind of garbage we regularly see in part 2. This is the crux of the problem. The reason

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Trump & Corbyn couldn’t be more poles apart yet the media hates both. WHY?

For me, there’s only one criteria for judging who I’d prefer to see as US President – the more the media demonise a candidate, the more I want that person elected. What can’t people understand about this? I’ve spelled it out a million times! What we have to choose from is a heap of shit so steaming with stench, forget

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