Author Archives: Michael Aydinian
10 great captions – why we should never, ever give up!
How ironic. Merely imagining such a thing is anti-Semetic. In the meantime, their goal is to achieve the exact reverse

The irony of it. It’s all true. There are no ifs & buts about this yet I wouldn’t say the caption’s perfect. There’s the Lavon affair, the JFK assassination, the attack on the USS Liberty & the downing of Malaysian flight MH17 – they all qualify with distinction…….. yet if you’re the messenger you better either disappear sharpish or shout
» Read moreMore Evidence of Israel’s Dirty Role in the Syrian Proxy War

On RT today an Iraqi government minister was interviewed on Sophie & Co. The main talking point was ISIS. This guy huffed & puffed for goodness knows how long. When Sophie S. tried prompting him, he barely managed to bring himself to say ‘if we could just cut off their funding’…….. This twat’s country has been reduced to rubble; the
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Considering FB’s supposed to promote social interaction, how annoying is it having so many people wanting to see your posts, yet so few actually do… and the problem’s getting worse. I felt like throwing the towel in only to receive comments & messages telling me not to. That way, they win! Many said I should have my own blog for
» Read moreRe my previous post featuring ARUNDHATI ROY
In my previous post featuring Arundhati Roy, an interesting & poignant comment appeared in the group ‘Practical Lawful Dissent’ from David Hands – “The Corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they’re selling………….. he said, on a Corporate built computer, using a Corporate Operating System, via a Corporation owned internet connection. I admire the sentiment, but think you’ll find it
It’s very simple – organisation was the way forward but the public servants entrusted with the responsibility of government, that we employed, for some reason or another, were simply, literally allowed to succumb to bribery! When anyone complained some idiot would always say “aaahh it’s always been like this!” So, whoever had big money effectively was able to incur political favors. As Chomsky
» Read moreIf those calling the shots in the US are not deliberately trying to incite riots I’m a Chinaman
What kind of a judge has the brains of a rocking horse? You can be sure if one of his relatives was mowed down by some brainless thug masquerading as a police officer, he’d be screaming blue murder! Incidentally, is anyone ever going to mention that this spike in indiscriminate slaying of unarmed US civilians coincided with the decision to
» Read moreIsrael’s War Minister Declares – Let’s Nuke Iran while Zionists are Demanding the Criminalisation of anti-Semitism. This is not Hypocrisy; This is Madness!
Unless you can somehow make sense of the fact those who despise criticism to the point of demanding its criminalisation, openly declare ‘let’s nuke Iran’ I submit these people are raving lunatics! Compounding the matter further still, I can’t help but feel there’s little more Israel could do if their aim was to create anti-Semitism! Ultimately, if we fail to
» Read moreIn his inaugural speech Obama shone. The light is now well & truly extinguished

I’ll never forget that speech. I know he promised so much & delivered bugger all but that speech was brillant. Now Obama cuts a pathetic, embarrassing figure. When I saw this article I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry – Obama says his Israeli support on par with black civil rights……… Hmmn. This doesn’t quite make sense – If his support
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