Author Archives: Michael Aydinian
Talk about front – to moan about hate speech while proudly declaring ‘let’s nuke Iran?’ How hateful is that?
To even suggest such a heinous act! Yet here’s the Israeli Foreign Minister calling for an indiscriminate nuclear strike on a country that’s done nothing to Israel! Where the hell is the goddamn worldwide condemnation? Where are toe-rag politicians Cameron & Harper who forever lick Israel’s putrid arse? How can it be possible that Americans aren’t being informed of this? No one saying
» Read moreComparing Criticism with Hate Speech is Tantamount to Saying Chalk is Cheese

Yesterday I made a pig’s ear trying to post my latest article –
» Read moreObama’s Role Model To Journalists — Dorothy Thompson — Turned Against Zionism And Was Silenced
I thought this was a really interesting article – Even though she was named the second most popular & influential woman in America behind Eleanor Roosevelt & could have actually run for President in 1948, I’d never heard of famed journalist & pro Zionist Dorothy Thompson. Of course there’s a perfectly good reason why today she is virtually unknown &
» Read moreGiordano Bruno – Burnt at the Stake for Heresy
It’s sure is a sad indictment of the human race that many great minds met such a tragic demise. We may have progressed somewhat; nowhere near enough in my opinion, what with media whores masquerading as journalists knowing full well the public is constantly being fed a diet of lies? Ask yourself – how can it bode well for us
» Read moreComparing Criticism with Hate Speech is Tantamount to Saying Chalk is Cheese Here’s my latest rant which came about because of an article I read about how the Israelis are planning to stifle wholly justifiable criticism by calling it anti-Semitic hate speech. Apart from the undeniable fact freedom of speech is & should remain sacrosanct, my take on this is perfectly straightforward for it provides the Israelis an out which would
» Read moreBrandon Martinez on Red Ice Radio – The Creation of Israel
Pre Internet, I never fully understood how History, especially since 1900, has effectively been one massive, ongoing soap opera. Throughout this time some of the wealthiest, most powerful people have actually been responsible for fashioning history for their own purposes. In order to do this, controlling what we read & heard was essential. In fact such has been their success,
» Read moreTo Kill Even More…

Today RT had a great report about how the British people came out in force against Blair’s quest for war in Iraq. No surprise the media largely ignored this massive protest for peace for I can place my hand on my heart & say if there were no dual national Zionists in America, there would have been no Iraq war.
» Read moreHarper selling his fellow Canadians down the river

Watch this video on YouTube Bad enough Canada’s Prime Minister Harper unconditionally supports the rogue state of Israel. I mean how can any leader in their right mind support a mass-murdering maniac like Benjamin Netanyahu? There’s no greater liar on the planet; it’s debatable whether anyone is more evil & if the unthinkable does occur, odds are Netanyahu will
» Read moreHow dare we stop aid ships reaching war-torn regions…

We have the Iranians trying to get desperately needed aid into Yemen the poorest Arab nation. We have the Saudis, the richest Arab nation doing everything to stop aid getting through. Even though Yemen has done nothing to incur the wrath of Saudi Arabia, it seems for the world the Saudis have every right to bomb the smithereens out of
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