Author Archives: Michael Aydinian

FB censorship & fraud

Aaahh Facebook. So annoying! Here is a site where the fundamental principle for it’s creation is to encourage social interaction. What a great idea. But to have come full circle where they’re now hindering interaction? It’s so sad for not only did FB prove to be an extraordinary success but the working mechanism couldn’t have been thought out better. In

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TRUMP: Death penalty for anyone who’s deemed anti-Semitic! Think I’m joking?

I knew we’d get here because for decades I’ve been aware of what occurred in the Bolshevic Revolution in 1917. Go back 100 years to the Congress of Vienna. Here all significant leaders from European & Asian states gathered. Unbenown to many, this assembly was a harbinger, the first steps toward establishing a New World Order. In anticipation Nathan Rothschild

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The Fallacy of Human Rights

I received an interesting comment on my last post on the Illuminati by a chap named Duke. He said – Peace be with the reader.The idea of human rights is flawed.In reality human rights are special privileges granted to those who conform to the corrupt world system. My response – You’re right. I’m not sure why I’ve always equated human

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