Brexit: Vote Remain Exploits Jo Cox Murder. The MSM lie again…..

First of all, thanks ever so much to Colin Brett Roebuck for this video & the link regarding what the husband of Jo Cox thinks of the mainstream media. Secondly, because I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t like saying ‘I TOLD YOU SO’ I’m going to repeat this one more time because until it sinks in, none of you

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The tragic murder of Jo Cox: If you’re going to blame anyone, blame the media for inciting hatred

There is a fine line between having the ability to smell a rat & jumping to conclusions. That’s not to say I don’t on occasions take the bull by the horns. Within 30 minutes of Malaysian flight MH17 being shot down in Ukraine, I was prepared to state categorically this in all likelihood was a Zionist terrorist attack. I outlined

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Maidan thugs are at it again at the Euro Championship but the Zionist media neglects to show what’s really happening

They did it in Maidan; they’re doing it again. The aim is to vilify Russia. The media then duly kick in as they do. For once it wasn’t English hooligans – IT WAS THE RUSSIANS! Do me a favor. I thought I’d wait. Yesterday night Marilyn Wisbey was the first & so far the only person who spotted this. For

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Petition: Use 3 separate independent organisations to count the EU referendum votes

“This is one of the most important things we’ll ever get to vote on. The outcome of this EU referendum will shape the future of the British public forever and it’s vitally important that the outcome is democratically the right/correct one. We’d like 3 independent vote counting organisations to count the in/out votes, to ensure transparency and satisfaction for the British

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A proper update on the Orlando shooting

It seems getting people to realise these alleged terror attacks are actually false flags events organised by the true & as yet unpunished conspirators behind 9/11 is infinitely harder than convincing people 9/11 was an inside job. Not surprising for 9/11 by it’s sheer magnitude set itself apart. But with so much happening that day, with so many eye-witnesses &

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Orlando: 50 dead in gay nightclub shooting

Just a quick note – the very fact the BBC said the Islamic state ALSO claimed responsibility for this attack after they said Omar Mateen, of Afghan origin was the alleged shooter means the lies have started in earnest! So which one was it? Omar Mateen or Islamic state? Apparently this guy phoned the Police to say he’s an Islamic terrorist

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The Dollar Vigilante – Bilderberg, media silence, Treason & hell in Aleppo

Thanks to Tony Crane for this 7 minute clip. What’s significant here is how alternative media is being harassed & threatened by Police who are perfectly happy to behave like thugs. How can this be? WE PAY THEIR WAGES! SINCE WHEN WERE POLICE USED AS BOUNCERS SO THAT THE GREATEST CROOKS ON THE PLANET CAN PLAN THEIR EVIL DEEDS? The

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History they don’t teach you in school

As much as I’d like to, the only reason I don’t make more video clips is because I believe in the saying ‘stick to what you’re good at.’ For me, that’s putting pen to paper & assembling decent posts. What keeps me going is the fact almost from the jump I’ve had to bear the brunt of diabolical censorship. It

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The Greatest theft in Human History

This cartoon is excellent because it’s no easy task explaining to people how there exists a hidden tier of power which transcends politics itself! Well, the shocking truth is all wars are bankers wars & the big Gumba among this lot are the Rothschilds. In 1770 Mayer Amschel Rothschild asked Adam Weishaupt to draw up plans for the creation of the Illuminati.

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‘Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up & blow away!’ Benjamin Netanyahu

Today is the 49th anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. I was asked to write a piece on short notice so I hurriedly put this together. If the truth about 9/11 ever comes to light Americans will realise they paid an almighty price because their own politicians chose to cover up this heinous act in 1967. Had Israel

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