The Creation of Terrorism & the Manufacture of Fear

Category: SpecialsPublished on Tuesday, 18 February 2014 00:09Hits: 4322 , Author: Michael Aydinian The Creation of Terrorism & the Manufacture of Fear Whatsupic — Naturally the media will publicize how we’ve arrived at the quite ludicrous situation where British & European ‘Jihadists’ are fighting alongside rebel terrorists in Syria, moreover that upon returning home there lies a distinct possibility some may

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Has SAUDI ARABIA Created A Rod for Its Own Back?

Category: SpecialPublished on Friday, 14 February 2014 01:25Hits: 2237 , Author: Michael Aydinian Has SAUDI ARABIA Created A Rod for Its Own Back? Whatsupic — It’s hard to accurately know what the current state of affairs is in Saudi Arabia. This, after all, is a domain where one family controls pretty much everything! Considering this country is the world’s largest oil

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Thank God for Whistle-Blowers

Category: SpecialsPublished on Saturday, 01 February 2014 13:11Hits: 4299 , Author: Michael Aydinian Thank God for Whistle-Blowers Whatsupic — In my last post on Facebook regarding Edward Snowden I rather brazenly said anyone who still feels he’s controlled opposition should unfriend me! Hardly etiquette but then I never said I was perfect! I’ve simply had enough of this nonsense! Whistle-blowers, first

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If You Own Television in Britain You Have to Pay BBC

Category: Life & Culture Published on Wednesday, 15 January 2014 03:25Hits: 2507 , Author: Michael Aydinian If You Own Television in Britain You Have to Pay BBC (Whatsupic) — The concept of needing a license to watch television is probably pretty bizarre to anyone outside the UK but it is, unfortunately, a cold hard fact here.   In his Spectator column last year, Charles

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Ukraine, the EU & Western Skulduggery

Category: News & PoliticsPublished on Monday, 16 December 2013 07:12Hits: 932 , Author: Michael Aydinian Ukraine, the EU & Western Skulduggery (Whatsupic By Michael Aydinian) — I must admit, I’m hardly an expert about the current shenanigans occurring in the Ukraine. Being restricted pretty much to what the mainstream media (MSM) tells us, whatever talent I may have is strictly limited to

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Democracy is Good for Syria, but NOT for Bahrain

Category: News & Politics Published on Sunday, 15 December 2013 07:05Hits: 1484 , Author: Michael Aydinian Democracy is Good for Syria, but NOT for Bahrain (Whatsupic By Michael Aydinian) — With Syria key questions are avoided like the plague! How for instance did these ‘rebels’ appear out of nowhere, on cue, to begin destabilizing President Assad government? Murmurings of discontent mainly

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The Real Threat for Global Peace is Israel NOT Iran

Category: WORLD U-report/Politics Published on Thursday, 12 December 2013 03:40Hits: 780 , Author: Michael Aydinian The Real Threat for Global Peace is Israel NOT Iran (Michael Aydinian) — Do you not get the distinct impression that Israel & the US have anything but welcomed Iran’s wish for serious dialogue? Here after all is a nightmare situation which could well lead to

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America has been Taken Over from within

Category: Specials Published on Saturday, 06 July 2013 03:18Hits: 1598 , Author: Michael Aydinian America has been Taken Over from within Whatsupic — If there was one point I’d dearly love to get across to everyone, it’s the fact I believe behind almost everything occurring today, is the deceitful, manipulative hand of Zionism! Indeed almost all US policies are designed to help

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