Two key 9/11 videos – Bin Laden’s denial & Rebekah Roth’s from Cheney to Mossad.

“I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children, and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to

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US Lawmakers Quietly Advance Legislation to Penalize Boycott of Israel.

Little-noticed amendment was included in controversial Fast Track trade bill that just passed the Senate Finance Committee.        I say if this is so justified, why do this on the quiet in hurry-up mode? Thanks to William Jewell for the link.       If any country in the world deserved a world boycott, Israel would win

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The honour is not about holding office – it is about the opportunity to serve you in the fight to get a better government for our country.

I’m not just saying it but I love the way JC has got off to a flying start. Straight away he ripped into the media for their disgraceful coverage of the labor leadership contest. What so aggravates me is the media’s bias was so obvious yet NO ONE IS SAYING ANYTHING! They can do the same thing again – if

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An amazing story emerging: US military revolt against Obama’s decision to support Al Qaeda in Syria.

A military revolt against the plan of the Obama administration to launch a potentially disastrous attack against Syria is gathering pace, with two senior officers and members of scheduled services who express their vehement opposition to what the United States s ‘entangled in the conflict. The reaction began to spread on social media yesterday with many military posting pictures of

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Make no mistake – a dagger has been thrust into the heart of the elite. Finally, we have a good man as leader of a major party.

Jeremy Corbyn is leader of the Labor Party. For once the people of the UK have someone who genuinely cares for ordinary folk. I am absolutely over the moon today. I know this is only a step in the right direction but bear in mind, in the last 30 years it’s been nothing short of a massive leap in the

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14 years on: media lies continue to wreak havoc. It’s unequivocal – without the guaranteed support of Corporate media, 9/11 would never have made the drawing board.‏

FOR THE MILLIONS THAT HAVE DIED & THE UNTOLD MILLIONS WHO’VE LOST LOVED ONES!   Thanks to John Miranda for this caption –    9/11 was the mother of false flags, yet successful as it’s undoubtedly been manufacturing a war on terror out of thin air, the operation itself had so many holes in it, quite how so many

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