Santana: Don’t Endorse Occupation

Carlos – I’ve always appreciated your music. There are few things that transcend the wonder of music. At the top of the list is turning a blind eye to regimes that display a wanton disregard to international law. If you play in Israel you’re effectively condoning the most despicable behavior imaginable. What the Palestinian people are being forced to suffer

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He shouldn’t just resign, he shouldn’t just be sent to prison. Cameron is guilty of Treason!‏

Don’t get me wrong. I’m as pleased as punch pressure is finally being heaped on our Prime Minister David Cameron. However, I feel somewhat miffed it’s taken this long. Isn’t this the man responsible for burying the Pedophile & Chilcot inquiries? Isn’t this the man that on the quiet allowed our private emails & phone calls to become the property

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UK Column News 5th April

I’ve been catching up on my favorite purveyors of UK news. I thought I’d include this edition not just because they lay into Cameron but in chronological order the talking points were – HUMAN RIGHTS. THE HORRIFIC CASE OF SOUTHAMPTON SOCIAL SERVICES TAKING BABIES AWAY FROM THEIR PARENTS FOR LITERALLY NO REASON. THE PANAMA PAPERS & BBC PROPAGANDA. BUT THEN

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‘Cameron shouldn’t just resign… he should be sent to prison!’

What can I say Ken Livingstone? Well done mate. Fair play to you.  “Cameron’s government, for the last six years, has been about a small elite getting richer while the poorer get left behind. He shouldn’t just resign, he should be sent to prison.” A former mayor of London saying Cameron should be slung in jail. Too right! More of

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Debate: Israeli soldier’s shooting death of Palestinian youth

Time & again we see Israel flouting international law & nothing is ever done. As well as rendering me sick with grief & anger, to begin to list Israel’s crimes would take forever & a day. It’s bad enough seeing all the land they’ve stolen yet had this theft at least led to the Palestinians having the most basic fundamental

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Bernie, Cruz & an imbecile of the very highest order

I just want to give my two-pennies worth on what’s going on in the States. Though I’m in no doubt Bernie Sanders is hardly the answer, I’m certainly pleased & relieved he’s picked up some serious momentum. Defeating Hilary gets a huge weight off our shoulders yet I’m mystified as to why I’ve even had to spell this out. I’m

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UK Column News: Laws on the sly; IDF cold-blooded murder & subliminal brainwashing

Not that this was by any means a classic episode of UK Column news, the fact this thought even crossed my mind got me thinking. Since when was news & the truth supposed to be entertaining? It’s not. It never has been. Herein lies the problem. For most people the news is boring. How many folk truly give a damn? For

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“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear” – George Orwell

I’m sorry if this post appears rather self-indulgent. I see why some may think so but it’s not meant to be. I can assure you the last thing I want to talk about is me. This is about censorship, something which I believe isn’t just an affront to democracy, indeed our ability to think & our God given right to

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