The hidden history of the incredibly evil Khazarian mafia

Thanks to Karen Barry for sending me this amazing link. It is perfect for anyone who wants to learn the basics about the Rothschild Illuminati plan to create a New World Order. As well as some superb captions, it also contains an excellent 10 minute clip which tells how the Rothschilds managed to seize half of world’s wealth; the fact

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Unravelling the nonsense about these 28 pages

Hard as I try I can’t think of one decent thing to say about Saudi rulers. Royalty aside, there are two major reasons I feel this mob is so particularly repulsive. For a country to be so fortunate to have unbridled wealth, every citizen should have had a comfortable existence & moreover, no need for concern over what their leaders

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Israeli MP: “Burning Palestinians to death is not act of terror, period.”

This is not a question of hate or racism. What I find so worrying is this scumbag MP said this because he knows only too well – many Israelis actually feel this is what they’d like to do. They should be allowed to burn Palestinians to death! It goes without saying anyone who thinks so has to be deranged but how

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Porn goes; Death threats go; Islamophobia goes. Criticism of Israel & Zionists doesn’t! Herein lie FB’s censorship guidelines

Sorry folks. FB has banned me from posting into groups yet again so I may as well take a break till the ban ends on Thursday. Even then, I’m not holding out much hope that my FB account will remain open for too much longer. I’d like to add I couldn’t have done more to avoid being reported. I simply write

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The Shah of Iran: Some home truths from him & some about him

Okay, the Shah told the truth here however, let’s not forget he was never elected by the Iranian people. To all intents & purposes he actually served Israel’s interests because he was given absolute power by the US & UK & as a result, Iran & its people suffered under his rule. In the early 50’s the leader of the

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Putin Q & A on RT. Obama’s Legacy – you’ve got to be kidding me!

I listened with interest today to Putin’s Questions & Answers show on RT. Love him or hate him, you’ve got to hand it to this guy. Every month sitting there for 4 hours or so while people all over the country unload. They say what they think & ask what they want! Refreshing……. yet I feel no reason to praise

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UK Column News April 12: Who’s really calling the shots

The moment I heard Cameron had allowed our phone calls & emails to become the property of the NSA, even though, from the word go, I’ve never been in any doubt this UK Prime Minister is a traitor who answers to Zionist war-mongering bankers, I was nevertheless stunned. My shock soon turned to fury! Why? Everywhere I looked, it all but

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Bullhorns Incorruptible: RT’s CrossTalk 11 April

Yesterday’s edition of RT’s CrossTalk was superb featuring three fine guests – Mark Sleboda, Stephen Ebert & Patrick Henningsen. I was particularly pleased they made a mockery of the way mainstream media has all but specialised in ignoring news item after news item, which in normal circumstances would be nothing short of ground-breaking.     “Where was the journalistic vigor; where was

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