Frank De Martini: the 9/11 video every American should have seen.

WHAT KIND OF INVESTIGATION INTO 9/11 DOES NOT INCLUDE THIS VIDEO? ANSWER – ONE THAT’S NOT WORTH A BAR OF SOAP! This interview alone is virtually proof that not only was 9/11 an inside job but it clearly shows the complicity of the Zionist controlled media. Yet some idiot yesterday in an article referred to me as a conspiracy theorist.

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This was no chemical fire, this was China’s 9/11 – Tianjin was Nuked!

Some weeks ago a video of a seriously high-powered explosion in Yemen made the rounds. I decided against posting it because most people were describing this monstrosity as a nuclear explosion. Now quite why anyone is bombing this poor Arab nation which has never invaded anyone is indeed a moot point. Our contemptible media & our bent politicians have yet to

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9/11 Finale – How best to convince people 9/11 was an inside job.

I made this video mainly because I felt there were two major problems with the 9/11 Truther movement. Firstly, instead of concentrating on the mountains of evidence, indeed proof, various movements quarreled among themselves over detail. Secondly, way too many Truthers fell for the lies of people like Dr.Judy Wood. As a result, instead of channeling our efforts to get

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God is on Israel’s side, but not the United States, says Israel’s new U.N. ambassador.

The new Israeli ambassador to the United Nations believes that Israel has God on its side but not the United States. In fact, U.S. policy has cost Israel “thousands of young lives. REALLY NOW? Here’s the egg! It seems to be we have a tumor so large in Israel, each up-&-coming politician has to be even more crazy than the

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Noam Chomsky: Israeli Apartheid ‘Much Worse’ Than South Africa.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Facebook & indeed the person who saw fit to report me, for helping the cause of the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions movement! Confused? Well this is what they’ve inadvertently done by banning me from posting or commenting on FB for a week because now I’m going to make the BDS movement my

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False flag Confirmed – Alison’s BF Sends TWEET 12 MINUTES before Shot.

Incredible. Whether it is or not I never thought there’d be another WTC7/BBC moment all over again but like Mr. Vose in the video says – if you can explain this, then I’m all ears. Thanks to Emma Earle for this rather intriguing clip.   This is for the benefit of those new to my website. When Michael Brown was mercilessly mowed down,

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If ever the Zionists wanted the Tories to remain in office, make no mistake – the 3 candidates opposed to Jeremy Corbyn are perfect!

Don’t get me wrong – I never gave a damn about either party but Jeremy Corbyn has been a breath of fresh air. When the BBC declared he had a whopping 57% of the vote, honestly, the first thing that entered my mind was “man. The Zionists are going to have their work cut out with this one!” Of course

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