Gary Lineker hounded after retweeting video of Israeli soldiers locking Palestinian children in cage

Well done Gary Lineker for having the balls to say, seeing the IDF cage young Palestinian boys was ‘sickening’. If you read his response to the obligatory hounding any time anyone criticises Israel, well done again Mr. Lineker. Sure. Palestinian kids throw stones. The Israelis & their deluded supporters have an unhealthy knack of justifying their barbaric acts by singling out

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UK Labour leader receives peace prize amid media silence

At a time when our standing in the world has plummeted, you’d think the UK media would at least have something to say about Jeremy Corbyn being awarded an international peace prize? This was for a speech he made at the UN no less, arguing the case for disarmament & peace. How can it be? Time & again, we see Netanyahu

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George Bush senior was asked ‘what’s a neocon?’ ‘Do you want names or a description?’ ‘Description.’ ‘Well,’ said the former US president, ‘I’ll give it to you in one word: Israel

The fact I’m at a loss understanding author Jonas E. Alexis choice of title – ‘Did Ron Paul kiss Benjamin Netanyahu’s hind end?’ – matters none. What he says in his article in ‘Veterans Today’ does. You can be sure this is why Mark Dankof told me it was taken down when he posted it on FB. I have nothing

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Former CIA agent Robert Steele message to all Americans – YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE! 

I’ve just learned FB have banned me from sharing into groups till December 15. No reason whatsoever given. Of course you’d have to be gormless not to know why this affront to freedom of speech occurs on a regular basis. The fact such mafiosi thuggery is commonplace on a site specifically designed for the purpose of encouraging social interaction makes

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Trump’s move to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital? I fancy there’s more to this than meets the eye

Several people are expressing their disappointment & anger with Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Up to now I haven’t said much because I’m of the opinion this is no big deal. The Israelis annexed Jerusalem illegally in 1967 & the world sat idly by. So why is everyone creating a fuss about Trump recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital?

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The truth about Israel, Zionists & the Khazarian Rothschild banking dynasty

If only people realised just how ludicrous the accusation of being anti-Semitic is. The dawning realisation quickly reveals the ungodly level of media complicity & the fact media barons have a vested interest to keep the public oblivious. The continued success of Zionists & those wishing to establish a New World Order depends on maintaining outrageous deceptions like this. You

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Anti-Semitism in the Labour party? This is yet another media lie/Zionist ruse

I came across a post by Peter Keane in the group TRUTHERS AGAINST ZIONIST LOBBIES. It was his first post in the group. Though countless folk, time & again experience the same underhand, coercive bullying, paradoxically, few people ever hear about it, for the mere mention often results in accusations of paranoia, along with the obligatory howls of anti-Semetism. I’ve

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Flat Earth Theory is just another example of how the Media is a weapon of mass distraction

Having over 10,000 friends & followers guarantees the odd blithering idiot will get busy trumping some hair-brained ‘theory’ like the Earth being flat. It’s annoying for all of two seconds because at least I can open the way for a new friend. The second thing that crosses my mind is how anyone can send me such crap? Sadly, this affliction,

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For Net Neutrality to even be an issue is dubious to say the very least. But to be happening when mainstream media is no longer regarded as a reputable source for news?

I’m sorry but once again I find myself stuck in ‘struggling to post syndrome’. For now, simply keeping up with messages & comments on FB & my website is pretty much all I’m good for. However, today I saw this comment by a chap named Venner. It pleases me no end hearing how people work out the truth, especially when

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Khazarian mob takedown: Hundreds of Saudi arrests followed by hundreds of U.S. arrests

I rarely receive accusations of being a ‘doom & gloom’ merchant & frankly it surprises me. Of course I’m not. It’s not my fault we’re ruled by unbelievably greedy, paedophile loving, war-mongering liars. I merely tell it how it is & I can’t help but feel we’re in the khazi. However, today Elaine Kauai sent me an article by Benjamin

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